【評論主題】13. 關於行銷管理,下列敘述何者正確?(A) 銷售導向的觀念,易忽略消費者需求,可能導致行銷近視症(B) 目標行銷步驟,依序為目標市場選擇、市場區隔、市場定位(C) 畸零訂價法、炫耀訂價法與差別訂價


A行銷近視症 不適當地把注意力放在產品上或技術上,而不是市場。即致力於生產優質產品,並不斷精益求精,卻不太關心產品在市場是否受歡迎,不關注市場需求變化,過於重視生產,就會忽略行銷。

B 簡稱STP:劃分「市場區隔」(Segmentation)、選擇「目標市場」(Targeting)、確立「定位」(Positioning)

C差別訂價法 不屬於心理定價

【評論主題】12. 按摩椅業者針對 40 歲以上的族群,推出強化腿部揉搓功能之新一代產品,並以重複播放廣告方式進行宣傳。此外,於節慶活動檔期,可至旗艦店、百貨公司、量販店、購物網等通路購買。根據上述情境,下列敘述


l 集中行銷:當廠商得知資源有限,無法在主要市場與其他競爭者抗衡時,可以集中權力爭取一個其他廠商看不上眼的、不想進入的次要市場,所選擇的市場稱為利基市場

l 差異行銷:廠商設計不同的產品及其對應的行銷組合,進入兩個或以上的市場,因此這種又稱為選擇性專業。差異行銷的效用在於能夠針對不同的市場需求,推出不同產品,因此相對於無差異行銷而言,比較能夠激起市場的回應。

【評論主題】14______is the exploration of food as the purpose and destination.(A) Agritourism (B) Culinary touri


(A) Agritourism 農業旅遊(B) Culinary tourism 美食旅遊(C) Geotourism 地質旅遊(D) Nautical tourism 航海旅遊

【評論主題】11 A: May I have your passport and customs______ form, please?B: Sure, here you are. (A) declaration


declaration form 聲明書       旅遊必考單字喔

【評論主題】10 Customs Duty is a tax ______ on imports and exports of goods in accordance with the CustomsImport

【評論內容】貨物關稅是 tax imposed  指必要徵稅

【評論主題】9 Federal law prohibits______any smoke detector installed in any airplane lavatory.(A) disable (B) t

【評論內容】prohibit 接 v-ingprohibit的基本意思是「禁止」,指以法令、條例、規章的形式禁止某事,禁止某人做某事。含有較弱的專橫行使權力的意思,有時則指為了當事人的權益或有條理的秩序而強加的限制。prohibit是及物動詞,接名詞、代詞或動名詞作賓語。

【評論主題】8 Please pay close attention to the safety instructions even if you are a______flyer.(A) consequent


frequent flyer 指飛機常客

【評論主題】7 The amount of alcohol passengers are allowed to carry onto a plane______from country to country.(A


這裡指每個國家對於 攜帶酒類上飛機的規定有很多種

【評論主題】6 If your flight has been canceled by the airline, you are______ to a refund that only applies toser


entitled to 表有權利去...



【評論主題】5 What do we call someone who refrains from consuming meat, eggs, dairy products, and any otheranima




【評論主題】4 Jimmy learns everything so fast! He is indeed a smart ______.(A) cake (B) cookie (C) cracker (D) m


18世紀,cookie單指餅乾,逐漸用來指人。這個短語據推測起初用來形容廚師,Smart用來形容廚師的悟性,表示悟性高。後來,Smart cookie,就用來形容人,表示:聰明、機靈的人。原文網址:https://kknews.cc/education/6l94l2q.html

【評論主題】17. Peter: Let's discuss where to eat with our guests after the meeting. Frank: It's more


【評論主題】24. Chris, remember ___________ the door before you go out.(A) lock (B) locking (C) locked (D) to lo


【評論主題】22. Jack was watching TV when his mom _______home.(A) comes (B) came (C) was coming (D) to come


【評論主題】21. Swimming in the hot summer days ______ fun for me. I can swim in the pool for the whole afternoo

【評論內容】Swimming in the hot ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】19. ______ is important for everyone _________masks when we are in the hospital. Protect ourselves a

【評論內容】句首應接虛主詞It所以前面是 It is........

