【評論主題】Monroe Bank’s Internet services will be-------- to customers from 6:00 to 9:00 A.M. onSunday, Octobe



【評論主題】Although Ms. Kelly has been working as atrader for only two months, she is ------- regardedby client


【評論主題】Mr. Kang has reserved a banquet room atthe Kang Beach Hotel ------- the annual holidayparty.(A) from


Kang先生在Kang Beach酒店為年度假日派對預留了一個宴會廳。

【評論主題】Monroe Bank’s Internet services will be-------- to customers from 6:00 to 9:00 A.M. onSunday, Octobe



【評論主題】Monroe Bank’s Internet services will be-------- to customers from 6:00 to 9:00 A.M. onSunday, Octobe



【評論主題】Although Ms. Kelly has been working as atrader for only two months, she is ------- regardedby client


【評論主題】Mr. Kang has reserved a banquet room atthe Kang Beach Hotel ------- the annual holidayparty.(A) from


Kang先生在Kang Beach酒店為年度假日派對預留了一個宴會廳。

【評論主題】16 針對歐丹聯結器的應用,下列那一個敘述是正確的?(A)可用於不相互平行且中心線未相交於一點的二軸上(B)可用於不相互平行但中心線相交於一點的二軸上(C)可用於相互平行但不在同一中心線的二軸上(D)



1. 用於兩軸中心線互相平行但不在同一直線上,且偏距不大時

2. 橢圓型機構的變形3. 兩邊等連桿組之應用(等腰機構)4. 轉速(角速度)需相同5. 磨損大,體積也很大,不適於高速旋轉軸

【評論主題】15. Intense, fast-moving fires raged across much of California last week. The _____ firestorm has cl



【評論主題】第16 至 20 題為題組One factor that separates a living thing from an inanimate object is the organism’s abi


One factor that separates a living thing from an inanimate object is the organism’s ability to carry out chemical reactions that are crucial for its survival. Imagine the infinite amount of reactions that a large organism such as human carries out every single day.  None of these reactions are possible without enzymes. Enzymes consist of various types of proteins that work to drive the chemical reactions required for certain types of nutrients to take effect. Enzymes can either launch a reaction or speed it up. In the absence of enzymes, reactants may take hundreds of years to convert into a...

【評論主題】第 11 至 15 題為題組France, home to such major fashion houses as Chanel, Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent, has

【評論內容】法國是Chanel,Dior和Yves Saint Laurent等主要時裝公司的所在地,該公司已加入意大利,西班牙和以色列,並通過了針對超級瘦模特的法律或廣告法。法國政府已宣稱通過一項法案,使用過於瘦的模型。模特機構違反法律可能會被處以高達81,000美元的罰款,涉及員工的監獄長達六個月。據法國官員稱,這項措施旨在打擊危險薄型模特的美化。根據已獲批准的立法,模特們必須出示一份醫療證明,證明她們在獲准在時尚界工作之前身體健康。此外,他們將受到定期的體重檢查。模特機構將不得不製作一份醫療報告,顯示他們的模型保持了健康的身高比。這項法案有望改變年輕女性對理想女性形象的看法

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題:    Most illustrations of Benjamin Franklin's famous kite experiment show h


Most illustrations of Benjamin Franklin's famous kite experiment show him conducting the test (and the electricity) by himself. But according to his personal account  of the experience, his son William flew the kite. Legend has it that he put a wire at the top of the kite and a key at the base of the wet string. His 21-year-old son William flew the kite .while  Franklin watched. Reportedly, the string reacted to a lightning strike, and Franklin drew sparks by placing his knuckle on the key. Luckily for the father and son, the electrical charge was weak enough that they were not harmed . Phil...

