
【評論內容】(C)余之數告執事者,「蓋」為貴國人民之性命 我所以屢次勸告您,實在是為貴國人民的性命,不忍心使他們陷於戰爭苦難的處境罷了。


【評論內容】(C)余之數告執事者,「蓋」為貴國人民之性命 我所以屢次勸告您,實在是為貴國人民的性命,不忍心使他們陷於戰爭苦難的處境罷了。

【評論主題】1、下列各組「 」中的字,何者意義相同?(A)敬請「見」諒/請勿「見」怪(B)取土「平」之/足履「平」地(C)今則不「然」/環堵蕭「然」(D)「屏」息/「屏」棄。

【評論內容】(D)停止、壓制。如:「屏住呼吸」、「屏息靜觀」。   「屏」棄:拋棄、丟掉。


【評論內容】384. 見  部首 見 部首外筆畫 0 總筆畫 7 注音一式  ㄒ|ㄢˋ 漢語拼音  xi n 注音二式  shi n顯露、顯出。同「現」。如:「情見乎辭」。戰國策˙燕策三:「圖窮而匕首見。」唐˙杜甫˙茅屋為秋風所破歌:「嗚呼!何時眼前突兀見此屋,吾廬獨破受凍死亦足!」舉荐、介紹。左傳˙昭公二十年:「齊豹見宋魯於公孟。」三國志˙卷二十一˙魏書˙王粲傳:「進以謙名公之胄,欲與為婚,見其二子,使擇焉。」現在。同「現」。元˙孟漢卿˙魔合羅˙第三折:「供狀人劉玉娘,見年三十五歲。」現有的。同「現」。戰國策˙韓策一:「見卒不過二十萬而已矣。」史記˙卷七˙項羽本紀:「士卒食芋菽,軍無見糧。」古代棺木上的裝飾...


【評論內容】180. 見  部首 見 部首外筆畫 0 總筆畫 7 注音一式  ㄐ|ㄢˋ 漢語拼音  ji n 注音二式  ji n看到、看見。如:「相見恨晚」、「眼見為憑」、「顯而易見」。唐˙李白˙將進酒:「君不見高堂明鏡悲白髮,朝如青絲暮成雪。」宋˙辛棄疾˙賀新郎˙甚矣吾衰矣詞:「我見青山多嫵媚,料青山,見我應如是。」拜會、訪問。如:「謁見」、「拜見」。左傳˙莊公十年:「公將戰,曹劌請見。」會晤、接待。如:「接見」、「他現在不方便見客。」。史記˙卷八十一˙廉頗藺相如傳:「秦王坐章臺,見相如。」遇到。如:「見光死」、「見水即溶」、「見風就裂」。左傳˙桓公元年:「宋華父督見孔父之妻于路。」看法、見解。如:「淺見...

【評論主題】When the federal government announced last week that youth e-cigarette use tripled in just one year,

【評論內容】vaporizer  蒸餾器;噴霧器

【評論主題】When the federal government announced last week that youth e-cigarette use tripled in just one year,

【評論內容】An electronic cigarette (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizer (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) is a battery-powered vaporizer that feels similar to tobacco smoking.


【評論內容】(CE). preoccupation

【評論主題】【題組】9. (A) criticize (B) crystallize (C) commercialize (D) deglamorize


From the "MadMen" era on, we as a nation fought to ___9.___ cigarette smoking. Itworked. In the last 15 years, the smoking rate for high school students fell by67 percent to a record low 9.2 percent.

