
四、克漏字 (5%)
        There are already billions of cell phone users in the world, and some users own more than one cell phone. However, the average lifespan of a cell phone is said to be less than two years.  41. , it won’t be very long before billions of cell phones will be out of use. What has happened to outdated cell phones in recent years? While 20% of all these old phones  42.  to have been thrown away  43.  trash,  44.  75% are lying around in people’s drawers. Only 5% of old phones have been recycled. Of these, some have been refurbished for resale, and some donated to charity or for emergency use. The rest may have been  45.  chemical elements for other uses.
(A) On the other hand
(B) Therefore
(C) That is to say
(D) Similarly






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