【評論主題】In modern times, many traditional concepts have ________ new ideas.(A) found a way of (B) changed th


found a way of 發現方法

 changed the way of 改變了方法

 had a way of 有了方法

【評論主題】7 7.《韓非子.說林上》:「子胥出走,邊候得之。子胥曰:『上索我者,以我有美珠也。今我已亡之矣。我且曰:子取吞之。』候因釋之。」根據上文,伍子胥使用何種方法,讓邊候釋放他?(A)賄賂 (B)威脅 (



【評論主題】25. David gave an elaborate excuse for being late, but Jane didn’t know _____________ believe him.(


B : David為遲到找了精心的藉口,但Jane不知該相信他什麼 →照B句翻譯的話,感覺文意不通

【評論主題】25. David gave an elaborate excuse for being late, but Jane didn’t know _____________ believe him.(


B : David為遲到找了精心的藉口,但Jane不知該相信他什麼 →照B句翻譯的話,感覺文意不通

【評論主題】6.「是以聖人欲上民,必以言下之;欲先民,必以身後之。」其意為 (A)聖人知止不殆 (B)聖人謙下,而後 能統治人民 (C)聖人功成弗居 (D)聖人不積。



【評論主題】32 In this country's literature, the woman's voice has drawn the spotlight of _______in re


【評論主題】17 王鍔累任大鎮,財貨山積,有舊客誡鍔以積而能散之義。後數日,客復見鍔,鍔曰:「前所見教,誠如公言,已大散矣。」客曰:「請問其目。」鍔曰:「諸男各與萬貫,女婿各與千貫矣。」(李肇《國史補》)根據上文





【評論主題】請依下文回答第 7 題至第 8 題:「吾觀人之一身,眼耳鼻舌,手足軀骸,件件都不可少。其盡可不設而必欲賦之,遂為萬古生人之累者,獨是口腹二物。口腹具,而生計繁矣;生計繁,而詐偽奸險之事出矣;詐偽奸險之


我看人的身体,眼、耳、鼻、舌、手、足、躯体,每一样都是不能少的,如果说可以不要,但又不得不具备它,以至于成为千古以来人的生活大累赘的,只有口和腹这两样东西。有了口腹之后,为了生计的操劳就多了。生计的操劳多了,奸险欺诈虚伪的事情就跟着出现了,奸险欺诈虚伪的事情出现,那么各种刑罚就不得不设置了。君王不能实施他的仁爱,父母亲人不能满足恩宠 家人的愿望,造物主喜欢生命而不得不违逆自己的心意,都是当初造人的时候不够完善,多了这两样东西的缘故。


【評論主題】7 7.《韓非子.說林上》:「子胥出走,邊候得之。子胥曰:『上索我者,以我有美珠也。今我已亡之矣。我且曰:子取吞之。』候因釋之。」根據上文,伍子胥使用何種方法,讓邊候釋放他?(A)賄賂 (B)威脅 (



【評論主題】1 Most earthquakes are caused by movement in__________ faults, places where two bodies of rock are b


【評論主題】【題組】25 (A) avalanche(B) epicenter(C) tornado(D) tsunami




tsunami 海嘯

【評論主題】【題組】24 (A) demarcation(B) encapsulation(C) liquefaction(D) ossification

【評論內容】(A) demarcation 區別.劃分(B) encapsulation 概括(C) liquefaction 液化(D) ossification鈣化

【評論主題】【題組】15 (A) erased(B) arrested(C) cloned(D) damaged

【評論內容】(A) erased 擦掉,抹去[(+from)](B) arrested (C) cloned 【植】克隆;無性繁殖系(D) damaged

【評論主題】【題組】14 (A) wastes(B) museums(C) pastries(D) libraries


pastries 麵糰


【評論主題】【題組】13 (A) stimulating(B) killing(C) kneading(D) shooting

【評論內容】kneading 揉(麵糰、黏土等),捏

【評論主題】【題組】12 (A) decomposition(B) productivity(C) reconstruction(D) sensibility

【評論內容】(A) decomposition 分解(B) productivity (C) reconstruction 重建(D) sensibility 感覺

【評論主題】10 Regulatory mandates include tariff and duty _____, security clearances, registration require




(A) assessments (為徵稅對財產所作的)估價[U](B) consortium 合夥;聯合(C) resemblance 相似;相貌相似[U][(+between)](D) plausibility 貌似有理,貌似真實

【評論主題】9 The regulations allow you to bring back only one liter of alcoholic_____duty-free for persona


obsession 著迷,被纏住[U]

execution 實行;執行;履行;完成[U][(+of)]

【評論主題】7 Shipments between two countries are international_____ and must comply with applicable regula



comply (對要求、命令等)依從,順從,遵從[(+with)]