(A) criticize  批評;批判;苛求;非難[(+for)]

(B) crystallize結晶,形成結晶體

(C) commercialize 使商業化;供應市場  使商品化

(D) deglamorize :to remove the glamour from 

        (glamour 魅力,誘惑力)

【評論主題】【題組】5. (A) how (B) where (C) when (D) whereas

【評論內容】Although a proposed regulation is wending its way through the

【評論主題】【題組】4. (A) some defect (B) no rule (C) no domain (D) little comment


The Food and DrugAdministration has been empowered to regulate all tobacco products since 2009.Six years later, there is still ___4___ on the books governing e-cigarettes.


empower 授權,准許[O2][H]

 on the books  1.enrolled as a member 2.registered or recorded

governing 僅用於名詞前 a. 形容詞 統治的﹐執政的﹐管理的

governing principles 指導原則

【評論主題】【題組】3. (A) as (B) to (C) by (D) into

【評論內容】These marketing tactics include celebrity endorsements, slick TV and magazine ads that portray e-cigarette use ___3___ glamorous or masculine, sponsorships of race cars and music festivals and the use of sweet flavors like gummy bear and cotton candy.

【評論主題】【題組】2. (A) transit (B) favor (C) addict (D) patronize

【評論內容】E-cigaretteshave so far escaped federal regulation and are being promoted using the sameplaybook cigarette companies have used to ___2___ generations of teenagers.

【評論主題】When the federal government announced last week that youth e-cigarette use tripled in just one year,


When the federalgovernment announced last week that youth e-cigarette use tripled in just oneyear, surpassing the use of traditional cigarettes, the reaction wasappropriately strong. “A wake-up call,” said one commentator, ___1___others.

federal (常大寫)美國聯邦政府的,國家的

commentator (電臺、電視臺等的)時事評論者;實況播音員

(A) blaming 

blame for


(B) echoing 

echo 發出回聲,產生回響

(C) startling 

a. 形容詞 




(D) reproaching





So far, there havebeen no conclusive studies linking human disease to endocrine disruptors thatalready exist in our environment.


However, severalstudies have proven that endocrine disruptors are 20 impacting mammal speciesin their natural habitats. Since humans are mammals, doesn’t that mean thatwe’re in trouble, too?

 (AE). negatively



DDT also harmshuman health. It is still being used in some parts of Africa. The World HealthOrganization (WHO) has released several reports outlining the threat thatendocrine disruptors pose to wildlife. These reports show that mammals,reptiles, birds, and fish species are suffering from altered gender ratios,reproductive 18 , and growth disorders.



Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane,or DDT, is a classic example of a synthetic chemical that is an endocrinedisruptor. It was 17 in the United States in 1972 after it was discovered thatDDT caused birds to lay eggs with soft shells. 

 (DE). banned



變化形 名複 bans

變化形 動變 banned banned banning



They are studyingthe chemicals that block our body’s biological postal 3 service. Theseendocrine disruptors are synthetic chemicals that humans have created. Theyhave seeped into natural environments all around the world. Endocrinedisruptors are known to harm living 15 and they have been linked to cancer andother reproductive 16 in humans.








It even affectswhether you’re feeling happy or sad. What happens when something starts 14 withthe endocrine system? That’s what scientists around the world are currentlytrying to figure out.




The endocrinesystem is responsible for your growth, 13 , and tissue function. 




Their function isto deliver messages. For example, when you’re young, they deliver the messagethat it’s time for your body to grow. After you grow old, they start deliveringthe less 12 message that it’s time for your body to shrink.

 (BC). uplifting 

uplifting a. 形容詞  令人振奮的;使人開心的

 shrink 收縮,縮短,皺縮

【評論主題】The human endocrine system is a complex series of glands and pathways that help hormones travel from


The humanendocrine system is a complex series of glands and pathways that help hormonestravel from one point in our body to another. Think of these hormones likeworkers in a tiny 11 postal service.

postal 郵政的;郵局的;郵件的;郵遞的

 (AD). biological



【評論內容】Thephrase obsessive–compulsive has become part of the English lexicon, and isoften used in an informal or caricatured manner to describe someone who isexcessively 10 , perfectionistic, absorbed, or otherwise fixated.


【評論內容】OCD affects children and adolescents, as well as adults. Roughly one third to one half of adults with OCD report a childhood onset of the disorder, suggesting the continuum of anxiety disorders across the 9 .



