
198. 下列有關基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma) 的臨床表現,何者正確?(1) 表淺型 (superficial) 基底細胞癌最惡性,好發於四肢末梢,臨床上像濕疹病灶; (2) 結節型 (nodular) 基底細胞癌臨床上常見為緩慢長大的結節,帶有珍珠光澤,邊緣隆起,且有擴張血絲; (3) 色素型 (pigmented) 基底細胞癌類似黑色素細胞癌,極易轉移; (4) 硬皮型 (morpheaform) 基底細胞癌,臨床表現為單一、扁平或萎縮像疤痕般的板塊病灶,具侵襲性
(A) (1)+(3)
(B) (2)+(4)
(C) (1)+(4)
(D) (2)+(3)
(E) (3)+(4)






【評論內容】Basal cell carcinoma> Most common cancer in humans.>Caused by exposure to ultraviolet light; associated with PTCH gene mutation in many cases.>Incidence increasing in younger populations.>Locally destructive.>Treated by surgical excision, electrodesiccation and curettage, Mohs micrographic surgery, andoccasionally irradiation> PresentationThe presence of any friable, nonhealing lesion should raise the suspicion of skin cancer. Frequently, BCCis diagnosed in patients who state that the lesion bled briefly then healed completely, only to recur.BCC usually develops on sun-exposed areas of the head and neck but can occur anywhere on the body.Features include translucency, ulceration, telangiectasias, and the presence of a rolled border.Characteristics may vary for different clinical subtypes, which include nodular, superficial,morphea-form, and pigmented BCCs and fibroepithelioma of Pinkus (FEP). The anatomic location ofBCC may favor the development of a particular subtype.