【評論主題】37. 道路因車輛或行人臨時通行量顯著增加,或遇突發事故,足使交通陷於停滯或混亂時,以下何者非屬道路 交通管理處罰條例第 6 條授權執行交通勤務之警察得行使之權限? (A) 指定某線道路禁止或限制車輛


【評論主題】34. 一般狀況「汽車行駛於道路上,駕駛人未依規定繫安全帶者,處駕駛人新臺幣一千五百元罰鍰」。下列哪 一種情況會提高駕駛人或乘客未繫安全帶的罰緩? (A) 營業大客車駕駛人未繫安全帶 (B) 計程車駕


l   汽車行駛於道路上,其駕駛人、前座或小型車後座乘客未依規定繫安全帶者,處駕駛人新臺幣一千五百元罰鍰;營業大客車駕駛人未依規定繫安全帶者,處駕駛人新臺幣二千元罰鍰。但營業大客車、計程車或租賃車輛代僱駕駛人已盡告知義務,乘客仍未繫安全帶時,處罰該乘客。

【評論主題】22. 行駛及進入高速公路及快速公路之車輛,有關輪胎胎紋深度與使用輪胎之規定,下列何者錯誤? (A) 大型重型機車輪胎胎紋深度:任一點不足 1.6 公釐 (B) 經營國道客運路線營業車輛,不得使用翻修

【評論內容】(一)四輪以上汽車:輪胎胎面磨損至中華民國國家標準CNS 1431汽車用外胎(輪胎)標準或CNS4959卡客車用翻修輪胎標準所訂之任一胎面磨耗指示點。

【評論主題】15. 有關道路交通安全規則第 39 條對於汽車裝設行車紀錄器之規定,下列何者錯誤? (A) 總聯結重量及總重量在 20 公噸以上之新登檢領照汽車,應裝設 (B) 具有連續記錄汽車行車影像功能 (C)


【評論主題】12. The vessel sent a______ signal, and the Coast Guard Administration sent Coast Guard boats and re

【評論內容】The vessel sent a______ ☆☆☆☆☆☆, ...

【評論主題】15. The government has begun installing full-body scanners and other high-tech facilities to_______

【評論內容】The government has begun installing full-body scanners and other high-tech facilities to_______ security at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.

【評論主題】39.(A) extremists (B) humanitarians (C) moderates (D) materialists

【評論內容】(A) extremists  極端分子

【評論主題】40.(A) eroticism (B) innuendo (C) camouflage (D) collusion

【評論內容】(A) eroticism色情

【評論主題】37.(A) tackled (B) confronted (C) surrendered (D) deprived

【評論內容】(A) tackled  已解決

【評論主題】36.(A) secular (B) indifferent (C) brazen (D) polar

【評論內容】(A) secular  世俗的

【評論主題】35. Prosecutors appealed the New Taipei District Court's decision to allow Chu, known on social

【評論內容】Prosecutors appealed the New Taipei District Court's decision to allow Chu, known on social media as Xiaoyu, to pay a fine_______ jail time, arguing that the sentence was too lenient.

【評論主題】34. Doctors do everything they can to stabilize the patient, but his brain may have suffered _______

【評論內容】Doctors do everything they can to stabilize the patient, but his brain may have suffered ________damage.

【評論主題】32. The city _______that visitors are welcome to enjoy the shore, even at night, but entering the oc

【評論內容】The city _______that visitors are welcome to enjoy the shore, even at night, but entering the ocean after dark is strictly forbidden.

【評論主題】28. Migrants who are _______at sea or apprehended ashore will not be allowed to stay in the United S

【評論內容】Migrants who are _______at sea or apprehended ashore will not be allowed to stay in the United States or a U.S. territory. Furthermore, anyone who arrives unlawfully may be repatriated to their country of origin or returned to the country from where the voyage departed from.

【評論主題】33. Many people donate water, blankets, water and medication, and other_____ supplies when they hear

【評論內容】Many people donate water, blankets, water and medication, and other_____ supplies when they heard about the strong Japan earthquake.

