
_________ the minimum wage has increased in some countries over past few years,it is still below poverty level in many places.
(A) Even
(B) That
(C) Whereas
(D) Despite


統計:A(341),B(40),C(222),D(347),E(0) #


【用戶】Abner Huang


【評論內容】(A)兩個完整的句子間要有連接詞,even屬於副詞不具有連接詞的性質,除非改成even though(B)That放句首是名詞子句的連接詞,若選that則整句 That the minimum wage has increased in some countries over past few years應該視為名詞來使用



【評論內容】bellow 應該改成 Below



【評論內容】原本題目:_________ the minimum wage has increased in some countries over past few years,it is still bellow poverty level in many places. (A) Even (B) That (C) Whereas (D) Despite 修改成為_________ the minimum wage has increased in some countries over past few years,it is still below poverty level in many places. (A) Even (B) That (C) Whereas (D) Despite

【用戶】Abner Huang


【評論內容】(A)兩個完整的句子間要有連接詞,even屬於副詞不具有連接詞的性質,除非改成even though(B)That放句首是名詞子句的連接詞,若選that則整句 That the minimum wage has i.....看完整詳解



【評論內容】bellow 應該改成 Below



【評論內容】原本題目:_________ the minimum wage has increased in some countries over past few years,it is still bellow poverty level in many places. (A) Even (B) That (C) Whereas (D) Despite 修改成為_________ the minimum wage has increased in some countries over past few years,it is still below poverty level in many places. (A) Even (B) That (C) Whereas (D) Despite