【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】5. A: I’m so sad. I failed the math test again.B:______ I can help you.(A) Beats me. (B) It’s the be


【評論主題】4. A: I can see you in the group from miles away.B: How can you do that?A: ______   (A) You are very


【評論主題】9. The coffee was free, but the paper cup______me ten dollars.(A) paid (B) spent (C) cost (D) took

【評論內容】非人當主詞 + 花費.....觀看完整全★,...

【評論主題】8. It took me a week______of this wonderful plan.(A) think (B) to think (C)thinking (D) thought

【評論內容】去思考  t.....看完整詳...

【評論主題】6. One of the ______ in this garden______white, but the other roses are red.(A) rose; is (B) rose; a

【評論內容】One of + 名詞.....看完整...

【評論主題】4. Nick and I arrived at school at 7:40 and 7:45, and Ben was the last one because he walked______.(

【評論內容】用最高級副詞the .....看完整詳...

【評論主題】3. You’d better______ John first before using his computer.(A) to ask (B) asked (C) ask (D) asking

【評論內容】had better .....看完整...

【評論主題】2. Today my father came home ______than yesterday because the meeting finished at 8:00.(A) late (B)

【評論內容】用比較級 .....看完整詳...

【評論主題】10. A: What does the building Taj Mahal in India stand for? B: ______.(A)To everyone’s surprise, it

【評論內容】It’s a sign of the l☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】9. A: How would you like your steak? B:______(A) Medium, please. (B) It went well with beef soup.(C)

【評論內容】Medium, ple.....看完整詳...

【評論主題】7.If my uncle ______to Kaohsiung next week, we will show him around.(A) will come (B) is coming (C)



【評論主題】6. Those French fries are not ______; they’re Jack’s. (A) their (B) his (C) your (D) my


【評論主題】3. She ______some lemon juice into her tea. (A) locked (B) sold (C) rang (D) dropped

【評論內容】drop .....看完整詳...

【評論主題】1. Bella didn’t sleep______ last night, so she is very tired today.(A) good (B) bad (C) badly (D) we

【評論內容】well 副詞 sle.....觀看完整★★,...

【評論主題】5.        rain very much there in summer?(A) Does it (B) Do we have (C) Is there (D) Is the weather

【評論內容】已經有 rain 這個動詞了.....觀★★★★★...

【評論主題】3. Boys and girls, please be nice          your new friends.(A) about (B) to (C) on (D) of

【評論內容】be nice t.....觀看完整全★,...

【評論主題】20. When the baby cried, Mrs. Su ________ in the kitchen anddid not hear it.(A) cooked (B) was cooki


【評論主題】18. Guys, make ___ at home and enjoy the party.(A)you (B) yourselves (C) yourself (D) yours


【評論主題】17. Typhoons usually ________ a lot of rain.(A) collect (B) bring (C) count (D) hang


【評論主題】30 .Grace’s performance is good enough________  the contest. (A)to win (B) win (C) winning (D)won

【評論內容】good/bad enou.....觀看★★★★,...

【評論主題】29 .The water is ______ to drink. (A)too clean (B) dirty enough (C) so clean (D)too dirty

【評論內容】too dirty to .....觀看★★★★,...

【評論主題】26 .Tim: Can you tell me ______ for your birthday? Zoe: How about an expensive smartphone? Tim: But

【評論內容】what you w.....看完整詳...

【評論主題】25 .Amy: I lost my wallet with lots of money in it. What ______? Ben: Let me tell you what ______. J

【評論內容】what should I do 我該做★........

【評論主題】24 .The dog________  yet. (A)hasn’t been fed (B) isn’t going to feed (C) isn’t feeding (D)isn’t fed

【評論內容】看到yet, 選.....看完整詳...

【評論主題】23 .The cake________by Dad, so he can’t help me with the math problem now.(A)has been made (B) is be

【評論內容】is being m.....觀看完整全★,...

【評論主題】22 .Ann: Why ______ you ______ by the police officer? Roy: I just ran a red light.(A)have; stopped (


【評論主題】21 .A: What is the net around the bed for? B: ______(A)To be sent to the south for hot days. (B) To

【評論內容】To stop bugs or mos☆☆☆☆☆☆☆(...

【評論主題】9.發現(A) cover (B) zip (C) discover



【評論主題】5.保證(A) ensure (B) display (C) waste



【評論主題】6.創作(A) create (B) shine (C) wrap



【評論主題】4.步驟(A) stop (B) step (C) stair



【評論主題】10.極限(A) relieve (B) limit (C) celebrity



【評論主題】7.影子(A) pile (B) rubbish (C) shadow



【評論主題】8.垃圾(A) trash (B) product (C) glass



【評論主題】2.焦慮(A) anxiety (B) relief (C) exciting



【評論主題】3.包括(A) exclude (B) include (C) cloud



【評論主題】【題組】5. glisten



【評論主題】【題組】4. bright



【評論主題】【題組】2. merry



【評論主題】33. I can eat several ________ because I am too hungry.(A) meat (B) chicken (C) apple (D) hamburgers

【評論內容】several 多個,用複.....觀★★★★★,...

【評論主題】32. Help ________ to the fruit, kids.(A) yourselves (B) yourself (C) ourselves (D) themselves


yourselves  你們自己 (複數)

【評論主題】31.The old man is lonely. He always talks to ________.(A) he (B) her (C) his (D) himself


【評論主題】30. I heard someone _______ my name.(A) called (B) calls (C) call (D) to call


heard 感官動詞後面放原型動詞

【評論主題】21. The helpless child doesn’t know________.(A) how to do (B) where should he go (C) who she can tal

【評論內容】who to ask f.....觀看★★★★,...

【評論主題】20. Are these the products ________?(A) Thomas Edison invented (B) which is hard to buy(C) that Will

【評論內容】Thomas Edison invent.....★★★★★★,...

【評論主題】19. She’s finished reading the novel, and ________.(A) neither am I (B) so has her sister (C) Tom is


 so has her sister 他姐姐也是

【評論主題】1.話題(A) tip (B) trip (C) topic


C.  topic