【評論主題】31. The best way to prevent a fire is to never leave a space heater running in a room_______— that w

【評論內容】The best way to prevent a fire is to never leave a space heater running in a room_______— that way, if anything does go wrong, you can act quickly to turn off it.

【評論主題】27. The Lunar New Year holiday often comes with a rise in illicit activity across Taipei, prompting

【評論內容】The Lunar New Year holiday often comes with a rise in illicit activity across Taipei, prompting police to conduct an annual 15-day safety _______to inspect high-risk bars, hotels, and clubs, while also boosting patrols.

【評論主題】30. Fire extinguishers can save lives and are placed in locations that make them easily _______and i

【評論內容】Fire extinguishers can save lives and are placed in locations that make them easily _______and in plain view in case of an emergency.

【評論主題】29. In the deadly gas explosion, cars and trucks on the streets were thrown into the air and_______

【評論內容】In the deadly gas explosion, cars and trucks on the streets were thrown into the air and_______ end over end.

【評論主題】26. Police are supposed to use guns only as a last _______. (A) resort (B) hope (C) response (D) sen

【評論內容】Police are supposed to use guns only as a last _______.

【評論主題】25. A Taiwanese police _______based in Vietnam told Central News Agency that streamer who goes by th

【評論內容】25. A Taiwanese police _______based in Vietnam told Central News Agency that streamer who goes by the name “Goodnight Chicken” online is being investigated for instigating discrimination, making false statements, and wasting public resources.

【評論主題】24. The lawyer negotiated with the judge to _____the charges brought against his client. (A) pose (B

【評論內容】The lawyer negotiated with the judge to _____the charges brought against his client.

【評論主題】20. Police ______is critically important because it forms the foundation of a successful law enforce

【評論內容】Police ______is critically important because it forms the foundation of a successful law enforcement career and helps to build trust and respect within the community.

【評論主題】22. Two high-ranking officers of Taiwan's Marine Corps have been _______by the Control Yuan. Th

【評論內容】Two high-ranking officers of Taiwan's Marine Corps have been _______by the Control Yuan. The incident, involving a stolen .45 caliber handgun and its replacement with a model gun, took place at the Marine Corps recruit training center in Longquan, Pingtun in 2022.

【評論主題】19. The superstar said that he would not hesitate to take legal ______against those who spread malic

【評論內容】19. The superstar said that he would not hesitate to take legal ______against those who spread malicious rumors about him.

【評論主題】18.Three attorneys for former President Donald Trump have _______guilty in a wide-ranging racketeeri

【評論內容】Three attorneys for former President Donald Trump have _______guilty in a wide-ranging racketeering indictment that accuses Trump and 18 others of election tampering in Georgia, and agreed to testify against other defendants in the case, including Trump.

【評論主題】17. The protesters ______a riot in front of court house. (A) incited (B) oscillated (C) baffled (D)

【評論內容】The protesters ______a riot in front of court house.

【評論主題】16. The injured police officer shared his story so other cadets had a ______ experience. (A) precari

【評論內容】The injured police officer shared his story so other cadets had a ______ experience.

【評論主題】14. The police said they hope multiple inspections and stepping patrols would ______drunk driving du

【評論內容】The police said they hope multiple inspections and stepping patrols would ______drunk driving during the Lunar New Year festivals.

【評論主題】11. In order to justify a detention, an officer must be able to ________specific facts that lead to

【評論內容】in order to justify ☆ ...

【評論主題】13. No justice system is perfect, and there have been cases where individuals have been wrongly conv

【評論內容】No justice system is perfect, and there have been cases where individuals have been wrongly convicted and later_______.

【評論主題】10. Firefighters need real-world experience and, as a result, departments are constantly looking for

【評論內容】Firefighters need real-world experience and, as a result, departments are constantly looking for safer, more effective training methods. One important tool that has emerged is firefighter ______reality (VR) training.

