【評論主題】26.This mission is pretty tedious.I would like to_____as soon as possible.(A) think it over (B)begin



【評論主題】25.Japan made a(n)______to korea aimed at increasing trade between the two countries. (A)dissent (B)


dissent 異議

exception 例外

proposal 提案

companion 伴侶 

【評論主題】17.The two secrets to living longer are regular exercise and____________ from worry. (A)freedom (B)m

【評論內容】題目應該是 The two secrets to living longer are regular exercise and ____  from worry. 

【評論主題】14.The drunkard felt dizzy and______on the street on his way home. (A)dawned on (B)threw up (C)marke



throw up 嘔吐

【評論主題】9.There must be mutual ____between husband and wife to maintain a happy marriage. (A)connections (B)



concession (n.) 讓步

【評論主題】7.The long ____southern San Andreas fault could soon suffer a major earthquake ,according to an ocea



dormant (adj.)睡著的

【評論主題】7.教育部依職權發布「遊藝場業輔導管理規則」,其規定電動玩具業不得容許未滿 18 歲之兒童及少年進入其 營業場所,違者撤銷其許可。甲經營電子遊藝場所,小學生放學後經常流連其間,主管機關以甲違反上開 規



【評論主題】44 根據何茲柏格(F. Herzberg)的「二因子理論」(Two-Factor Theory)的分類,「工作內涵」(work itself)屬於下列那一種因素?(A)保健因素 (B)不滿因素 (C


我看到最好記的是:激勵-成工責受升 (受是受賞識)


【評論主題】26.This mission is pretty tedious.I would like to_____as soon as possible.(A) think it over (B)begin



【評論主題】17.The two secrets to living longer are regular exercise and____________ from worry. (A)freedom (B)m

【評論內容】題目應該是 The two secrets to living longer are regular exercise and ____  from worry. 

【評論主題】14.The drunkard felt dizzy and______on the street on his way home. (A)dawned on (B)threw up (C)marke



throw up 嘔吐

【評論主題】25.Japan made a(n)______to korea aimed at increasing trade between the two countries. (A)dissent (B)


dissent 異議

exception 例外

proposal 提案

companion 伴侶 

【評論主題】9.There must be mutual ____between husband and wife to maintain a happy marriage. (A)connections (B)



concession (n.) 讓步

【評論主題】7.The long ____southern San Andreas fault could soon suffer a major earthquake ,according to an ocea



dormant (adj.)睡著的

【評論主題】70.I like swimming, while what my brother enjoys ______.   (A) cooking(B) to cook  (C) is cooking(D)


what my brother enjoys為主詞,因此答案為(c)

【評論主題】69. We’ll be free tomorrow, so I suggest ______ to the history museum.   (A) to visit(B) visiting  (


suggest 後接v-ing因此(A)是錯的

visit (v.) 後直接加地方,EX: We visited Buckingham Palace.


【評論主題】55.Please tell me the way you thought of ______ the garden.   (A) take care of     (B) to take care


of的賓語為the way. you thought of和to take care of the garden是way的兩個定語成分。翻譯為 請告訴我你想出來照管花園的辦法。

【評論主題】50.Is this factory ______ you visited the other day?(A) the one (B) that (C) where  (D) when



【評論主題】7.教育部依職權發布「遊藝場業輔導管理規則」,其規定電動玩具業不得容許未滿 18 歲之兒童及少年進入其 營業場所,違者撤銷其許可。甲經營電子遊藝場所,小學生放學後經常流連其間,主管機關以甲違反上開 規



【評論主題】25.下列何者,非屬受理訴願機關或原行政處分機關得依職權或依申請停止原行政處分全部或一部執行之要件? (A)原行政處分之合法性顯有疑義(B)原行政處分之執行將發生難以回復之損害(C)有急迫情事(D)原