Other disorderswith similar symptoms include: OCPD, an autism spectrum disorder, or disorderswhere perseveration (hyperfocus) is a feature in ADHD, PTSD, bodily disorders,or just a habit problem. Treatment for OCD involves the use of 7 therapy andsometimes selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

autism n.【心】  自我中心主義;我向思考   孤獨症

spectrum 【心】餘像

perseveration 【心】持續重複的行為自然重現

(AC). behavioral


【評論內容】Despite the behaviour, OCD is associated with above-average intelligence. A number of psychological and biological factors may be involved in causing OCD. Standardized rating scales can be used to 6 the severity of symptoms. 



The acts of thosewho have OCD may appear 4 and potentially psychotic. However, people with OCDgenerally recognize their symptoms as 5 and may become further distressed bythis realization.

 psychotic a. 形容詞  精神病的   n. 名詞  精神病患者

 (AB). paranoid 

paranoid a. 形容詞  屬於偏執狂的;顯示出偏執狂症狀的   n. 名詞  偏執狂患者

 (DE). irrational

irrational a. 形容詞  無理性的 

Animals are irrational creatures .   野獸是沒有理性的動物。 



【評論內容】Symptoms of the disorder include excessive washing or cleaning, repeated checking, extreme hoarding, 3 with sexual, violent or religious thoughts, aversion to particular numbers and nervous rituals such as opening and closing a door a certain number of times before entering or leaving a room. These symptoms are time-consuming, might result in loss of relationships with others, and often cause severe emotional and financial distress.hoarding n. 名詞  貯藏(物)   布告欄,廣告板preoccupation n. 名詞  搶先佔據;搶先佔有全神貫注,入神aversion n. 名詞  厭惡,反感rituals n. 名詞  儀式,典禮dist...

【評論主題】8. 「驊」、「譁」、「樺」、「燁」、「曄」五字的讀音排序,下列何者正確?(A) ㄏㄨㄚˊ / ㄏㄨㄚˊ / ㄏㄨㄚˋ / ㄧㄝˋ / ㄧㄝˋ(B) ㄏㄨㄚˋ / ㄏㄨㄚ / ㄏㄨㄚˊ / ㄧㄝˋ /

【評論內容】4. 曄曄 注音一式 |ㄝˋ |ㄝˋ 漢語拼音 y  y注音二式 y  y 盛大的樣子。漢書˙卷一○○˙敘傳下:「世宗曄曄,思弘祖業。」茂盛美好的樣子。文選˙班固˙西都賦:「蘭發色,曄曄猗猗。」

【評論主題】9. 下列短語中字形有誤者為何?(A) 悠游自在 (B)優閒自得 (C)遊刃有餘 (D)眾望攸歸

【評論內容】1. 眾望攸歸 注音一式 ㄓㄨㄥˋ ㄨㄤˋ |ㄡ ㄍㄨㄟ 漢語拼音 zh n  w n  y u  u注音二式 j ng w ng y u gu i深得眾人擁護、愛戴,為人心所歸依。晉書˙卷六十˙解系等傳˙史臣曰:「于時武皇之胤,惟有建興,眾望攸歸,曾無與二。」亦作「眾望所歸」...

【評論主題】7. 「睿」、「濬」、「璿」、「叡」四字的讀音排序,下列何者正確?(A) ㄖㄨㄟˋ / ㄐㄩㄣˋ / ㄖㄨㄟˋ / ㄐㄧㄣˋ(B) ㄐㄩㄣˋ / ㄐㄩㄣˋ / ㄒㄩㄢˊ / ㄖㄨㄟˋ(C) ㄖㄨㄟˋ

【評論內容】 1. 璿  部首 玉 部首外筆畫 14 總筆畫 18 注音一式 ㄒㄩㄢˊ 漢語拼音 xu n 注音二式 shiu n美玉。山海經.海內經:「三水出焉,爰有黃金璿瑰。」