【評論主題】18. Cindy was reading novels ________. She wasn’t studying.(A) twice a week (B) every night (C) at t


【評論主題】17. Andy __________ playing the guitar after school every day.(A) plans (B) learns (C) would like (D


【評論主題】【題組】40. (A) don’t like (B) aren’t ready for (C) can’t wait for (D) check out



【評論主題】【題組】39. (A) For example (B) What’s important (C) Luckily enough (D) Here you are


【評論主題】Today is __38.__ . It is on December thirtieth, the last day of the lunar calendar. The Brown family




【評論主題】26. A: __________ B: It’s on January first.(A) What day is New Year’s Day? (B) When is your birthday




【評論主題】25. A: I like BTS best (最). They are popular with high school students. __________ B: My favorite is


【評論主題】【題組】49. It’s nine o’clock on Tuesday evening. What’s on TV?(A) Jerry the Bear. (B) Hello Monkey.(C)


【評論主題】E. (48~50)【題組】48. It’s six twenty in the evening. TTV News is on TV.What day is it today?(A)Sunday.


【評論主題】46. Mr. Lin wanted you to call him back ______. He seemed to be very worried.(A)globally (B)immediat

【評論內容】後面一句He seemed to be ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】42. Rita wears a device around her wrist to ______ her heart rate so that she can monitor herhealth

【評論內容】track heart r.....看完...

【評論主題】40. If you ever ______ things such as clothing online, you should be prepared for somedisappointment

【評論內容】(A)recover 復原(B)assi☆☆ ★★........

【評論主題】38. The employee needs to make a few adjustments to the ______ before presenting it to theboss.(A)di

【評論內容】(A)disease 疾病(B)prop☆☆☆☆ ★★★...

【評論主題】36. Due to significant ______ in medical technology over the past few decades, people are ableto sur


【評論主題】35. The movie star's rapid rise to ______ was triggered by an action film that sold very well.(

【評論內容】rise to .....看完整詳...



關鍵字為 「耶誕節」「西洋情人節」 等慶祝活動又比「端午節」「中秋節」等傳統節日更加熱絡

因此(D)青少年在不自覺中認同外來的強勢文化  較符合原因

【評論主題】【題組】5. Where are they going?(A) The next restaurant.(B) A salad stand.(C) A restroom.(D) Home.

【評論內容】最後一行提到Let’s go. We c☆☆ ☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】【B】Andy: Let’s not come to this restaurant again.Julia: Why not? The dumplings were not bad.Andy: A

【評論內容】文中提到However, now we ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】3. What do we know about Bobby?(A) He is the writer’s brother.(B) He lives near Green Park.(C) H

【評論內容】文中提到Bobby loves the ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】2. Which does Bobby like, black tea or green tea?(A) He likes black tea.(B) He likes green tea.(

【評論內容】第三行後面有說He always has ☆☆☆ ...


【評論內容】前面問How much is the p☆☆☆☆?........





【評論主題】【題組】3. (A) traffic (B) gate(C) cheerleader(D) store

【評論內容】單字題(A) traffic  交通(B) ☆☆☆☆  ...

【評論主題】【題組】2. (A) next January(B) three years ago(C) two weeks then(D) six month before

【評論內容】前面問你是籃球選手嗎後會回No,並提到  ...

【評論主題】5.A: The rice was yummy. Do you want some yogurt?I know a nice shop.B: Sure. ______   (A) I always h

【評論內容】B回答sure表示她還想要吃優格I al☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】4.A: Please buy some milk and juice at the shop.B:  ______ A: Oh, yes. We need some noodles, too.(A)

【評論內容】A:請在商店購買一些牛奶和果汁。 B: ...

【評論主題】3.A: This bottle of black tea is for you.B: ______   A: You can share(分享)it with your friends.(A) Th


【評論主題】10. A: Wow! Beef noodles! Can I eat______?B: No, it’s time to sleep. You can’t eat______food.(A) som

【評論內容】我可以吃一點嗎用 Can I eat s☆☆☆?........

【評論主題】9.A:______ Betty and Venus chubby in 2013?B: Well, Betty wasn’t, but Venus was.(A) Was(B) Were(C) Is

【評論內容】chubby 形容人胖胖的文中用過去式問...

【評論主題】8.A: How many______there on the table?B: One, but we need three.(A) eggs; are(B) rice; is(C) glass;

【評論內容】How many 用來表示問可........

【評論主題】7.We need______ for the week.(A) two bottle milk(B) two milk(C) two bottles milk(D) two bottles of m

【評論內容】兩個重點1兩瓶牛奶要加複數S2 bot........

