【評論主題】下列哪一位提出「管理功能」作為管理工作的內涵? (A) Michael Porter (B) Robert Katz (C) Henri Fayol (D) Henry Mintzberg

【評論內容】Michael Porter :三個一般化策略/基本競爭戰略有三種:成本領先戰略差異化戰略集中戰略。Michael Porter跟ME porter不同人,ME porter是提出價值鏈Value Chain.

【評論主題】32. After opening an ________ with the bank, I become its customer.(A) account(B) engineer(C) instru

【評論內容】instrument 樂器、儀器 這兩...

【評論主題】場址的選擇為(A)資源分析 (B)資本分析 (C)生產管理的分析 (D)人力分析


【評論主題】【題組】50. According to the passage, what is the author’s attitude about the American workers?(A) nega


【評論主題】I lived and worked in the Far East for thirteen years. In my view, the Japanese are doing exactly wh


【評論主題】場址的選擇為(A)資源分析 (B)資本分析 (C)生產管理的分析 (D)人力分析


【評論主題】【題組】50. According to the passage, what is the author’s attitude about the American workers?(A) nega


【評論主題】I lived and worked in the Far East for thirteen years. In my view, the Japanese are doing exactly wh


【評論主題】35.依現行郵件資費,下列何者為欠資郵件?(A) 15 公克貼 5 元郵票之普通平常函件(B) 15 公克貼 7 元郵票之限時平常函件(C) 35 公克貼 3.5 元郵票之印刷物(D) 15 公克貼


【評論主題】場址的選擇為(A)資源分析 (B)資本分析 (C)生產管理的分析 (D)人力分析


【評論主題】I lived and worked in the Far East for thirteen years. In my view, the Japanese are doing exactly wh


【評論主題】【題組】50. According to the passage, what is the author’s attitude about the American workers?(A) nega


【評論主題】下列哪一位提出「管理功能」作為管理工作的內涵? (A) Michael Porter (B) Robert Katz (C) Henri Fayol (D) Henry Mintzberg

【評論內容】Michael Porter :三個一般化策略/基本競爭戰略有三種:成本領先戰略、差異化戰略、集中戰略。Michael Porter跟ME porter不同人,ME porter是提出價值鏈Value Chain.



【評論主題】場址的選擇為(A)資源分析 (B)資本分析 (C)生產管理的分析 (D)人力分析


【評論主題】凱茲之三種管理才能中,高階管理人員最具備的是(A)以下皆是 (B)觀念化能力 (C)人際關係能力 (D)技術性能力

【評論內容】觀念化能力:了解整個組織與自己在組織中的地位和作用之能力,這種不僅須有較高的決策能力,還要對整個組織目標具有宏觀,這種能力偏向管理層次,所以也可稱為管理能力。來源: https://yamol.tw/itemtag-Katz-3813.htm

【評論主題】I remember _________ you somewhere. It's possible that we went to college together.(A)to see(B)


【評論主題】The _______ weight limit for each small packet is 2 kg. In other words, items over 2 kg are not acce

【評論內容】回1F    items是所有物品

【評論主題】【題組】50. According to the passage, what is the author’s attitude about the American workers?(A) nega


【評論主題】I lived and worked in the Far East for thirteen years. In my view, the Japanese are doing exactly wh


【評論主題】【題組】12. Good commend of English is the main ____(require) to the job.


【評論主題】1、 文意字彙【題組】1. Information i____tes that aliens had come to visit our earth.


【評論主題】【題組】 ⑶ ENERGY STAR。

【評論內容】Cheng Yu Tsai 感謝你!我懂了:)

【評論主題】二、說明組織流程再造(Reengineering)的涵意及重要原則,並舉政府運作實例析述之。(25 分)
