
A small town has a good chance of starting a good business that can  (32)  , if it has somethingspecial to be proud of. One example is Dahu town of Miaoli, Taiwan. Dahu has been famous for growingstrawberries, but the town didn’t start to make lots of money from them until some years ago. As more andmore people have visited Dahu for its strawberries, the strawberry farmers have begun to open their farmsto the public. At the farms, people can have the fun of  (33)  by themselves. People also can buy somethings related to strawberries, such as strawberry ice cream and strawberry sausage at the stores. The newbusinesses  (34)  for those who live in the town, so they can have more time with their family withoutleaving their hometown for work.
◎relate 相關的; sausage 香腸
(A) make people healthy
(B) make people live longer
(C) bring in a lot of food
(D) bring in a lot of money




【用戶】Lihan Lin


【評論內容】bring in 帶入A small town has a good chance of starting a good business that can  (32)  , if it has something special to be proud of.  good business 好生意 可 bring in 帶入 a lot of money 一大筆錢 (A) make people healthy  使人們健康(B) make people live longer 使人們更長壽(C) bring in a lot of food  帶入大量食物(D) bring in a lot of money  帶入大量金錢=賺一大筆錢