【評論主題】8. 「驊」、「譁」、「樺」、「燁」、「曄」五字的讀音排序,下列何者正確?(A) ㄏㄨㄚˊ / ㄏㄨㄚˊ / ㄏㄨㄚˋ / ㄧㄝˋ / ㄧㄝˋ(B) ㄏㄨㄚˋ / ㄏㄨㄚ / ㄏㄨㄚˊ / ㄧㄝˋ /

【評論內容】10. 喧譁 注音一式 ㄒㄩㄢ ㄏㄨㄚˊ 漢語拼音 xu n hu注音二式 shiu n hu相似詞 喧囂 相反詞 寧靜、寂靜、肅靜、安靜大聲說話、叫喊、笑鬧。如:「不要在圖書館喧譁。」亦作「諠譁」。吵鬧紛亂。西遊記˙第十二回:「那一派仙音響喨,佛號喧譁。...

【評論主題】7. 「睿」、「濬」、「璿」、「叡」四字的讀音排序,下列何者正確?(A) ㄖㄨㄟˋ / ㄐㄩㄣˋ / ㄖㄨㄟˋ / ㄐㄧㄣˋ(B) ㄐㄩㄣˋ / ㄐㄩㄣˋ / ㄒㄩㄢˊ / ㄖㄨㄟˋ(C) ㄖㄨㄟˋ

【評論內容】 修濬 注音一式 ㄒ|ㄡ ㄐㄩㄣˋ 漢語拼音 xi  j n 注音二式 shi u ji n疏通河道。如:「修濬工程正在進行。」

【評論主題】15. Sarah was great on her weight-loss programs, but she seems to have hit a_________.(A) queue (B)

【評論內容】digit  手指;足趾   數字

【評論主題】15. Sarah was great on her weight-loss programs, but she seems to have hit a_________.(A) queue (B)


【評論主題】10. Joseph always leaves the football stadium early to avoid the ________ that occurswhen the games

【評論內容】stadium體育場,運動場;球場;競技場fortification  防禦工事 築壘

【評論主題】5. Before he went to work, David wore a thick jacket to protect him from the________ weather.(A) blu

【評論內容】grueling 累垮人的;令人受不了的

【評論主題】14. Doctors put dietary and physical ________ on some patients after their majorsurgery.(A) breakthr


【評論主題】7. It is reported that quite a few exotic animals are in ________ and may go extinctsoon.(A) influx

【評論內容】exotic 異國情調的;奇特的disposition 性格 配置 清除

【評論主題】8. A statute of the ________ president sits right in the center of the college’s courtyard.(A) nimbl

【評論內容】statute 法令,法規statue 雕像

【評論主題】9. More and more companies are planning to ________ a standard of excellenceamong their employees.(A

【評論內容】lounge(懶洋洋地)倚,靠,躺、 閒蕩;閒逛derail 出軌

【評論主題】6. Judy hopes to ________ her time at home by working as little as possible.(A) meditate (B) shelve

【評論內容】shelve 把……放在擱板(或架子)上optimize 持樂觀態度

【評論主題】4. Linda ________ for Peter when his parents asked him if he was home studying lastnight.(A) bestowe

【評論內容】hibernate (動物)過冬,冬眠

【評論主題】4. Linda ________ for Peter when his parents asked him if he was home studying lastnight.(A) bestowe

【評論內容】bestow 把……贈與              使用,花費

【評論主題】13. Jason is a great editor and always works ________ on his magazine.(A) assiduously (B) lavishly (


【評論主題】12. Indeed, it is true that emotions are not ________, but they are still felt deeply.(A) wishful (B


【評論主題】12. The _______ in the newspaper shows the investor, with hair amiss, standing in a sea of money.(A)

【評論內容】amiss ad. 副詞 a.有錯誤的 不恰當地,不對頭地

【評論主題】6. Please tell Cindy that we already have enough food for the picnic; any more food would be _______

【評論內容】dexterous 敏捷的;靈巧的 用慣右手的superfluous 過剩的;多餘的,不必要的

【評論主題】2. The coming election is a(n) _______ on the current administration’s economic policies.(A) overton