(A) duplications 複製;複寫(B) transactions 辦理,處置,執行[the S](C) oscillations 振動,擺動[U][C](D) contentions論點,主張[C][+that]

【評論主題】6 The government has instituted security regulations intended to prevent the entry of hazardous


hazardous 有危險的;冒險的

(A) illumination 照明,照亮[U](B) inducement 引誘;勸誘[U][+to-v](C) convention 會議,大會;全體與會者[C](D) contraband 走私貨;違禁品

【評論主題】5 The website provides _____ to certain public records of the local town courts.(A) access (B)

【評論內容】(B) adage 諺語;格言;古語;箴言(C) easel 畫架;黑板架[C](D) exile 流放;流亡;離開本國,離鄉背井

【評論主題】4 It is extremely difficult to please the_____gourmet who has never rated a restaurant with &qu



(A) bellicose 好鬥的;好戰的(B) fastidious 愛挑剔的;難討好的;過分講究的[(+about)](C) phlegmatic 多痰的;黏液質的(D) reminiscent回憶往事的;懷舊的

【評論主題】3 We are seeking advice on how to best_____ our broken-up pool deck, hopefully making it look a

【評論內容】(A) advocate 提倡(B) consume 消耗,花費;耗盡(C) endorse 在(發票、票據等)背面簽名,背書;簽署(姓名)(D) renovate 更新;重做

【評論主題】2 E-cigarettes come highly recommended for the _____smokers to effectively fight the deadly hab


clandestine 祕密的;暗中的

recalcitrant 反抗的;頑強的;不聽話的

lascivious 淫蕩的;好色的


【評論主題】65. A: Emma is a very considerate girl. She also likes to help people. B: __________________________

【評論內容】You can say that again意思是「說得好!」或「說的沒錯

【評論主題】2. The thick layer of dirt on the window prevents the sunlight from ________ into the house.(A) just


justifying 1.證明……是正當的navigating2.駕駛;操縱;導航

signifying 2.表示;表明;示意

【評論主題】【題組】13. (A) masculine (B) nonviolent (C) persuasive (D) substantial





substantial 1.真實的,實在的

【評論主題】1. The author was angry at the critics’ negative ________ about his latest novel.(A) margins (B) rem


margins 邊,邊沿,邊緣


vessels3.容器,器皿 4.血管,脈管


【評論主題】22.Assigning one person to this job was a ___. I should have assigned two people.(A)drama (B) quarte


quarter 1.四分之一;四等分之一


【評論主題】4. A well-constructed building has a better chance of ______ natural disasters such as typhoons,torn


undertaking 試圖;著手做;進行,從事 承擔,接受

conceiving 1.構想出,想像,設想executing 1.實施,實行;執行;履行



【評論主題】5. Our family doctor has repeatedly warned me that spicy food may ______ my stomach, so I’d betterst

【評論內容】override 1.撤銷,推翻;使無效

【評論主題】【題組】47. What advice would the author give to those who are interested in keeping money in Bitcoin?(A


make hay while the sun shines善於利用時機(或有利條件等)

Better late than never遲做總比不做好

Look before you leap慎思而後行

【評論主題】1. When dining at a restaurant, we need to be ______ of other customers and keep our conversations a


peculiar 奇怪的;乖癖的;罕見的

defensive 防禦的;保護的;保衛的

noticeable 顯而易見的,顯著的

considerate 關切的﹐體貼的; 替他人着想的

【評論主題】10. The dentist was filling a large ___ in her tooth.(A) fuel(B) pit(C) cavity(D) quest




quest 1.尋找;追求;探索

【評論主題】35John: You need to relax a little. Mary: Well, that’s true . _______________John: Let’s go see a mo


How do you like it 你覺得it如何


【評論主題】39. My friend is in the hospital. I will _____ tomorrow and give her flowers.(A) turn up (B) hang ou


turn up 表示出現, 出席, 出人意料, 也表示被發現

hang out 常去某處; 居住2.掛出; 伸出

put off 1.延遲; 拖延

【評論主題】36. If you don't pay your water bill, soon your water supply may be _____.(A) turned down (B) p


put out 伸出  .熄滅

turned down 拒絕

held back 1.保留; 抑制

cut off 2.切斷; 中斷

【評論主題】25. David gave an elaborate excuse for being late, but Jane didn’t know _____________ believe him.(


B : David為遲到找了精心的藉口,但Jane不知該相信他什麼 →照B句翻譯的話,感覺文意不通

【評論主題】In modern times, many traditional concepts have ________ new ideas.(A) found a way of (B) changed th


found a way of 發現方法

 changed the way of 改變了方法

 had a way of 有了方法

【評論主題】25. David gave an elaborate excuse for being late, but Jane didn’t know _____________ believe him.(


B : David為遲到找了精心的藉口,但Jane不知該相信他什麼 →照B句翻譯的話,感覺文意不通