
Site visitors provide detailed data, for example, if you are a nurse, the questionnaire wants to know at what kind of hospital; if you are a translator, ___ languages.
(A) of which
(B) to which
(C) which of
(D) which to


統計:A(293),B(54),C(206),D(24),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:grin 、for example、such as




【評論內容】原句 if you are a translator,the questionnaire wants to know the translator of  which languages.



【評論內容】whose languages 誰的語言whose= of which



【評論內容】(考文法)Site visitors provide detailed data, for example, if you are a nurse, the questionnaire wants to know at what kind of hospital; if you are a translator, ___ languages. (網站瀏覽者提供詳細的資料,例如,假使你是護士,問卷相要知道你在哪種類型醫院上班;假使你是翻譯人員,是翻譯何種語言。)(A) of which (B) to which (C) which of (D) which to 這題是省略句型。if you are a nurse, the questionnaire wants to know (the nurse) at what kind of hospital; if you are a translator, the questionnaire wants to know (the translator) of  which languages.a translator of + 語言  ...語言的譯...