
   Most children burst into tears upon 27. the thermometer. Now, a new kind of thermometer will offer a totally different experience. The thermometer called “So Sweet” looks almost like a lollipop. A child has his or her temperature 28. as the sweet coating on its tip completely melts in the child’s mouth. It won the iF Concept Award in 2009. In fact, 29. 2003, amazing new designs have been honored each year to encourage new blood in the field of design. More and more young designers and graduates who major 30. design worldwide are now willing to 31. their fresh, creative ideas in front of an international audience. Taiwan’s Ministry of Education has encouraged many Taiwanese students to 32. this competition. Because of their original and special designs, surely more good news will come soon!
(A) they saw
(B) to seeing
(C) saw
(D) seeing

