
(A)kept at
(B)showed up
(C)dealt with
(D)pulled along




【用戶】Pei-Chun Zhan


【評論內容】A)保持在(B)出現(C)處理 D)拉一起

【用戶】Joanne Lee


【評論內容】請問有人知道題目ㄇ?  tks!!

【用戶】Tzu-Yuan Lin


【評論內容】Mum and Dad took my brother Louis, my older sister Tess, and me out to dinner. We hardly ever went out to dinner as a family unless it was a special occasion, so I was 39 . Over dinner, they broke the news to us that Mum had been diagnosed with breast cancer. We all just sat there, completely stunned. Louis, Tess and I all 40 the news in different ways, probably because of our ages. My sister was in her sulky teenage stage, so she got angry about it. My brother did the usual boy thing of shutting out his emotions. Luckily for us, Mum and Dad were both very strong about it. They made it clear t...



【評論內容】「Dealt with 」是 deal with 的過去式

【用戶】Pei-Chun Zhan



【用戶】Joanne Lee


【評論內容】請問有人知道題目ㄇ?  tks!!

【用戶】Tzu-Yuan Lin


【評論內容】Mum and Dad took my brother Louis, my older sister Tess, and me out to dinner. We hardly ever went out to dinner as a family unless it was a special occasion, so I was 39 . Over dinner, they broke the news to us that Mum had been diagnosed with breast cancer. We all just sat there, completely stunned. Louis, Tess and I all 40 the news in different ways, probably because of our ages. My sister was in her sulky teenage stage, so she got angry about it. My brother did the usual boy thing of shutting out his emotions. Luckily for us, Mum and Dad were both very strong about it. They made it clear t...



【評論內容】「Dealt with 」是 deal with 的過去式

【用戶】Joanne Lee


【評論內容】請問有人知道題目ㄇ?  tks!!

【用戶】Tzu-Yuan Lin


【評論內容】Mum and Dad took my brother Louis, my older sister Tess, and me out to dinner. We hardly ever went out to dinner as a family unless it was a special occasion, so I was 39 . Over dinner, they broke the news to us that Mum had been diagnosed with breast cancer. We all just sat there, completely stunned. Louis, Tess and I all 40 the news in different ways, probably because of our ages. My sister was in her sulky teenage stage, so she got angry about it. My brother did the usual boy thing of shutting out his emotions. Luckily for us, Mum and Dad were both very strong about it. They made it clear t...



【評論內容】「Dealt with 」是 deal with 的過去式