
17. Taiwanese citizens must ______ mandatory testing to prove they are not infected with Covid-19before they return to Taiwan.
(A) trigger
(B) shun
(C) undergo
(D) provoke






【評論內容】(A) trigger 引起,引發(壞事)(B) shun 避開,避免(C) undergo 經歷,經受(令人不快的事或變化)(D) provoke 激起,引起(尤指負面反應)

【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】n 1991, the British government made it mandatory to wear rear seat belts in cars.1991年,英國政府強制要求汽車後座乘客佩帶安全帶。



【評論內容】(A) trigger 引起,引發(壞事)(B) shun 避開,避免(C) undergo 經歷,經受(令人不快的事或變化)(D) provoke 激起,引起(尤指負面反應)

【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】n 1991, the British government made it mandatory to wear rear seat belts in cars.1991年,英國政府強制要求汽車後座乘客佩帶安全帶。






【評論內容】(A) trigger 引起,引發(壞事)(B) shun 避開,避免(C) undergo 經歷,經受(令人不快的事或變化)(D) provoke 激起,引起(尤指負面反應)

【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】n 1991, the British government made it mandatory to wear rear seat belts in cars.1991年,英國政府強制要求汽車後座乘客佩帶安全帶。

【用戶】專功英文(Line: en


【評論內容】台灣的公民回國前必須接受強制性的檢測以證明他們沒有感染新冠肺焱 Taiwanese citizens must ______ mandatory testing to prove they are not infected w.....看完整詳解

【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】n 1991, the Briti☆☆ ...



【評論內容】Taiwanese citizens must undergo mandatory testing to prove they are not infected with Covid-19 before they return to Taiwan.台灣公民在回台灣前需先經過強制的篩檢,以證明他們沒有感染Covid-19(新型冠狀病毒)