【評論主題】Because the football team was the national champion last year, the players are so _____ that they ca


【評論主題】【題組】About National Mustard Day, which of the following is NOT true?(A)It is celebrated on August fi

【評論內容】About National Mustard Day, which of the following is NOT true? 關於國家芥末日,以下何者不是真

【評論主題】【題組】About National Mustard Day, which of the following is NOT true?(A)It is celebrated on August fi

【評論內容】About National Mustard Day, which of the following is NOT true? 關於國家芥末日,以下何者不是真的?


【評論內容】《規訓與懲罰》(Surveillir et punir:naissance de la prison,1975) 它討論了現代化前的公開的、殘酷的統治(例如透過死刑或酷刑)漸漸轉變為隱藏的、心理的統治。傅柯提到自從監獄被發明以來它被看做是唯一的對犯罪行徑的解決方式。

【評論主題】Because the football team was the national champion last year, the players are so _____ that they ca


【評論主題】【題組】About National Mustard Day, which of the following is NOT true?(A)It is celebrated on August fi

【評論內容】About National Mustard Day, which of the following is NOT true? 關於國家芥末日,以下何者不是真的?

【評論主題】19.在人格發展理論的學者中,下列何者比佛洛依德(S. Freud)更強調文化在養育與塑造 兒童或成人發展中的重要性?(A)榮格(C. Jung) (B)羅吉斯(C. Rogers)(C)蘇利文(M.

【評論內容】新佛洛依德學說之重要學者及其主張如下:   1.阿德勒(Alfred Adler, 1870~1937):兒童早期經驗重要,但社會互動作用、權力(power)及超越(superiority)的需求是激發個人向上努力的重要動力。   2.艾利克森(Erik Erikson, 1902~1979):人類一生的發展歷程可分為八個階段,這些階段是社會心理階段。每個階段都有危機,若能順利化解則可獲得良好適應;反之,則產生心理危機或衝突。  3.弗洛姆(Erich Fromm, 1900~1980):自我(ego)不僅是本我與超我之間的調節者,且主動尋求統整、愛與自由。   4.杭妮(Karen Horney, 1885~1952):兒童從父母的交互作用中產生基本焦慮(basic anxiety),由於企圖減低基本焦慮而產生各種不同的適應方式。  5....

【評論主題】_____ is a technique for developing reading skills. Studentsare given sections of a reading text whi

【評論內容】jigsaw reading 也可翻為互補式閱讀

【評論主題】II. Sentence Structure: Choose the most suitable answer.The goals of the Red Cross Association are _

【評論內容】to V 為了...The goals of the Red Cross Association are to eliminate poverty and social injustice.

【評論主題】25.王老師具有適性教學的理念,他在教學時應該會採取哪一個策略? (A)減慢教學速度 (B)降低評量的難度 (C)提供多樣性教材 (D)訓練學生答題技巧



【評論內容】他弟子是萊因(Reine),提倡五段教學法(1)預備 : 以問答談話,使學生回憶已有的有關知識,為學習新教材的準備。