
Some people drink coffee at breakfast time. Some people drink coffee in the afternoon. What about you? Do you drink coffee? I drink a cup of mocha every day. It tastes great, and it is not hard to make the coffee drink. Follow these steps, and you can make it at home.          First, you need some instant coffee, water, milk, and chocolate syrup. Then you put the milk andinstant coffee together. Next, you can add some chocolate syrup to the drink. Finally, you can pour it into a glass with some ice. Now, you can enjoy the special drink. It’s great to have it on a hot day, isn’t it? *follow 跟著step步驟 mocha 摩卡 taste 嘗起來 instant 即溶的 chocolate syrup 巧克力糖漿finally 最後 pour 倒 add 增加
【題組】15.According to the reading, how often does the writer drink coffee?
(A) Never
(B) Sometimes
(C) Often
(D) Always






【評論內容】第二行中 I drink a cup o☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...