
18. Nowadays, certain diplomatic and economic ______ have been used to heap pressure on states whichcommit human rights violations.
(A) allies
(B) revolts
(C) transitions
(D) sanctions




【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】diplomatic negotiations外交談判heap sth on sb 對(某人)大加(讚揚、批評等)The people revolted against foreign rule and established their own government.人們奮起反抗外來統治,並成立了自己的政府。The health-care system is in transition at the moment.醫療保健制度目前正在變革/轉變/過渡。Trade/economic sanctions will only be lifted (= stopped) when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops.只有侵略國撤軍,貿易/經濟制裁才會解除。

【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】diplomatic negotiations外交談判heap sth on sb 對(某人)大加(讚揚、批評等)The people revolted against foreign rule and established their own government.人們奮起反抗外來統治,並成立了自己的政府。The health-care system is in transition at the moment.醫療保健制度目前正在變革/轉變/過渡。Trade/economic sanctions will only be lifted (= stopped) when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops.只有侵略國撤軍,貿易/經濟制裁才會解除。




【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】diplomatic negotiations外交談判heap sth on sb 對(某人)大加(讚揚、批評等)The people revolted against foreign rule and established their own government.人們奮起反抗外來統治,並成立了自己的政府。The health-care system is in transition at the moment.醫療保健制度目前正在變革/轉變/過渡。Trade/economic sanctions will only be lifted (= stopped) when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops.只有侵略國撤軍,貿易/經濟制裁才會解除。

【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】diplomatic negoti☆☆☆☆☆☆★★★★...



【評論內容】allies [ally]:結盟revolt:反抗、反感