
題型三:(第 45 至 48 題),下面四篇段落各有四個劃底線的句子,每個句子前有選項代碼。請依各段內容,選出一個文意最不連貫的句子,並將該句 子之選項代碼劃在答案卡上。45. In order to win the top prize of the “public-interest” computerized lottery, superstitious bettorsavoid certain taboos. One of the most widespread beliefs is to stay away from women in thenight before making the bets.
(A) Many housewives don’t buy vegetables on the day theymake the bets because the Chinese pronunciation for “veggie” means “to lose”.
(B) Theyspend so much money on betting that the children sometimes eat only instant noodles for lunchand dinner.
(C) Students are said to be avoided too since they often carry books whoseChinese pronunciation is identical to the character that means “to lose”.
(D) Some also believelending money to people on the day of making bets should be avoided because it will result ingiving the money away.

