
五、閱測 (每題 2 分,共 20 分)   In 1995 Walt Disney Pictures released an animated and musical version of the life of the Native American woman Pocahontas. In the movie, Pocahontas wants adventure and saves the life of an English settler, Captain John Smith. She falls in love with Captain Smith and teaches him the ways of her people. In a fight between her people and his, Pocahontas saves Captain Smith's life and he returns to England. Pocahontas hopes for his return.     Some elements of the Disney movie are true; there was a Pocahontas and a Captain John Smith. However, there was much more to Pocahontas' life than shown in the 81-minute film. Pocahontas was indeed the daughter of a chief. She met Captain John Smith and made friends with Smith and others from the Jamestown colony. However, it is unclear if she really saved his life, or if he just added the fact in a letter to the English Queen and in his writing about his time in Virginia.    It is also not proven that Pocahontas and Captain Smith had a relationship. He did really return to England after getting an injury. Pocahontas was later kidnapped by the English and held her for ransom. While she was a captive, Pocahontas learned English and converted to Christianity. She married Englishman John Rolfe and her marriage to him helped end the First Anglo-Powhatan War. She moved to England with her husband and she was treated as a princess. She died returning to Virginia years later.
【題組】1. According to the article, what is something that happened in the Disney movie and has been proven to be true?
(A) That Pocahontas and Captain Smith fell in love.
(B) That Pocahontas really existed.
(C) That Pocahontas saved Captain Smith's life.
(D) That Pocahontas wanted an adventurous life.

