
請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
       Technological advancements offer a number of novel ways to communicate with others such as online chat, instant messaging, email, text messages, and social network sites, above and beyond existing channels of communication such as face-to-face contact, phone calls, and conventional mail. Given the plethora of social communication channels available, people often need to choose one channel over the others to communicate with others. A recent poll conducted by the Swedish furniture giant IKEA shows that 68% of the 12,000 respondents in 12 big cities around the world prefer communicating with other people online. The question is, why do some people prefer online communication over face-to-face interaction when communicating with their friends? Among a number of factors such as the content of the communication, the nature of the relationships involved, and geographic distances, individual differences,like social skills, have also been identified to be associated with preference for online communication.Social skills can be defined as one’s ability to interact with others in an appropriate way, and to offer complex, strategic self-presentations in response to a wide variety of verbal and nonverbal cues and social contexts. Since one major difference between online communication and face-to-face interaction lies in the diminished nonverbal cues, individuals with poor social skills may thus be attracted to online communication. With diminished nonverbal cues, online social communication is possibly much simple rand easier for them to handle. In addition, given the relative anonymity provided by online communication, individuals with poor social skills may have an opportunity to develop and present “online selves” that replace their real selves. This means online communication may also increase individuals’ability to edit their social behavior and present themselves selectively before real or imagined friends.
【題組】36 Which of the following topics best describes this passage?
(A) Social Skills and Preference for Online Communication.
(B) Technology Advancement and Non-verbal Communication.
(C) Potential Negative Impacts of Social Media on Social Skills.
(D) Roles of Linguistic and Non-linguistic Skills on Online Communication.