【評論主題】8. Anna Delvey was sent to jail on a charge of ______ in the fraud. (A) connotation (B) conscience (

【評論內容】8. Anna Delvey was ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】9. If ____ and fire attack are coordinated, venting over the fire provides the most efficient flow o

【評論內容】9. If ____ and fire ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆...

【評論主題】11. 右圖機慢車兩段左轉標誌「遵 20」(藍底、白色圖案、白色箭頭),屬於何種分類及作用之標誌? (A) 警告標誌 (B) 禁制標誌 (C) 指示標誌 (D) 輔助標誌


【評論主題】2. 有關「違反道路交通管理事件統一裁罰基準及處理細則第 12 條輕微交通違規勸導」之規定,何者錯誤? (A)駕駛汽車於號誌燈號變換之際,因未能依號誌指示及時停止,致前輪部分伸越停止線,惟前車身尚未超


【評論主題】106.The intercity bus service has been _____ among travelers in terms of punctual departures.(A)over

【評論內容】106. The intercity bus service has been _____ among travelers in terms of punctual departures.

【評論主題】118.A _____ workforce can bring new ideas and perspectives to the table, which can lead to more inno

【評論內容】118. A _____ workforce can bring new ideas and perspectives to the table, which can lead to more innovative and creative solutions.

【評論主題】103.Our cleaning services _____ by satisfied customers for consecutive years.(A)will have recommende

【評論內容】103. Our cleaning services _____ by satisfied customers for consecutive years.

【評論主題】102.A successful negotiation requires clear communication, a willingness to compromise, and a _____

【評論內容】A successful negotiation requires clear communication, a willingness to compromise, and a _____ understanding of the opposing party's interests.

【評論主題】36 With the violent hurricane _______ , residents were advised by the firefighters to take immediate

【評論內容】36 With the violent hurricane _______ , residents were advised by the firefighters to take immediate precautions. (A) vanishing (B) contrasting (C) approaching (D) renovating36 隨著猛烈的颶風_______,消防隊員建議居民立即採取預防措施。 (A) 消失 (B) 對比 (C) 接近 (D) 翻新

【評論主題】【題組】47 When did a fire department first appear in the Western world?(A) 300 years ago (B) 326 years

【評論內容】在英語裡,傳統上「紀元前」是用「BC」來代表,「紀元後」是用「AD」代表;「BC」是「Before Christ」(基督前)的首字母縮寫,基督徒常譯為「主前」;而「AD」則是拉丁文「Anno Domini」(在主之年)的縮寫,基督徒常譯為「主後」。

【評論主題】39 Besides the strict enforcement of laws against drunk driving, our government should strengthen pu

【評論內容】39 Besides the strict enforcement of laws against drunk driving, our government should strengthen public education to alert people to the dangers of drunk driving to _______their safety. (A) ensure (B) overload (C) switch (D) undermine39 除了嚴格執法打擊酒後駕車外,政府還應加強公眾教育,提醒人們酒後駕車對自身安全的危害。 (A) 確保 (B) 過載 (C) 開關 (D) 破壞

【評論主題】34 _______ is the process of creating an opening in a roof to allow heat and smoke to escape from a

【評論內容】34 _______ is the process of creating an opening in a roof to allow heat and smoke to escape from a burning building. (A) Ventilation (B) Investigation (C) Forcible entry (D) Salvage34 _______ 是在屋頂上開一個開口,讓熱量和煙霧從燃燒的建築物中逸出的過程。 (A) 通風 (B) 調查 (C) 強行進入 (D) 打撈

【評論主題】【題組】45 (A) provoke (B) promote (C) deter (D) loiter

【評論內容】45 (A) provoke (B) promote (C) deter (D) loiter45 (A) 挑釁 (B) 促進 (C) 威懾 (D) 徘徊

【評論主題】【題組】44 (A) mentors (B) proponents (C) pharmacists (D) contestants

【評論內容】44 (A) mentors (B) proponents (C) pharmacists (D) contestants44 (A) 導師 (B) 支持者 (C) 藥劑師 (D) 參賽者

