【評論主題】Police officers use their      in deciding when and how to arrest, stop, frisk, shoot, and/or ticket


(A)confession 承認;坦白,供認(B)discretion 謹慎,考慮周到(C)expectation 期待;預期(D)possession 擁有;佔有

【評論主題】【題組】46.How did the police know that the crash was unusual?(A)Because no one survived except Wong-yu

【評論內容】文章句子內提到 ~When the po☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】41 (A) notice (B) delete (C) put (D) remove


(A) notice 公告,通知(☆) ☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】22 Travelers carrying luggage in excess of the respective quantity limit or luggage requiring an exp


(A) declarations 宣布,聲明,(納稅品等的)申報

(B) decorations 裝飾,裝潢(C) descriptions 描寫;敘述(D) destinations 目的地,終點

【評論主題】【題組】38 (A) failure (B) interest (C) mortality (D) unit


(A) failure 失敗(B) interest 利息(C) mortality 死亡數;死亡率(D) unit 單位;單元

【評論主題】A perfect storm has foisted this 36 upon individuals. People are living longer. Fewer have 37 . Asse

【評論內容】(A) chalk 白堊,用粉筆寫(B) ...

【評論主題】A message from the President Gradually, the 31 of Customs expanded. We now depend on the Customs Ser


(A) obligation 義務;責任(B) self-accusation 自責(C) self-rule 自治(D) mission 使命,任務

【評論主題】【題組】36 What did Zahi Hawass discover in Egypt?(A)He found the mummy of a famous governor.(B)He found

【評論內容】For example, Zahi Ha☆☆☆☆, ☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】34 Where were most mummies placed?(A)In special tombs. (B)In the mountains. (C)In the church. (D

【評論內容】A few mummies were p☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】31 What do you think is the author’s main purpose for writing this article?(A)To tell school dir

【評論內容】(B)To help children ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】Carbon dioxide from the human burning of fossil fuel is building up in the atmosphere at a _____  pa


(A) shuffling 閃爍其辭;推諉(B) chasing 追逐;追捕(C) dragging 拉,拖(D) frightening 令人恐懼的;駭人的

【評論主題】When children are involved, divorce is never painless. To _____43_____ the problems associated with

【評論內容】(A)determine 決定(B)co☆☆☆☆☆ ★★ ...

【評論主題】No one can enter that house now because it is a crime __________.(A) situation (B) local (C) identif


【評論主題】A six-year-old girl was beaten by her mother into a coma in a child ______ case.(A) brutal (B) cruel

【評論內容】(A) brutal 殘忍的,粗暴的(B) ☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】【題組】35 In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, what is Tom Robinson charged with?(A)Murder (B)Rape(C)Van

【評論內容】Tom Robinson, who is ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆...

【評論主題】When children are involved, divorce is never painless. To _____43_____ the problems associated with

【評論內容】(A)determine 決定(B)co☆☆☆☆☆ ★★ ...

【評論主題】No one can enter that house now because it is a crime __________.(A) situation (B) local (C) identif


【評論主題】A six-year-old girl was beaten by her mother into a coma in a child ______ case.(A) brutal (B) cruel

【評論內容】(A) brutal 殘忍的,粗暴的(B) ☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】【題組】35 In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, what is Tom Robinson charged with?(A)Murder (B)Rape(C)Van

【評論內容】Tom Robinson, who is ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆...

【評論主題】45 After spending 25 years in prison, the convicted criminal will be __________ for parole.(A)dilige


(A)diligent 勤勉的,勤奮的(B) disheveled 使(頭髮)蓬鬆;弄亂(C)eligible 有資格的(D)evasive 逃避的;託辭的

【評論主題】38 The mayor is in a __________, for his decision will be challenged by both his proponents and oppo


(A)trend 趨勢; 傾向(B)morality 道德,倫理;品行(C)sentiment 心情;情操(D)dilemma 困境,進退兩難

【評論主題】27 Different agencies use their SWAT teams for different kinds of ______, but the basic set of missi


(A)assignments 任務;工作(B) advantages 優點,優勢(C) assistances 援助,幫助(D) alignments 隊列,排成直線

【評論主題】26 Law Enforcement Oath of Honor reads: “On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my ______, my ch


(A)facebook 臉書(B) intelligence 智慧;理解力(C) indentification 確認;認同;識別

(D)integrity 正直;誠實

【評論主題】34 Virus writers are skilled programmers who create and spread _______ viruses, which may cause grea


