【評論主題】【題組】32 承上題,作者引用亞里斯多德的話,旨在說明:(A)閱讀歷史可淨化心靈 (B)人生的悲劇難以終結(C)只有悲劇足以興發悲憫 (D)憐憫和恐懼可阻止悲劇


亞里斯多德認為:悲劇的作用在於激起觀者『憐 憫』與『恐懼』的感受,從而洗滌、淨化心靈。 我們念歷史時,不像是觀賞一幕由無數古人在時間的浩然 長流中,連手演出的人性悲劇嗎?」


【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following statements about solo travel is NOT correct?(A) You have more chances


One of the best r☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】18 依公務人員考績法規定,下列何者得對公務人員為記過之處分?(A)懲戒法庭 (B)行政法院 (C)公務人員之服務機關 (D)監察院




【評論主題】【題組】33 Which of the following is NOT the possible cause of phobias?(A) Distressing events. (B) Genet


【評論主題】【題組】34 What is the basic practice of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)?(A) It removes all the possi


overload · vt. 使…超載; 使…負擔過重;使…超負荷 · n. 超負荷;過重的負擔

【評論主題】【題組】28 According to the passage, what does the word “detrimental” mean?(A) Elemental. (B) Harmful. (


elemental (a.)元素的,要素的,自然力的

【評論主題】【題組】25 What did Ali often do to interact with his fans before a match?(A) He often gave an emotional


·      "engage" vt.〔多用被動語態〕使從事,使忙于

·      "be engaged with" : 忙碌于; 正與接洽

·      "be engaged by" :   為...所吸引

·      "be engaged in" :    忙于,從事; 忙于,從事于

·      "be engaged to" :    忙于; 與訂婚; 與…訂婚

·      "be engaged" :      訂婚; 應聘

【評論主題】5 If you visit any fast food store in Taipei, it will invariably be ______ with customers, especiall


drafty通風的           a drafty room 通風良好的屋子

vacant 空的;未被佔用的,(工作職位)空缺的,

不感興趣的, 無聊的;茫然的;沒精打采的

【評論主題】13 下列詩句,何者最不適合用來表現「夜不成寐」的情懷?(A)獨夜憶秦關,聽鐘未眠客 (B)晝短苦夜長,何不秉燭遊(C)愁多知夜長,仰觀眾星列 (D)憂愁不能寐,攬衣起徘徊





【評論主題】4. Police announced today that the murder suspect was apprehended at his home. So, the murdersuspect

【評論內容】extraditev. 引渡the english murderer was caught by the french police and extradited to britain . 那個英國殺人犯被法國警察抓獲引渡回英國。if an escaped prisoner of the state of ohio is caught in indiana, he can be extradited from indiana to ohio . 如果俄亥俄洲一逃犯在印第安納城被逮捕,他可以被引渡回俄亥俄洲。the court refused to extradite political refugees 法庭拒絕引渡政治避難者。he cannot be extradited for crimes committed in the u . s 他在美國犯罪,但我們無法引渡他they extradited the jewel thief from the island state 他們把珠寶盜竊犯從那個島國引渡回來。

【評論主題】4. Police announced today that the murder suspect was apprehended at his home. So, the murdersuspect

【評論內容】prosecutev. 起訴;經營;貫徹i am trying my best to prosecute my duties . 我正在盡力履行我的職責。we should never prosecute the innocent . 我們決不應控告無辜的人。any person found leaving litter will be prosecuted . 禁扔垃圾,違者必究。trespassers will be prosecuted . 非法侵入嚴究不貸。every point made by the prosecuting attorney was telling . 檢查官提出的每一點都是有力的。Convict退信已定罪的證明…有罪convict:vt. 1.證明…有罪,宣告…有罪, ...be convicted:被宣布有罪be convicted of:宣布有罪

【評論主題】4. Police announced today that the murder suspect was apprehended at his home. So, the murdersuspect

【評論內容】extraditev. 引渡the english murderer was caught by the french police and extradited to britain . 那個英國殺人犯被法國警察抓獲引渡回英國。if an escaped prisoner of the state of ohio is caught in indiana, he can be extradited from indiana to ohio . 如果俄亥俄洲一逃犯在印第安納城被逮捕,他可以被引渡回俄亥俄洲。the court refused to extradite political refugees 法庭拒絕引渡政治避難者。he cannot be extradited for crimes committed in the u . s 他在美國犯罪,但我們無法引渡他they extradited the jewel thief from the island state 他們把珠寶盜竊犯從那個島國引渡回來。

【評論主題】4. Police announced today that the murder suspect was apprehended at his home. So, the murdersuspect

【評論內容】prosecutev. 起訴;經營;貫徹i am trying my best to prosecute my duties . 我正在盡力履行我的職責。we should never prosecute the innocent . 我們決不應控告無辜的人。any person found leaving litter will be prosecuted . 禁扔垃圾,違者必究。trespassers will be prosecuted . 非法侵入嚴究不貸。every point made by the prosecuting attorney was telling . 檢查官提出的每一點都是有力的。Convict退信已定罪的證明…有罪convict:vt. 1.證明…有罪,宣告…有罪, ...be convicted:被宣布有罪be convicted of:宣布有罪

【評論主題】14 主債務人就其債之發生原因之法律行為有撤銷權者,保證人對於債權人,依法得拒絕清償。此保證人之拒絕清償權之性質為何?(A)形成權 (B)請求權 (C)抗辯權 (D)支配權



一、永久性抗辯權  永久性抗辯權即是讓我方可以永久排除請求權人給付之意思,使得請求權人永遠不能再行使其請求權,故又可稱為毀滅抗辯權。如民法第144條時效完成之效力之規定,簡單說只要請求權人之相對義務人,予時效完畢後取得該抗辯權,即是永久性抗辯權的一種,並可久永的對抗該請求權;第198條債務履行之拒絕規定 及第288條規定等。二、一時性抗辯權  一時性抗辯權即是抗辯權人並非能永久排除請求權人之請求,但在特定的消滅條件下,就無法對抗請求權人的請求行為。如民法第2...

【評論主題】18 地方法院行政訴訟庭隸屬於:(A)行政院 (B)司法院 (C)考試院 (D)地方自治團體



【評論主題】The whole area was flooded because it ______ for weeks.(A) rains  (B) has rained  (C) had been raini



for weeks表示已進行一段時間



I had been working nonstop for seven hours before he showed up.


Sarah gained weight because she had been overeating.

Sarah 體重增加了,因為她一直在暴飲暴食。

Susan had been singing for two hours when I got there.


【評論主題】三、病人用藥之依順性(adherence)不佳,常見的原因為何?藥師應如何協助病人?(10 分)



I had been working nonstop for seven hours before he showed up.


Sarah gained weight because she had been overeating.

Sarah 體重增加了,因為她一直在暴飲暴食。

Susan had been singing for two hours when I got there.