【評論主題】【題組】42 (A) suspect (B) prospect (C) aspect (D) concept

【評論內容】42 (A) suspect (B) prospect (C) aspect (D) concept42 (A)嫌疑人 (B)前景 (C)方面 (D)概念

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題       Should capital punishment be__41__ ? People have been arguing over this co

【評論內容】41 (A) accumulated (B) arrested (C) abolished (D) allocated41 (A)累積 (B)逮捕 (C)廢除 (D)分配

【評論主題】38 After retirement, the firefighter works as a _______social worker to serve the neighboring commun

【評論內容】38 After retirement, the firefighter works as a _______social worker to serve the neighboring communities, which enriches his life. (A) cyclone (B) depressed (C) vicious (D) volunteer38 退休後,消防員作為_______社會工作者為鄰近社區服務,豐富了他的生活。 (A)旋風 (B)鬱悶 (C)惡毒 (D)志願者

【評論主題】37 Rescue workers are _______ their search for the child because it has been three days since he was

【評論內容】37 Rescue workers are _______ their search for the child because it has been three days since he was reported missing. (A) preying (B) fluttering (C) yielding (D) intensifying37 救援人員正在 _______ 尋找這名兒童,因為距離他被報告失踪已經三天了。 (A) 捕食 (B) 撲動 (C) 屈服 (D) 強化

【評論主題】35 The firefighters _____ that an unextinguished cigarette butt was the cause of the fire.(A) starve

【評論內容】35 The firefighters _____ that an unextinguished cigarette butt was the cause of the fire. (A) starved (B) suspected (C) depressed (D) resumed35 消防隊員 _____ 未熄滅的煙頭是火災的原因。 (A) 挨餓 (B) 疑似 (C) 抑鬱 (D) 恢復

【評論主題】28 The public interest is best served by a fully regulated and _____ pilotage service free of commer

【評論內容】28 The public interest is best served by a fully regulated and _____ pilotage service free of commercial pressure.

【評論主題】33 It may be advisable for pilots to carry spare batteries, power cords, or other _____ equipment as

【評論內容】33 It may be advisable for pilots to carry spare batteries, power cords, or other _____ equipment as needed during navigation.

【評論主題】31 According to the recent news, Taiwan’s new Chiayi-class patrol vessel has a 5044-ton _____, capab

【評論內容】31 According to the recent news, Taiwan’s new Chiayi-class patrol vessel has a 5044-ton _____, capable of withstanding Class 10 winds.

【評論主題】36.「交通工程規範」於民國 110 年修訂時,考量數項重點改善,請問修訂版條文中包含下列哪些項目?(A)提升標線抗滑能力,市區道路之標線抗滑能力須達 60BPN(B)提升標線抗滑能力,自 45BPN

【評論內容】36.「交通工程規範」於民國 110 年修訂時,考量數項重點改善,請問修訂版條文中包含下列哪些項目?

【評論主題】33.行車管制號誌之燈色原則上應具備紅、黃、綠三種燈色,但於下列哪些情況實施單向交通輪放管制時,得使用僅有紅、綠兩種燈色之號誌?(A)隧道 (B)施工路段(C)圓環 (D)匝道(E)停車場出入口

【評論內容】33.行車管制號誌之燈色原則上應具備紅、黃、綠三種燈色,但於下列哪些情況實施單向交通輪放 管制時,得使用僅有紅、綠兩種燈色之號誌?

【評論主題】31.下列何者為輔助標誌?(A)活動型拒馬 (B)故障標誌(C)交通桿 (D)調撥車道分向線指示標誌(E)車道預告標誌








【評論主題】3. 已知 6 輛小客車分別以 10、20、40、60、80 以及 100 km∕h 之等速率,繞行周長為 10 km 之圓形道路。今於路旁某處觀測車流 5 小時,並記錄每一通過車輛之現點速率(Spo

【評論內容】3. 已知 6 輛小客車分別以 10、20、40、60、80 以及 100 km∕h 之等速率,繞行周長為 10 km 之 圓形道路。今於路旁某處觀測車流 5 小時,並記錄每一通過車輛之現點速率(Spot Speed)。請 計算車流之時間平均速率 TMS(Time Mean Speed,公里∕小時):

【評論主題】39.The suspect faced a __________ charge for assaulting the victim with a deadly weapon.(A) felony (

【評論內容】39.The suspect faced a __________ charge for assaulting the victim with a deadly weapon.