(A)intimate 親密的,熟悉的(B)malicious 惡意的,懷恨的(C)beneficial 有益的;有利的(D)delectable 令人愉快的,使人高興的

【評論主題】32 The new product sold in the market comes with some _______, including a backpack and an adapter.(


(A)accessories 附件,配件(B)commuters 通勤者(C)syndromes 併發症狀(D)impairments 損傷

【評論主題】【題組】21 How do scientists explain the formation of rogue waves in the North Sea?(A) Because of the co


However, it does not explain why the waves form in places where there are no fast-moving ocean currents—such as in the North Sea.

【評論主題】1____ chains like 7-Eleven and Starbucks face protest from local competitors each time they open new


(A) Ubiquitous 普遍存在的(B) Ultimate 最後的,最終的(C) Unanimous 全體一致的;一致同意的(D) Ultimatum 最後通牒

【評論主題】【題組】13 (A)embarrassed (B)embargoed (C)embodied (D)embroiled


(A)embarrassed 使不好意思,使尷尬

(B)embargoed 貿易禁令;禁運(C)embodied 體現,使具體化(D)embroiled 使混亂;使捲入糾紛

【評論主題】26 As a stranger’s fingerprint was found in the crime scene, Miss Smith’s death was considered a____


(A) patricide 弒父(B) pesticide 殺蟲劑(C) homicide 殺人(D) herbicide 除草劑

【評論主題】3 In order to save energy and reduce carbon________ , the receipts of duty payment, service charge p


carbon emissions  碳排放物

【評論主題】【題組】37 (A)folded (B)amazed (C)chased (D)wiped


(D)wiped 擦拭

【評論主題】21 Inward passengers must declare to Customs or____________ authority, if there are animals, plants


(A)immigration 移民入境(B)navigation 航海;航空;導航(C)quarantine 檢疫隔離(D)security 安全感

【評論主題】14 An applicant applying for the____________ of a countervailing duty or anti-dumping duty on import


(A)proscription 剝奪公權;放逐(B)substitution 代替;替換(C)imposition (稅的)徵收;施加(懲罰)(D)hesitation 躊躇,猶豫

【評論主題】8 Non-____________ Inspection technology enables Customs to detect contraband (e.g., narcotics and w


(A)intuitive 憑直覺的(B)indecisive 優柔寡斷的(C)intrusive 侵入的,打擾的(D)intrinsic 本質的;固有的

【評論主題】28 甲將其擁有之 A 車借乙使用後,再就 A 車與乙成立讓與合意,A 車之所有權人為何?(A)甲 (B)乙 (C)甲乙分別共有 (D)甲乙公同共有


簡易交付:經讓與合意時,發生移轉所有權的效力。 (一手交錢 , 一手交貨)



【評論主題】【題組】7 (A)sibling (B)pedestrian (C)comrade (D)debtor


(A)sibling 兄弟姊妹(B)pedestrian 步行者,行人(C)comrade 夥伴,同事(D)debtor 借方;債務人

【評論主題】10. According to the FBI, identity theft is the number one ________ committed on the Internet.(A) pi


(A) piracy 海盜行為(B) larceny 盜竊罪(C) forgery 偽造(D) theft 偷竊,盜竊(E) fraud 詐騙;詭計

【評論主題】7 Jim’s talent makes him____ , and he turns his nose up at others’ achievements.(A) submissive (B) e


turn up one's nose at


【評論主題】9 Jeremy Lin’s improbable success in the NBA prompted a spate of “gee-whiz” stories and added “Linsa


Linsanity 林來瘋;林書豪熱

【評論主題】36 A recent study suggests that by 2030 global warming could lead to a_________ destroying housing,


(A) presumption 自以為是;假定(B) catastrophe 大禍,大災難(C) magnitude 巨大,廣大(D) monopoly 獨佔;壟斷

【評論主題】32 The flowers I picked last week have_________ . They are no longer fresh and beautiful.(A) paralyz


(A) paralyzed 使麻痺;使癱瘓(B) wrinkled 皺紋;難題(C) prospered 繁榮,昌盛(D) withered 枯萎,凋謝

【評論主題】【題組】49 What is the most appropriate meaning for the underlined expression “in sync with”?(A) In ligh


in sync with = synchronize  同時發生;使同步

(A) In light of 根據;有鑒於(B) In agreement with 同……一致(C) In reaction to 反應,感應(D) In contrast with 與...形成對比;與…相比