【評論主題】6.Judy was a popular singer twenty years ______.(A) then(B) before(C) ago(D) after


20 years ago 表示20年前

【評論主題】5.A: Hey, Anita. Why are you here?B: I’m here ______ the club meeting.(A) with(B) to(C) of(D) for

【評論內容】I am here for.....看完...

【評論主題】4.A: Where ______you last night?B: In the library.(A) are(B) were(C) do(D) can


【評論主題】3.A: ______ are the blue shoes?B: They are NT$500.(A) How much(B) How many(C) How long (D) How heavy


問多少錢時使用how much

【評論主題】2.A: ______ sport is Emma good at, basketball or tennis?B: Tennis.(A) What(B) Which(C) Who(D) Why

【評論內容】文意為Emma 喜歡basketball ........

【評論主題】【題組】43.(A) killed (B) shot (C) saved (D) attacked


saved her life 救他一命

【評論主題】25. When Dad______free time next weekend, he______us to the zoo. (A) will have; will take (B) has; t

【評論內容】has free time為第三人稱片語★★☆☆ ...

【評論主題】1.It’s 11:00 p.m. He should______to bed now.(A) goes (B) going(C) go (D) is going



【評論主題】17. A: Look! That’s our bus! Let’s hurry.B:             Don’t run so fast (快速地).(A) Let’s stand up.

【評論內容】B:             Don’t ☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】16. A: Your English is so good. B: My mother is from the USA.A: __________(A) How come? (B) By the w


【評論主題】14. A: Hey! That’s my lunch, not your lunch. B: Oops! __________.(A) No, it’s not. (B) I’m sorry. (C


【評論主題】13. A: __________ is the beautiful girl over there? She is so thin.B: She is my brother’s classmate,

【評論內容】Who is the beautiful ☆☆☆☆........

【評論主題】12. A:           are you, boy? Five? B: No, I’m six.(A) How old (B) What (C) How (D) Where


【評論主題】11. A:           is Mr. Koothrappali from? B: India.(A) How (B) What (C) Where (D) Who

【評論內容】A:           is Mr. ...

【評論主題】10. A: Look. The leaves are red.B: Yes, they are beautiful. They are __________.(A) maple leaves (B)


【評論主題】9. It’s cold outside. __________ open the window.(A) Let not (B) Don’t let (C) Let’s not (D) Let’s


【評論主題】8. My pet, Birdy, is .(A) cute a bird (B) so cute bird (C) a bird cute (D) very cute

【評論內容】此題考詞性Birdy, is very........

【評論主題】7. India is famous _____ curry(咖哩).(A) with (B) for (C) from (D) to

【評論內容】片語famous for 因...有名

【評論主題】6. The movie is __________. We are late.(A) start (B) special (C) on (D) popular



The movie is on.

【評論主題】5. Please turn off your cellphones in the __________.(A) factory (B) movie theater (C) song (D) worl


【評論主題】4. Everyone, let’s sit in _________ and wait quietly for the star to come.(A) rule (B) robot (C) sea


【評論主題】3. Don’t leave the _________ in the park. Take it home.(A) trash (B) polar bear (C) twin (D) seat

【評論內容】Don’t leave the _________ ☆☆ ☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】2. Andy is 108 kg. He is too _________.(A) happy (B) heavy (C) thin (D) sorry

【評論內容】前面提到108公斤He is too ........

【評論主題】【題組】48. Emily is enjoying her cake at a cake shop after work. It’s on thecorner of Cookie Street and

【評論內容】文中提到在Cookie Street a☆☆ ☆☆........

【評論主題】32. Many people in Taipei take _____ metro _____ home.(A) a ; X (B) the ; X (C) the ; to (D) a ; to


【評論主題】15. I don’t like the color. Would you show me _______ one?(A) other (B) another (C) the other (D) ot


【評論主題】1. J. K. Rowling is a _________ writer. Her books are bestsellers (暢銷書).(A) quiet (B) smart (C) famo

【評論內容】J. K. Rowling is a _________ ........

【評論主題】Good evening, everyone. You are listening to Shopping on Air. I’m Jay. It’s time for saleagain. The

【評論內容】最後一行有提到 Call 0935-6740551........

【評論主題】10. My cousin, Joe, _________ an English comic book.(A) is reading (B) is studying (C) are reading (


【評論主題】1. Our band needs some new ____ this year. Would you like to join us?(A) waitresses (B) soldiers (C)

【評論內容】最後問到Would you like t☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆...

【評論主題】二、克漏字及閱讀測驗  Dear Anderson,       How are you doing? I miss you so much.       Thanks for making me f