【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following is NOT true of deflation?(A)Deflation could be both good and bad.(B)De


【評論主題】【題組】31 (A)On the contrary (B)By no means (C)As a result (D)In other words


Michelangelo’s David, the five-hundred-year-old marble statue, is regarded as an example of a perfect male body. However, he is found to have a flaw(缺陷)-having crossed eyes(鬥雞眼). The discovery was made during an exercise to produce a digital version of all Michelangelo’s sculptures and buildings by scanning them with a laser. 


The result shows the gaze directions of his eyes diverge. This is shown...

【評論主題】13 There is no shortage of challenging destinations for drivers in China, but Tibet is widely regard



【評論主題】10 It is often hard to________ the truth of a legend, but we seem to always enjoy learning the stunn


【評論主題】21 如右圖所示電路中,已知I=6A時,則電源電壓E為 I多少伏特?  (A)6 (B) 12  (C) 24 (D) 36





【評論主題】132.一螺紋標註為"L 2N M10×1.5-5g6g",下列何者錯誤?(A)為左螺紋 (B)為外螺紋 (C)節徑公差為6級 (D)為雙線螺紋。






1.5(螺距1.5mm) 判定為粗牙



【評論主題】246.一5mm×5mm×20mm之鍵,裝於直徑20mm之軸上,若軸受200N-cm之扭轉力矩,則該鍵所承受之剪應力為(A)1MPa (B)2MPa (C)4MPa (D)6MPa。


換成0.5cmX 0.5cm X 2cm之鍵 D=2cm


剪應力公式=2T/DWL  =2X2/2x0.5x2=2Mpa


【評論主題】Monroe Bank’s Internet services will be-------- to customers from 6:00 to 9:00 A.M. onSunday, Octobe



【評論主題】38. 下列離合器種類中,何者最常使用於汽車之自動排檔裝置?(A)塊狀離合器(Block clutch) (B)錐形離合器(Cone clutch)(C)顎夾離合器(Jaw clutch) (D)流體



【評論主題】132.一螺紋標註為"L 2N M10×1.5-5g6g",下列何者錯誤?(A)為左螺紋 (B)為外螺紋 (C)節徑公差為6級 (D)為雙線螺紋。






1.5(螺距1.5mm) 判定為粗牙



【評論主題】246.一5mm×5mm×20mm之鍵,裝於直徑20mm之軸上,若軸受200N-cm之扭轉力矩,則該鍵所承受之剪應力為(A)1MPa (B)2MPa (C)4MPa (D)6MPa。


換成0.5cmX 0.5cm X 2cm之鍵 D=2cm


剪應力公式=2T/DWL  =2X2/2x0.5x2=2Mpa


【評論主題】Monroe Bank’s Internet services will be-------- to customers from 6:00 to 9:00 A.M. onSunday, Octobe



【評論主題】49 至 52 題為題組Most parts of Taiwan have access to sufficient supplies of fresh water for drinking. But



但在世界上許多乾旱地區,如沙特阿拉伯,淡水資源供應有限,淡水可能供不應求。隨著世界人口的持續增長,淡水的短缺將更頻繁地發生,並且需要額外的供水將變得至關重要。有人可能會問,“既然海洋佔地球的70%以上,為什麼不從海洋中獲取飲用水呢?” 為了將海水變成淡水,我們需要去除海水中的鹽,即淡化海水。問題是水的淡化需要大量的能量。



【評論主題】第 41 至 44 題為題組For more than two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the United S


兩百多年來,白宮一直是美國總統,美國政府和美國人民的象徵。 1790年,喬治·華盛頓總統宣布聯邦政府將居住在“波托馬克河上不超過10英里的地區”。隨著籌備工作的開始,我們舉行了一場競賽,尋找“總統府”的建造者。提交了9份提案,愛爾蘭出生的建築師詹姆斯·霍班因其實用而帥氣的設計而獲得金獎。




【評論主題】53 至 56 題為題組Four millennia ago, an ancient Babylonian wrote down what is possibly the first lullaby.