【評論主題】43 The students had a wide_______ of opinions about the uniform policy that the school announced las


a wide spectrum 各種不同的意見

【評論主題】41 It is much better to settle one’s differences in a calm and civilized way than losing his/her tem


(A) acceleration 加速;促進(B) confrontation 對質;比較(C) innovation 改革,創新(D) sophistication 世故; 修養

【評論主題】31 The kids ate their lunch ______and rushed out to play soccer.(A) on occasion (B) by and large (C)


(A) on occasion 偶爾;有時(B) by and large 大體上; 一般而論(C) little by little 逐漸地(D) in no time 很快;立即

【評論主題】31 The Coast Guard is responsible for providing a safe, efficient, and_______ waterway system to sup


(A)navigable 可航行的(B)capable 能夠(做)…(C)desirable 值得擁有的;令人滿意的(D)negotiable 可協商的

【評論主題】26_________ is a vehicle designed to assist in fighting fires by transporting firefighters to the sc


(A)An aerial ladder truck 雲梯車(消防用)

【評論主題】6 There are many ways to_____ Chinese characters into English letters; Pinyin is only one of them.(A


(A) transform 轉變為...(B) transliterate 音譯,翻譯(C) transmit 傳送,傳達(D) transport 運輸,搬運

【評論主題】19 Giving children immediate and _____ access to the Internet without guiding them is a little like


(A) literal 照字面的;原義的(B) monitored 監測;監視(C) restrained 抑制,遏制(D) unbridled 卸除…的轡頭

【評論主題】16 We always value filial piety, yet how can you be so_____ as to break the hearts of your parents?(


filial piety 孝道

(A) unthinkable 不可思議的,難以置信的(B) obliged 感激的(C) understanding 了解,理解(D) ungrateful 不感激的,不領情的

【評論主題】5 The EPO allowed a patent on a transgenic animal that had been bred as a research tool for cancer s


(A) immoral 不道德的;傷風敗俗的(B) immortal 不朽的,流芳百世的(C) irreverent 不尊敬的(D) insignificant 小的;地位低微的

【評論主題】7 Over the Moon Festival, Tom his appetite for moon cakes and that made him gain three kilograms.(A)



Over the Moon Festival, Tom _______ his appetite for moon cakes and that made him gain three kilograms. 

(A)established 建立;設立(B)extended 延長;擴大(C)overpassed 越過;通過(D)overindulged 過分沉溺

【評論主題】7 Despite the huge amount of money poured into cancer research, there has been little progress in th


(A) assertive 堅定自信,肯定的(B) aggressive 侵略的,侵犯的(C) elusive 難以找到的(D) exhaustive 徹底的; 詳盡的

【評論主題】【題組】38 (A)grammatically(B)clumsily(C)phonetically(D)spaciously


(A)grammatically 文法的,語法的

(B)clumsily 笨拙地(C) phonetically 發音方面 

(D)spaciously 廣大地;寬敞地

【評論主題】66 A conviction cannot be based on the testimony of an_________ unless such testimony is corroborate


(A) accountant 會計師;會計人員(B) accommodator 調和人;提供方便者(C) accomplishment 成就;實現(D) accomplice 共犯,同謀,幫兇

corroborate  證實,確證

【評論主題】【題組】11 (A) accurate (B) approximate (C) enormous (D) erroneous


(A) accurate 準確的;精確的(B) approximate 近似的,接近的(C) enormous 巨大的,龐大的(D) erroneous 錯誤的;不正確的

【評論主題】11 The illegal drug trade is a global black market dedicated to _______, manufacturing, distribution


(A) abbreviation 縮寫字(B) cultivation 耕作,耕種(C) jurisdiction 司法權,審判權(D) provocation 挑撥;激怒

【評論主題】【題組】39 (A) adhesion (B) cooperation (C) suspension (D) tension


(A) adhesion 黏著,附著(B) cooperation 合作,協力(C) suspension 暫停;中止;懸掛(D) tension 緊張關係,繃緊

【評論主題】42 The surviving logs sometimes can provide the most accurate known positions of a loss, but many sh


