
五、閱讀測驗:  【1】Dear Amy,       How are you doing? My classmate, Paul’s 14th birthday is on June 8. It’s 2 weeks away.We will (將要) have a party for him at his place. Paul is a nice person, and he is good atmath. He usually(經常) helps us with the math homework. He also plays basketball with usin the school gym on weekends.       By the way, I will play the guitar at the party. So (所以) I must practice hard(努力地)now. Can you come to my home and practice the guitar with me this weekend?                                                                                                                                  Best Wishes                                                                                                                                           James 

Best Wishes 誠摯的祝福
【題組】44.Which is not true?
(A) Paul is a junior high school student.
(B) James writes a letter to Amy.
(C) It is June now.
(D) Paul and his classmates play basketball on Saturday.