這首搖籃曲可能聽起來比睡覺誘惑更可怕,但許多搖籃曲 - 包括今天演唱的搖籃曲 - 確實有黑暗的底色。




【評論主題】45 至 48 題為題組West Nile is a tropical disease that begins in birds, which pass it on to mosquitoes tha

【評論內容】西尼羅河病毒是一種熱帶疾病,從鳥類開始,將其傳遞給蚊子,然後繼續咬傷感染人類。 大多數患有西尼羅河病毒的人根本沒有任何症狀,但是,如果他們這樣做,症狀通常會在蚊蟲叮咬後3至14天內發生。大約五分之一的人患有發燒,頭痛和身體疼痛,通常持續一周左右。不幸的是,150人中有1人遇到高燒,震顫,癱瘓和昏迷。 一些人 - 尤其是老年人和免疫系統較弱的人 - 死亡。這就是2012年夏天美國西尼羅河大爆發如此可怕的原因。 在得克薩斯州達拉斯,情況特別嚴重,西尼羅河病毒造成10人死亡,200多人生病。該市宣布進入緊急狀態並開始空中噴灑殺蟲劑以殺死蚊子,儘管居民認為殺蟲劑可能比疾病更危險。 為什麼2012年夏天對西尼羅河病毒以及攜帶它的蚊子...

【評論主題】第 16 至 20 題為題組 It has long been assumed that creativity is some unusual trait enjoyed by the few. Ho


It has long been assumed that creativity is some unusual trait enjoyed by the few. However, according to a wide array of scientific and sociological research, 

creativity is less  a sign of rare genius than a natural human potential. Thus, it can be nurtured and encouraged. It is believed that taking breaks from a problem can help spark a moment of insight or stimulate new ideas. 

Unconventional solutions can also be explored. That is why some of the most successful companies in the world, such as 3M and Google, encourage their employees to take part in all sorts of relaxing activities, such ...

【評論主題】第 31 至 40 題為題組 Fortune cookies, commonly served after meals at Chinese restaurants in the U.S., are


Fortune cookies, commonly served after meals at Chinese restaurants in the U.S., are characterized by a fortune, which is written on a small piece of paper tucked inside the cookie. 

There are several competing stories about the origin of the fortune cookie. None of them, however, has been proven to be entirely true. 

     One of these stories traces the cookie’s origin back to 13 th - and 14th -century China, which was then occupied by the Mongols. 

According to the legend, notes of secret plans for a revolution to overthrow the Mongols were hidden in mooncakes that would ordinarily have ...

【評論主題】15. Intense, fast-moving fires raged across much of California last week. The _____ firestorm has cl



【評論主題】【題組】47. What can be inferred from the passage?(A) Meaning can be distorted in the process of writing


【評論主題】第 48 至 51 題為題組During the past three hundred years, when a country gains its freedom or independence,


在過去的三百年裡,當一個國家獲得自由或獨立時,首先確立的一件事就是國歌。國歌通常在正式的國家場合以及慶祝或支持該國國家身份的其他活動中播放和唱歌。荷蘭的16世紀讚美詩“Het Wilhelmus”被廣泛認為是世界上最古老的國歌,其次是英國的“上帝保佑國王/王后” - 也是一部十九世紀四十年代流行的讚美詩。隨著民族主義在18世紀和19世紀遍布歐洲,國歌也是如此。許多國家,比如今天屬於德國的獨立國家,以“上帝保佑國王/王后”為榜樣,並採用了讚美詩(祈禱歌通常寫給神隻或VIP)。另外一些人,特別是西班牙和法國人,選擇了遊行隊伍(軍樂隊常常演奏的歌曲具有強烈而規律的節奏),表現出軍事精神而不是君主精神。隨著帝國主義,歐洲人傳播...

