【評論主題】27. _________, it has been a very successful year.(A)On the whole(B)To the whole(C) As the whole(D)I

【評論內容】on the whole 表示大體上, 一般說來, 是指考慮了各種有關因素之.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】27. _________, it has been a very successful year.(A)On the whole(B)To the whole(C) As the whole(D)I

【評論內容】on the whole 表示大體上, 一般說來, 是指考慮了各種有關因素之.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】產品之包裝可視為第 5P,其重要性不言而喻。若我們從購物網站買了一瓶香水並宅配到府,請問這瓶香水的初級包裝(primary package)為何?(A)香水本身的瓶子 (B)香水瓶外的紙板盒 (C)宅

【評論內容】初級包裝(基本包裝):產品的容器->(A)香水本身的瓶子 次級包裝:保護基本包裝的包裝,且.....

【評論主題】The twins look so alike that I can’t tell one from ________.(A) other(B) others(C) another(D) the ot


【評論主題】The twins look so alike that I can’t tell one from ________.(A) other(B) others(C) another(D) the ot


【評論主題】54. 《孟子‧盡心下》:「晉人有馮婦者,善搏虎,卒為善士。則之野,有眾逐虎。虎負隅,莫之敢攖。望見馮婦,趨而迎之。馮婦攘臂下車,眾皆悅之。」後世遂以「再作馮婦」喻指:(A)女子再嫁 (B)重新學習


【評論主題】39 Jane has lived in Britain for three years and she ____ on the left.(A) used to drive (B) is used

【評論內容】Used to v-以前的習慣Be used to Ving/N -現在的習慣

【評論主題】50.—般遺失物(非小額遺失物)拾得人自有受領權之人認領時,拾得人得請求報酬,而其報酬請求權 期間,因多久期間不行使即歸於消滅?(A)1年(B)2年(C)6個月(D)無期間限制

【評論內容】805遺失物自通知或最後招領之日起六個月內,有受領權之人認領時,拾得人、招領人、警察或自治機關,於通知、招領及保管之費用受償後,應將其物返還之。 有受領權之人認領遺失物時,拾得人得請求報酬。但不得超過其物財產上價值十分之一;其不具有財產上價值者,拾得人亦得請求相當之報酬。 有受領權人依前項規定給付報酬顯失公平者,得請求法院減少或免除其報酬。第二項報酬請求權,因六個月間不行使而消滅。 



【評論主題】20.下列何者不屬於法定的遺囑方式? (A)公證遺囑 (B)口授遺囑 (C)代理遺囑 (D)自書遺囑。


【評論主題】32. There was a storm yesterday. If it ___________ fine, we would have enjoyed ourselves in the moun

【評論內容】與過去事實相反。條件句使用過去完成式,結果句使用would have p.p

【評論主題】1.甲失蹤,其非因遭遇特別災難,時年 72 歲,得於其失蹤滿幾年後,為死亡之宣告?(A)一年 (B)三年 (C)五年 (D)七年。


【評論主題】8. Sugar ______ very quickly when you put it into hot coffee.(A) evaporates(B) dissolves(C) dismays(


【評論主題】56. He is very sleepy today. He ________ late last night.(A) must go to bed (B)must sleep (C) must h

【評論內容】對過去合理的推測: must have p.p補充:

【評論主題】24. Rumor has it that Mr. Lin was the first man ________ got the first iPhone 6 in Taiwan.(A) that (

【評論內容】有序數或最高級->必用that...Mr. Lin was the first man...

【評論主題】5 We will not finish the work if he_____ come to help us tomorrow.(A) will not (B) does not (C) not

【評論內容】未來發生的事。結果句是:will not finish-未來簡單式

【評論主題】40. Since I ________ from the university, I have lost contact with all my classmates.(A) graduated (

【評論內容】現在完成式       +   1、for +一段時間。  <如:for 20years>(Have/has+p.p).      2、since+過去時間點<如:since1994>

【評論主題】42. There is ______ that Jenny is a smart student.(A) not deny (B) denied (C) undenial (D) no denyin

【評論內容】There is no denying that+S+V...不可否認的...