【評論主題】28.The thief tried to __________ the policeman of complete integrity but to no avail.(A) buy out (B)

【評論內容】28.The thief tried to __________ the policeman of complete integrity but to no avail.

【評論主題】32.There was a severe typhoon coming the night before the first day of school. As a result, many sch

【評論內容】32.There was a severe typhoon coming the night before the first day of school. As a result, many school opening ceremonies were __________.

【評論主題】37.Human Trafficking is the__________, or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with

【評論內容】37.Human Trafficking is the__________, or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit. (Please choose the possible words.)

【評論主題】31.The residents __________ the construction of the nuclear plant.(A) oppose to (B) are opposed to(C

【評論內容】31.The residents __________ the construction of the nuclear plant.

【評論主題】29.The firefighter put his life __________ in order to save the trapped boy.(A) in hatred (B) in jeo

【評論內容】29.The firefighter put his life __________ in order to save the trapped boy.

【評論主題】40.Taipei District Court could not try Gary Huang for kidnapping because it did not have jurisdictio

【評論內容】40.Taipei District ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】38.They caught the thief __________ and committed him to the police.(A) innocent (B) on the spot(C)

【評論內容】38.They caught the thief __________ and committed him to the police.

【評論主題】36.What are the synonyms of “siege”?(A) attack (B) blockade(C) arrest (D) relief(E) seizure

【評論內容】36.What are the synonyms of “siege”?

【評論主題】35.What are the synonyms of “abuse”?(A) bully (B) reverence(C) torture (D) appreciate(E) misuse

【評論內容】35.What are the synonyms of “abuse”?

【評論主題】34.Please choose the synonyms of “gangster”.(A) thug (B) criminal(C) villain (D) vendor(E) journeyma

【評論內容】34.Please choose the synonyms of “gangster”.

【評論主題】33.The train __________ with daily commuters.(A) crowded (B) was crowded(C) was jammed (D) was packe

【評論內容】33.The train __________ with daily commuters.

【評論主題】30.Peter__________ stealing Mary’s car.(A) was accused of (B) was in a charge of(C) was charged with

【評論內容】30.Peter__________ stealing Mary’s car.

【評論主題】27.He must __________ the contract, because if not, we will bring an action against him.(A) abide by

【評論內容】27.He must __________ the contract, because if not, we will bring an action against him.

【評論主題】25.The public police of every country are the ________of the peculiar social, economic, and politica

【評論內容】25.The public polic☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】26.Money laundering is the illegal process of making large amounts of money generated by criminalact

【評論內容】26.Money laundering is the illegal process of making large amounts of money generated by criminal activity, such as _________, appear to have come from a legitimate source. (Please choose the possible words.)

【評論主題】24.Please choose the synonyms of “lawyer”.(A) freshman (B) counselor(C) coroner (D) attorney(E) advo

【評論內容】24.Please choose the synonyms of “lawyer”.

【評論主題】23.What are the synonyms of “fraud”?(A) deception (B) cheating(C) deceit (D) usher(E) coroner

【評論內容】23.What are the synonyms of “fraud”?

【評論主題】22.Please choose the words related to “kidnap”.(A) hijack (B) fallacy(C) dovetail (D) seize(E) captu

【評論內容】22.Please choose th☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】21.Please choose the words related to “felony”.(A) arson (B) rape(C) murder (D) stigma(E) sedan

【評論內容】21.Please choose th☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】20.The word “prospective”, as used in line 1 of the paragraph, most nearly, means(A) likely (B)

【評論內容】20.The word “prospective”, as used in line 1 of the paragraph, most nearly, means