
_____ is a technique for developing reading skills. Studentsare given sections of a reading text which they have toarrange in the correct order.
(A) Jigsaw reading
(B) Extensive reading
(C) Intensive reading
(D) Sustained Silent Reading




【用戶】Lisa Ting


【評論內容】Intensive reading Intensive reading involves learners reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. It can be compared with extensive reading, which involves learners reading texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading skills.ExampleThe learners read a short text and put events from it into chronological order.In the classroomIntensive reading activities include skimming a text for specific information to answer true or false statements or filling gaps in a summary, scanning a text to match headings to paragraphs, and scanning jumbled paragraphs and then reading them ca...

【用戶】Dex Shih


【評論內容】查網路,有人把jigsaw reading 翻成 拼圖閱讀,而jigsaw puzzle 是一般的拼圖遊戲。

【用戶】Cherry Wu


【評論內容】jigsaw reading 也可翻為互補式閱讀



【評論內容】Jigsaw Reading Students of any level can become overwhelmed when they are presented with large amounts of text. Jigsaw reading is an organization technique that breaks up longer texts into smaller chunks of text (one-two paragraphs) that students work together in groups to become experts on. Each student then moves into a new group, in which every member has become has become an expert on a different part of the text. The students then take turns teaching their new group about their portion of the text. This technique emphasizes cooperative learning by giving students the opportunity to help e...