(A)found 建立;建造(B)wrecked 失事,遇難(C)forwarded 向前(D)traced 痕跡;追溯

【評論主題】45 Taiwan and the Kingdom of Swaziland have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to coope


(A) hygiene 衛生(B) longevity 長壽; 持久 

(C) probation 檢驗;鑑定;緩刑

(D) trafficking 非法交易

【評論主題】45 Women who have jobs report that they feel overworked by household chores _____ their professional


(A)according to 根據;按照(B)in contrast to 與……相比(C)in addition to 除……之外(還)(D)in regard to 關於

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: The New York City Fire Museum operates a world-class fire safety education prog


(A)counts on 依賴 ; 指望

(B)runs out 被用完,被耗盡(C)calls for 要求 , 叫人拿來(D)aims at 瞄準 , 對準

【評論主題】33 Several crew members were badly injured in the crash and rushed to the hospital. It might take a


(A)eradicated 根絕;消滅(B)evacuated 撤離;撤退(C)discharged 允許…出院 ; 排出(D)disabused 使省悟

【評論主題】43 In order to improve the _______ of local coastguardsmen, Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration is p


(A)competition 競爭,角逐(B)performance 演出;表演(C)recognition 認出,識別(D)transaction 交易,執行

【評論主題】38 A Canadian cargo ship carrying 3,000 brand new cars sank soon after departure. An investigation w


(A)delivered 投遞;運送(B)launched 發動;開始(C)promoted 晉升; 晉級(D)regressed 退回;逆行

【評論主題】36 To prevent avian flu viruses from invading Taiwan via fowl-smuggling passages or illegal immigran


(A)epidemics 傳染病; 流行病(B)academics 大學的,學院的(C)domestics 家庭的,家事的(D)foreigners 外國人

【評論主題】14 It is hard to judge a stone in the rough. Diamonds tend to lose at least 50% of their weight duri


(A) distracting 轉移,分散(B) polishing 磨光,擦亮(C) retrieving 重新得到,收回(D) squeezing 擠,壓

【評論主題】2 Many earlier studies examined perceptions of sexual harassment in a fairly _____ way without recog


(A) erotic 性愛的;色情的(B) exclusive 排外的;除外的(C) inclusive 包含的,包括的(D) static 靜止的 ; 停滯的;靜電

【評論主題】13 If you plan to make the video for professional use, you may need to obtain permission to use publ


(A) feasibility 可行性;可能性(B) infringement 違反; 侵犯(C) miscellany 混合物;混雜(D) parenthesis 【語】插入語;圓括號

【評論主題】12 The Country Museum has constantly inducted new members into the museum—sharing their talents andd


(A) discrimination 辨別,區別(B) indignation 憤怒,義憤(C) manipulation 操作,運用(D) perpetuation 永存;不朽

【評論主題】15 The accuracy of the analysis depends on the _____ of the data supplied. There will be fewer mista


(A) correlation 相關,關聯(B) integrity 正直;廉正;誠實

(C) paradox 悖論,矛盾(D) scarcity 匱乏;蕭條

【評論主題】7 For many people, art is something for us to admire; they don’t really care if an artwork is an ori


(A)renewal 更新;復原(B)restoration 恢復;復位(C)reproduction 再生;重製(D)resurrection 復活;復甦

【評論主題】【題組】38 (A)grammatically(B)clumsily(C)phonetically(D)spaciously


(A)grammatically 文法的,語法的

(B)clumsily 笨拙地(C) phonetically 發音方面 

(D)spaciously 廣大地;寬敞地

【評論主題】66 A conviction cannot be based on the testimony of an_________ unless such testimony is corroborate


(A) accountant 會計師;會計人員(B) accommodator 調和人;提供方便者(C) accomplishment 成就;實現(D) accomplice 共犯,同謀,幫兇

corroborate  證實,確證

【評論主題】【題組】11 (A) accurate (B) approximate (C) enormous (D) erroneous


(A) accurate 準確的;精確的(B) approximate 近似的,接近的(C) enormous 巨大的,龐大的(D) erroneous 錯誤的;不正確的

【評論主題】11 The illegal drug trade is a global black market dedicated to _______, manufacturing, distribution


(A) abbreviation 縮寫字(B) cultivation 耕作,耕種(C) jurisdiction 司法權,審判權(D) provocation 挑撥;激怒