【評論內容】residue 殘餘,剩餘;渣滓 Residues of pesticides can build up in the soil .   殘餘的殺蟲劑會在土壤中積澱起來。

【評論主題】16. This approach allows one to _______ what exactly a user of the system might expect to see.(A) en

【評論內容】approach N 方法,門徑;態度[C][(+to)]

【評論主題】9. As the medical profession grew in expertise and _______, their calls for legal controls on opiate

【評論內容】expertise 專門知識;專門技術opiate 鴉片劑;麻醉藥;鎮靜劑

【評論主題】11. I like things to be _______ great, but functionality also matters.(A) drearily (B) erratically (

【評論內容】aesthetically 審美地   美學觀點上地erratically 不定地;怪異地

【評論主題】10. The host of the Golden Horse Film ceremony handled the unexpected incident with great _______.(A

【評論內容】autonomy 自治;自治權jeopardy 危險,風險,危難

【評論主題】3. The film’s _______, Fa Mulan, is the only daughter of the aged warrior Fa Zhou.(A) ornithologist

【評論內容】chauvinist 盲目的愛國者;沙文主義者protagonist 主演;主角;主唱者 主要人物;倡導者

【評論主題】15. Internet _______ violates basic human rights to privacy and often causes irreversible damage to

【評論內容】violate 違犯;違背,違反

【評論主題】14. Despite the guilt, shopping is always relaxing and fruitful with a _______ budget.(A) hefty (B)

【評論內容】fruitful   富有成效的;收益好的budget 預算

【評論主題】7. Outside the Bank of America Stadium, fans lined up for the chance to be fleeced by a _______.(A)

【評論內容】fleece V 欺詐;掠奪;剝削


【評論內容】首先在台開班授徒,開啟台灣文化之窗的漢人是誰呢?他就是沈光文。沈光文,出生在明朝末年的浙江省。因為生長在書香世家,從小就飽讀詩書;長大後,網仕途發展,因為獲得皇帝的賞識,做過很大的官。後來,明朝滅亡,滿清入主中國,還特地派使者「重金」勸他投降,但都被他一一拒絕了。就在一次搭船前往泉州的路途中,沈光文遇到颱風而漂流到台灣。  來台後的沈光文別無所求,只希望有個棲身之地。當時的台灣被荷蘭人佔領,他又與中國內陸失去聯絡,因此沒有人知道他的生死下落;直到鄭成功收復台灣之後,得知沈光文還活著,便以禮相待,並授予「田宅」;後來,鄭成功的兒子鄭經繼位,沈光文因寫了一首「台灣賦」諷刺他,差一點遭到殺害。為了躲...

【評論主題】1. Internet auction proves to be a(n) ______ business with the prevalence of online shopping.(A) elu

【評論內容】auction 拍賣prevalence 流行,盛行;普遍,廣泛

【評論主題】How Fast does a Tuna Fish Swim?One reason for the tuna's high speed is its tail which beats an


【評論主題】【題組】3.(A) disparities (B) resentment (C) horizontal (D) equivalent(E) divert (AB) aptitude (AC) proj


A secondpossibility is that China might succumb to social unrest, as has so oftenhappened in its past. After all, China remains a poor country, rankedeighty-sixth in the world in terms of per-capita income, with 150 million ofits citizens– nearly one in ten –living on the ____3____ of $1.50 a day orless. Inequality has risen steeply since the introduction of economic reforms,so that the income distribution is now essentially American (though not quiteBrazilian).


succumb  vi.[(+to)] 屈服;委棄;聽任

per capita 按人計算的(地),人均的(地)

(A)  disparities

disparity 不同;...

