
I cannot find my wallet. It ________ have been stolen when I was in the night market.




【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】 I cannot find my wallet. It ________ have been stolen when I was in the night market. (A)must 必定(語氣最強)(B)should  (應該)(C)can  (可以)(D)would  (將要)

【用戶】Cheng Yi-ru


【評論內容】對過去合理的推測:must have +p.p.

【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】 I cannot find my wallet. It ________ have been stolen when I was in the night market. (A)must 必定(語氣最強)(B)should  (應該)(C)can  (可以)(D)would  (將要)

【用戶】Cheng Yi-ru


【評論內容】對過去合理的推測:must have +p.p.

【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】 I cannot find my wallet. It ________ have been stolen when I was in the night market. (A)must 必定(語氣最強)(B)should  (應該)(C)can  (可以)(D)would  (將要)

【用戶】Cheng Yi-ru


【評論內容】對過去合理的推測:must have +p.p.

【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】 I cannot find my wallet. It ________ have been stolen when I was in the night market. (A)must 必定(語氣最強)(B)should  (應該)(C)can  (可以)(D)would  (將要)

【用戶】Cheng Yi-ru


【評論內容】對過去合理的推測:must have +p.p.

【用戶】Cheng Yi-ru



【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】 I cannot find my wallet. It ________ have been stolen when I was in the night market. (A)must     必定(語氣最強)(B)should  (應該)(C)can        (可以)(D)would    (將要)

【用戶】Cheng Yi-ru





【評論內容】這一題牽涉到 這些助動詞可以表示說話者對...

【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】I cannot find my wallet. It ________ have been stolen when I was in the night market. (A)must     必定(語氣最強)(B)should  (應該)(C)can        (可以)(D)would    (將要)