【評論主題】39. The recent decline in stock markets has led to greater ________ in inexpensive goods.(A)interest

【評論內容】Have interest in          =

【評論主題】34.It is unfortunate that, due to a glitch in the computer system, several of our most valued custom

【評論內容】客戶被開帳單-被動,故用be p.p

【評論主題】25. The doctor suggests that my father _____ exercise every day to improve his health.(A) taking (B)

【評論內容】suggest + that + S+ (should) + V

【評論主題】57. keeping a diary is an easy way to look back on the happy and sad events in your life, ________?(



  - 直述句是肯定句:否定的縮寫

  - 直述句是否定句:不要not

【評論主題】47. Amy is under great pressure because she is afraid that she cannot meet her parents’ ________.(A)

【評論內容】Under great pressure-巨大壓力expectation-期望

【評論主題】27. Sandy doesn’t live with me. She ________ out when she got a new job in another city.(A) moved (B

【評論內容】Has moved:現在完成式,表示動作從過去一直延續到現在=會變成一直在搬家。且"got" a new job=過去式,前面的動詞最好也用相同的時態,所以用moved.

【評論主題】39.If you _____ my children, what subjects ____ you teach them?(A) teach.. .did(B) teach.. .does(C)




【評論主題】1. If you had been paying attention, you ______ what to do.(A) had known (B) knew (C) would have kno

【評論內容】If條件句:had been paying(過去完成)結果句:would have p.p

【評論主題】13.下列成語,何者不是形容”見識狹小”? (A)以蠡測海 (B)以管窺天 (C)以錐指地 (D)以湯止沸。


【評論主題】The twins look so alike that I can’t tell one from ________.(A) other(B) others(C) another(D) the ot




【評論主題】產品之包裝可視為第 5P,其重要性不言而喻。若我們從購物網站買了一瓶香水並宅配到府,請問這瓶香水的初級包裝(primary package)為何?(A)香水本身的瓶子 (B)香水瓶外的紙板盒 (C)宅

【評論內容】初級包裝(基本包裝):產品的容器->(A)香水本身的瓶子 次級包裝:保護基本包裝的包裝,且最能讓行銷人員做花樣,有促銷功能->(B)香水瓶外的紙板盒

【評論主題】27. _________, it has been a very successful year.(A)On the whole(B)To the whole(C) As the whole(D)I

【評論內容】on the whole 表示大體上, 一般說來, 是指考慮了各種有關因素之後, 經過權衡利弊後得出的一種看法, 修飾全句, 說明說話人的看法。(雅虎字典)

【評論主題】The twins look so alike that I can’t tell one from ________.(A) other(B) others(C) another(D) the ot


【評論主題】We could have gone swimming if the weather ___________ warm and sunny.(A)was(B)were(C)would be(D)ha


【評論主題】Last night, I ran into my ex-girlfriend at a wedding, but she acted as if she _______ me before.(A)

【評論內容】As if 彷彿沒見過,但事實上有見過(因為是前女友)所以和過去事實相反故用過去完成式。

【評論主題】A: Our company has been running in the red for the last few years.B: But this year, I think we’ll __

【評論內容】In the red     虧損In the black 有盈餘

【評論主題】The chef has made a special sauce to _______ the beef.(A) go after (B) go ahead (C) go along (D)

【評論內容】Go after   追逐Go ahead 前進



【評論主題】7. Jeremy Lin, an NBA player, is 191 ce ers tall. However, both of his parents are only 168 ce ers t

【評論內容】第 1151 條 繼承人有數人時,在分割遺產前,各繼承人對於遺產全部為公同共有。



【評論主題】【題組】(三) Desulfovibrio