【評論主題】【題組】2.(A) disparities (B) resentment (C) horizontal (D) equivalent(E) divert (AB) aptitude (AC) proj


So, the argumentgoes, China could one day suffer the fate of Japan after 1989, preciselybecause the economic and political systems are not truly competitive, areal-estate or stock-market bubble and bust could ____2____ the country withzombie banks, flat growth and deflation – the plight of Japan for the betterpart of two decades now.


real-estate  不動產

bust vt.【口】  使爆裂,使斷裂;打破;弄壞

(E) divert  vt. 及物動詞  使轉向;使改道[(+from/to)

deflation n. 名詞  抽出空氣


  vt. 及物動詞  發誓;保證  hisplighted word 他的誓言

  n. 名詞  誓約;婚約[C...

【評論主題】Choose the best answer for each blank.[A]What could go wrong for the ascending Chinese dragon? There


What could gowrong for the ascending Chinese dragon? There are at least four differenthypotheses proposed by those who expect it to stumble. The first is similar_____1_____ of inexorable ascent used to be made for Japan. It too was supposedto overtake the United States and to become the number one global economicsuperpower.


ascending 上升的;向上傾斜的

stumble  n.名詞 絆倒;失足;錯誤[C]

(C) horizontal  

a. 形容詞 水平的;橫的;臥式的

n. 名詞 水平線;水平面;水平位置[the S]

inexorable  a. 形容詞  無法改變的;不可阻擋的

ascent n. 名詞  上升;登高[S1]


【評論主題】Getting the Hang of ItWinds are important to hang gliding and techniques vary according to the terra

【評論內容】to get a hang of something,意思是「通過練習,熟能生巧」。hang  hung  hanged  hanging 把……掛起

【評論主題】【題組】49. Which of the following is implied as a cause of air pollution in New Delhi?(A) cars (B) larg

【評論內容】Airpollution in New Delhi is among the world’s worst, and auto sales are ninetimes as high as a decade ago.

【評論主題】【題組】48. The word “itself” in the second paragraph means ___________________.(A) emphasis (B) growth

【評論內容】“Theemphasis is on growth, hoping that the quality of life will take care ofitself.”

【評論主題】IV. Reading Comprehension (10%)Surat is one of the liveliest commercial centers in India. Its factor


Surat is one ofthe liveliest commercial centers in India.

Its factories andworkshops produce chemicals, cut diamonds and textiles.


lively 精力充沛的;活潑的,輕快的

變化形 形變livelier liveliest

textile  紡織品;紡織原料[C]


The beggars whoswarm through other Indian cities are almost nowhere to be seen, making Surat,by many standards, a picture of India’s prosperous future.



swarm 成群地移動(或飛行)

prosperous 興旺的,繁榮的,昌盛的


What is wrong withthe picture, however, is apparent to any visitor to the city of 2 million in...

【評論主題】Prospecting for GoldPost-World War II mining efforts were directed mainly toward locating base-metal

【評論內容】prospect for 勘探;尋找

【評論主題】25. 李清照〈如夢令〉:「昨夜雨疏風驟。濃睡不消殘酒。試問捲簾人,卻道海棠依舊。知否?知否?應是綠肥紅瘦。」作者與捲簾人對於風雨中「海棠」的關注,敘述正確的是下列哪一選項?(A)作者比捲簾人憂心 (


【評論主題】14. 下列句子中,「成語」使用最為恰當的是哪一項?(A)美術館的梵谷畫展,藝術愛好者都「趨之若鶩」(B)新落成的商業大樓,規模雄偉裝飾華美,真是「美輪美奐」(C)當電視台轉播奧運開幕時,大家都守在家

【評論內容】萬人空巷 注音一式 ㄨㄢˋ ㄖㄣˊ ㄎㄨㄥ ㄒ|ㄤˋ 漢語拼音 w n r n k n  xi n注音二式 w n r n k ng shi ng形容擁擠﹑熱鬧的盛況。宋˙蘇軾˙八月十七日復登望海樓自和前篇是日榜出余與試官兩人復留詩五首之四:「賴有明朝看潮在,萬人空巷鬥新妝。」二十年目睹之怪現狀˙第七十八回:「此時路旁看的,幾於萬人空巷,大馬路雖寬,卻也幾乎有人滿之患。...

