【評論主題】61. _________ some of her verse is difficult to understand, Marianne Moore crafted her poems superbl


Despite, in spite of 後面是接名詞的,所以不可以有動詞。


要接句子要用 in spite of /despite the fact that +S+v


 EX; Nevertheless, he do nothing but shout his slogan"Kaohsiung  BE  Richer !" in the meeting of city council. 

【評論主題】15. 五年六班本次數學成就測驗結果呈現正偏態的現象,請問下列的相關敘述何者正確?(A)次數分配曲線之峰頂偏於左方(B)這次的數學題目可能太簡單(C)眾數大於中位數與平均數(D)眾數介於中位數與平均數





【評論主題】【題組】50. Which of the following statements about the Indochina Fine Arts College is correct?(A) The u


 It was during this period that the Indochina Fine Arts College was established in Hanoi in 1925. The school was founded on the initiative of the French artist Victor Tardieu with the first students graduating in 1930. Students were instructed in the European style of painting.

  答案為B) The French artist Victor Tardieu was one of the founders of the school. 

【評論主題】【題組】28. (A) lay (B) laid (C) lying (D) which lay



過去式  過去分詞   現在分詞(~ing)Lie(說謊)LiedLied            LyingLie(躺)LayLainLying(有很多種睡姿,所以都不同xd)Lay(放置、產卵)LaidLaid