【評論主題】【題組】42. Which of the following is true about the operation of a Little Free Library?(A) The library


【評論主題】第 40 至 43 題為題組Todd Bol, a retired businessman, could never have expected that a wooden container he





【評論內容】(A)科學家稱之為單向再生。n(B)人類並非完全沒有再生能力。n(C)龍蝦,蠑螈和許多其他動物也會發生同樣的情況。n(D)當涉及到更新時,很少有動物可以等同於渦蟲的魔力。n(E)這種類型的再生在少數動物中表現出來,如九頭蛇和海星。 (F)他們希望這一系列的研究將有助於人類在未來有可能重生。

【評論主題】第 36 至 39 題為題組Often named as the most prominent contemporary female architect, Zaha Hadid, an Iraqi-


作為當代最著名的女性建築師,扎伊哈迪德是一位出生在伊拉克的英國女性,她的知識堅持和拒絕妥協她的藝術理念非常重要。多年來,她的設計填補了建築期刊的篇幅,但被認為不切實際或過於激進。而且,在男性主導的領域當女性並不能幫助她成功。儘管遇到了這些挫折,她的成名在她為辛辛那提新的當代藝術中心設計而被選中和建造的時候開始興起,贏得了她的全球讚譽。 “紐約時報”稱這座建築是“冷戰後美國最重要的新建築”。一旦她的天賦得到認可,委員會開始設計各種項目,包括公共交通,圖書館和歌劇院。 2004年,哈迪德成為第一位贏得著名普利茲克獎的女性。她還在2010年和2011年贏得了斯特林獎。哈迪德對建築的興趣源於她的家人在伊拉克南部古老...

【評論主題】第 21 至 30 題為題組Hundreds of years ago, a savory idea—called the century egg—was hatched in rural China


【評論主題】第 21 至 30 題為題組Hundreds of years ago, a savory idea—called the century egg—was hatched in rural China


delicacy  美味


【評論主題】第 11 至 15 題為題組France, home to such major fashion houses as Chanel, Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent, has

【評論內容】法國是Chanel,Dior和Yves Saint Laurent等主要時裝公司的所在地,該公司已加入意大利,西班牙和以色列,並通過了針對超級瘦模特的法律或廣告法。法國政府已宣稱通過一項法案,使用過於瘦的模型。模特機構違反法律可能會被處以高達81,000美元的罰款,涉及員工的監獄長達六個月。據法國官員稱,這項措施旨在打擊危險薄型模特的美化。根據已獲批准的立法,模特們必須出示一份醫療證明,證明她們在獲准在時尚界工作之前身體健康。此外,他們將受到定期的體重檢查。模特機構將不得不製作一份醫療報告,顯示他們的模型保持了健康的身高比。這項法案有望改變年輕女性對理想女性形象的看法



Hundreds of years ago, a savory idea—called the century egg—was hatched in rural China. As the story goes, a farmer found naturally preserved duck eggs in a muddy pool of water and slaked lime. After surviving a tasting, he set out to replicate them manually, resulting in a delicacy  that would endure for centuries as a comfort food in Hong Kong, China and parts of Southeast Asia. Though details of the century egg’s discovery are undocumented, scientists estimate that it dates back  more than 500 years to the Ming Dynasty. And aside from some techniques used for large-scale production tod...

【評論主題】第16 至 20 題為題組One factor that separates a living thing from an inanimate object is the organism’s abi


One factor that separates a living thing from an inanimate object is the organism’s ability to carry out chemical reactions that are crucial for its survival. Imagine the infinite amount of reactions that a large organism such as human carries out every single day.  None of these reactions are possible without enzymes. Enzymes consist of various types of proteins that work to drive the chemical reactions required for certain types of nutrients to take effect. Enzymes can either launch a reaction or speed it up. In the absence of enzymes, reactants may take hundreds of years to convert into a...

【評論主題】【題組】51. What can be inferred about the influence of European imperialism on national anthems?(A) Hum


【評論主題】【題組】46. What type of language feature is NOT mentioned in the passage?(A) Sound pattern. (B) Spellin


【評論主題】【題組】43. What is a contribution of Little Free Library?(A) The LFL Index can improve GPS functions.(B


Little Free Library有什麼貢獻?