【評論主題】14. 下列句子中,「成語」使用最為恰當的是哪一項?(A)美術館的梵谷畫展,藝術愛好者都「趨之若鶩」(B)新落成的商業大樓,規模雄偉裝飾華美,真是「美輪美奐」(C)當電視台轉播奧運開幕時,大家都守在家

【評論內容】趨之若鶩 注音一式 ㄑㄩ ㄓ ㄖㄨㄛˋ ㄨˋ 漢語拼音 q  zh  ru  w注音二式 chi  j  ru  w相似詞 如蟻附羶 相反詞 鶩,鴨。趨之若鶩指像成群的鴨子般跑過去。形容前往趨附者極多。孽海花˙第二十七回:「白雲觀就是他納賄的機關,高道士就是他作惡的心腹,京外的官員,那個不趨之若鶩呢?...

【評論主題】25. 李清照〈如夢令〉:「昨夜雨疏風驟。濃睡不消殘酒。試問捲簾人,卻道海棠依舊。知否?知否?應是綠肥紅瘦。」作者與捲簾人對於風雨中「海棠」的關注,敘述正確的是下列哪一選項?(A)作者比捲簾人憂心 (


【評論主題】8. 史鐵生〈命若琴弦〉:「莽莽蒼蒼的群山之中走著兩個瞎子,一老一少,一前一後,兩頂發了黑的草帽起伏躦動,匆匆忙忙,像是隨著一條不安靜的河水在漂流。無所謂從哪兒來,也無所謂到哪兒去,每人帶一把三弦琴,

【評論內容】 1. 躦  部首 足 部首外筆畫 19 總筆畫 26 注音一式 ㄗㄨㄢ 漢語拼音 zu n 注音二式 tzu n同「鑽」。

【評論主題】2、下列「 」內字詞之解釋,何者正確?(A)君子「固窮」:固守窮困的處境 (B)喪,與其「易」也:簡易 (C)赤之「適」齊也:前往 (D)子「行」三軍:追隨


八 佾 第 三 林放問禮之本。子曰:「大哉問。禮,與其奢也,寧儉;喪,與其易也,寧戚。」



「喪,與其易也,寧戚。」「易」是和順的意思,辦理喪事禮節周到、有條不紊,進行得和順自在,卻感受不到失去父母親的哀戚親情,這怎能算是合禮呢?父母親去世,孝子哀痛逾恆,一時神志恍惚、身心交瘁,無心顧及喪事的完備與否,只有孝子的無盡哀思,這樣至少沒有失去喪禮的根本!  時下大眾追求名利,講究物質享受,婚喪喜慶各種禮儀辦得體面十足,奢侈浮華,但是人情卻變得虛偽疏離。禮節除了講究威儀規矩、不斷練習之外,更應把握禮的根本,存心誠敬,才能「祭則得福」,不會流於熱鬧一場!

【評論主題】5、以下「 」中的通同字解釋,何者錯誤?(A)餓「莩」→殍 (B)「頒」白→斑 (C)「由」己溺之也→猶 (D)一「簞」食→單









着盛飯的圓形竹器。如:「簞瓢屢空」、「簞食壺漿」。論 語.雍也:「賢哉回也!一簞食,一瓢飲,在陋巷,人不 堪其憂,回也不改其樂。」

【評論主題】10.下列各選項的文句,何者不可看作古代的報導文學? 3(A)戰城南,死郭北,野死不葬烏可食。為我謂烏:「且為客嚎,野死諒不葬,腐肉安能去子逃」(B)城上風威顯,江中水氣寒。戎衣何時定,歌舞入長安(C

【評論內容】(D)“諸公”未必都是英才吧,却一個個相繼飛黄腾達,而 廣文 先生呢,“才名四十年,坐客寒无毡。”那此侯侯門顯貴之家,精粮美肉已覺厭腻了,而 廣文先生連飯也吃不飽。這四句,一正一衬,排對鮮明而强烈,突出了“官獨冷”和“飯不足”。