【評論主題】【題組】39 (A) adhesion (B) cooperation (C) suspension (D) tension


(A) adhesion 黏著,附著(B) cooperation 合作,協力(C) suspension 暫停;中止;懸掛(D) tension 緊張關係,繃緊

【評論主題】42 The surviving logs sometimes can provide the most accurate known positions of a loss, but many sh


(A)found 建立;建造(B)wrecked 失事,遇難(C)forwarded 向前(D)traced 痕跡;追溯

【評論主題】45 Taiwan and the Kingdom of Swaziland have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to coope


(A) hygiene 衛生(B) longevity 長壽; 持久 

(C) probation 檢驗;鑑定;緩刑

(D) trafficking 非法交易

【評論主題】45 Women who have jobs report that they feel overworked by household chores _____ their professional


(A)according to 根據;按照(B)in contrast to 與……相比(C)in addition to 除……之外(還)(D)in regard to 關於

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: The New York City Fire Museum operates a world-class fire safety education prog


(A)counts on 依賴 ; 指望

(B)runs out 被用完,被耗盡(C)calls for 要求 , 叫人拿來(D)aims at 瞄準 , 對準

【評論主題】36 To prevent avian flu viruses from invading Taiwan via fowl-smuggling passages or illegal immigran


(A)epidemics 傳染病; 流行病(B)academics 大學的,學院的(C)domestics 家庭的,家事的(D)foreigners 外國人

【評論主題】33 Several crew members were badly injured in the crash and rushed to the hospital. It might take a


(A)eradicated 根絕;消滅(B)evacuated 撤離;撤退(C)discharged 允許…出院 ; 排出(D)disabused 使省悟

【評論主題】38 A Canadian cargo ship carrying 3,000 brand new cars sank soon after departure. An investigation w


(A)delivered 投遞;運送(B)launched 發動;開始(C)promoted 晉升; 晉級(D)regressed 退回;逆行

【評論主題】43 In order to improve the _______ of local coastguardsmen, Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration is p


(A)competition 競爭,角逐(B)performance 演出;表演(C)recognition 認出,識別(D)transaction 交易,執行

【評論主題】14 It is hard to judge a stone in the rough. Diamonds tend to lose at least 50% of their weight duri


(A) distracting 轉移,分散(B) polishing 磨光,擦亮(C) retrieving 重新得到,收回(D) squeezing 擠,壓

【評論主題】13 If you plan to make the video for professional use, you may need to obtain permission to use publ


(A) feasibility 可行性;可能性(B) infringement 違反; 侵犯(C) miscellany 混合物;混雜(D) parenthesis 【語】插入語;圓括號

【評論主題】2 Many earlier studies examined perceptions of sexual harassment in a fairly _____ way without recog


(A) erotic 性愛的;色情的(B) exclusive 排外的;除外的(C) inclusive 包含的,包括的(D) static 靜止的 ; 停滯的;靜電

【評論主題】15 The accuracy of the analysis depends on the _____ of the data supplied. There will be fewer mista


(A) correlation 相關,關聯(B) integrity 正直;廉正;誠實

(C) paradox 悖論,矛盾(D) scarcity 匱乏;蕭條

【評論主題】12 The Country Museum has constantly inducted new members into the museum—sharing their talents andd


(A) discrimination 辨別,區別(B) indignation 憤怒,義憤(C) manipulation 操作,運用(D) perpetuation 永存;不朽

【評論主題】7 For many people, art is something for us to admire; they don’t really care if an artwork is an ori


(A)renewal 更新;復原(B)restoration 恢復;復位(C)reproduction 再生;重製(D)resurrection 復活;復甦

【評論主題】45 After spending 25 years in prison, the convicted criminal will be __________ for parole.(A)dilige


(A)diligent 勤勉的,勤奮的(B) disheveled 使(頭髮)蓬鬆;弄亂(C)eligible 有資格的(D)evasive 逃避的;託辭的

【評論主題】38 The mayor is in a __________, for his decision will be challenged by both his proponents and oppo


(A)trend 趨勢; 傾向(B)morality 道德,倫理;品行(C)sentiment 心情;情操(D)dilemma 困境,進退兩難

【評論主題】27 Different agencies use their SWAT teams for different kinds of ______, but the basic set of missi


(A)assignments 任務;工作(B) advantages 優點,優勢(C) assistances 援助,幫助(D) alignments 隊列,排成直線