【評論主題】【題組】39. According to the passage, which of the following is true about Hadid’s career in architectur







【評論主題】【題組】38. What is the third paragraph mainly about?(A) The cultural background of Hadid’s family.(B) T







【評論主題】第 36 至 39 題為題組Often named as the most prominent contemporary female architect, Zaha Hadid, an Iraqi-









【評論內容】人類面臨的最困難的事情之一是喪失肢體。如果一個人失去了手臂或腿,他/她必須配備假肢。海星的情況非常不同。如果海星失去了一隻手臂,它可以生長一個新的。龍蝦,蠑螈和許多其他動物也會發生同樣的情況。蝸牛甚至可以重新塑造他們的頭腦 - 想像一下,如果人類能夠做到這一點,世界將會是什麼樣子。但我們不能。我們也不能長出新的肢體甚至手指。這就是為什麼科學家正在研究可以再生身體部位的動物,即再生。人類並非完全沒有再生能力。許多不同種類的動物表現出某種形式的再生。然而,它們大多數只限於蜥蜴能夠生存的類型,例如再生一條丟失的尾巴。一隻蟑螂可以長出一條缺失的肢體,但肢體本身不會產生新的蟑螂。科學家稱之為單向再生。另一方...

【評論主題】第 31 至 35 題為題組One of the most difficult things for a human to face is the loss of a limb. If a perso


One of the most difficult things for a human to face is the loss of a limb. If a person loses an arm or a leg, he/she must be fitted with an artificial limb. The situation is very different for a starfish. If a starfish loses an arm, it can grow a new one. The same thing happens for lobsters, salamanders, and many other animals.  Snails can even regrow their heads—imagine what the world would be like if humans could do that. But we can’t. Nor can we grow new limbs or even fingers. That’s why scientists are studying animals that can regrow body parts, that is, regenerate. Humans aren’t com...



dates back 追溯

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題:    Most illustrations of Benjamin Franklin's famous kite experiment show h


Most illustrations of Benjamin Franklin's famous kite experiment show him conducting the test (and the electricity) by himself. But according to his personal account  of the experience, his son William flew the kite. Legend has it that he put a wire at the top of the kite and a key at the base of the wet string. His 21-year-old son William flew the kite .while  Franklin watched. Reportedly, the string reacted to a lightning strike, and Franklin drew sparks by placing his knuckle on the key. Luckily for the father and son, the electrical charge was weak enough that they were not harmed . Phil...

【評論主題】41 I enjoy writing on my bed; I pile the______ up behind me, settle back, and write by hand with my


【評論主題】15.對上級機關行文時,下列用語不正確的是: (A)檢陳 (B)請核示 (C)請查照 (D)鈞部、鈞長



【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following is NOT true of deflation?(A)Deflation could be both good and bad.(B)De


【評論主題】21 如右圖所示電路中,已知I=6A時,則電源電壓E為 I多少伏特?  (A)6 (B) 12  (C) 24 (D) 36





【評論主題】18 下列那一個機件可用以儲存能量?(A)凸輪 (B)齒輪 (C)鏈輪 (D)彈簧


【評論主題】30. 下列何種鏈條常用於一般自行車上?(A)滾子鏈 (B)無聲鏈 (C)塊狀鏈 (D)平環鏈


功率傳達鏈(動力鏈). (1) 塊狀鏈:用於低速傳動。 (2) 滾子鏈. 使用最廣,常見於機車、腳踏車。

【評論主題】1. 下列有萬向接頭(Universal joint)之敘述,何者錯誤?(A)連接之兩軸的中心線交於一點(B)連接之兩軸角速度可隨意變更傳動(C)當主動軸作等角速度運動時,則從動軸可作不等角速度運動(




