【評論主題】1.根據特殊教育法(民國 112 年 6 月 21 日),身心障礙學生分為幾類? (A)9 (B)11 (C)13 (D)15

【評論內容】根據特殊教育法 第 3 條 本法所稱身...

【評論主題】13.李生是智力正常、就讀普通班的肌肉萎縮症學生,平常移行須坐輪椅,手部精細動作不佳,書寫速度緩慢且字跡歪斜扭曲。下列哪些是個別化教育計畫應優先考量的項目? 甲、校園的無障礙空間 乙、相關專業團隊評估

【評論內容】李生是智力正常、就讀普通班的肌肉萎縮症學生,平常移行須坐輪椅(甲-校園的無障礙空間),手部精細動作不佳(乙-相關專業團隊評估與介入) ,書寫速度緩慢且字跡歪斜扭曲(丙-提供相關的考試調整服務 )。下列哪些是個別化教育計畫應優先考量的項目?

【評論主題】12.在國小融合教育情境,普通班教師輔導低視能的視障學生,下列哪些措施較為合適? 甲、申請點字教科書 乙、提供延長考試時間 丙、減少戶外活動或課程 丁、安排學伴協助課業學習(A)甲丙 (B)甲丁(C)


【評論主題】126.The most important goal of a marketing campaign is to increase brand _____ of aproduct or servic

【評論內容】The most important goal of a marketing campaign is to increase brand _____ of a product or service.行銷活動最重要的目標是提高產品品牌的_____或服務。 (A) awareness 認知度

【評論主題】122.When shopping online, it is important to provide _____ information during the checkoutprocess, s

【評論內容】When shopping online, it is important to provide _____ information during the checkout process, such as your name, shipping address, and payment details.線上購物時,在結帳過程中提供 _____ 資訊是非常重要的,例如您的姓名、送貨地址還有付款詳細資訊。 (A) relevant 相關的

【評論主題】121.The company offers its employees a _____ benefits package, which includes healthinsurance, paid

【評論內容】The company offers its employees a _____ benefits package, which includes health insurance, paid vacation, and retirement savings plans. 這間公司為他們的員工提供 _____ 福利,其中包括健康保險、留職停薪和退休金計劃。 (A) considerable 相當多的 (B) desirable 令人滿意的 (C) tractable  易處理的 (D) remarkable 卓越的、顯著的

【評論主題】128.Many fast food companies are starting to take steps to reduce their _____ , such asusing more su

【評論內容】【單字題】Many fast food companies are starting to take steps to reduce their _____ , such as using more sustainable packaging and sourcing ingredients locally.(很多速食公司正常是採取減少環境影響的措施,像是使用可持續發展的包裝和購買當地原料)

【評論主題】Part 6 Text CompletionQuestions 131~134 refer to the following instant messaging conversation.Terry:

【評論內容】【單字題】Good morning Paula, I would like to request a personal day off tomorrow. Would that be __131__ ?(Paula早安,我明天想要請假一天,請問是否可行?)(A) feasible 可行的

【評論主題】125.Offering transportation allowances not only helps employees save money but also_____ sustainabil

【評論內容】【文法題- Not only A but also B】Offering transportation allowances not only helps(單數) employees save money but also _____(單數) sustainability by reducing the number of cars on the road.

【評論主題】115.The market _____ wildly throughout the day, causing investors to panic.(A)merged(B)intensified(C

【評論內容】The market _____ wildly throughout the day, causing investors to panic.股票市場一整天瘋狂的波動,導致投資者非常恐慌。【此題為單字題】(A) merged 合併

【評論主題】106. Because of the recent complaints and the negative comments, we are _____ newcustomer service tr

【評論內容】此題為單字題(A) compromi☆☆☆☆ ★★ ...

【評論主題】101. Entering a new market _____ a comprehensive market analysis and understandingcustomer needs.(A)

【評論內容】Entering a new market (主詞,單數) _____(動詞) a comprehensive market analysis and understanding customer needs.【判斷詞性】(A) require 動詞

【評論主題】93. 靜香有中度腦性麻痺,手部動作不靈活,說話也口齒不清,行動上必須倚賴助行器,下列哪一項支持服務是他的個別化教育計畫最不需要考量的項目?(A)復健治療 (B)提供溝通輔具(C)無障礙的環境 (D)

【評論內容】靜香有中度腦性麻痺,手部動作不靈活 (A)復健治療,說話也口齒不清(B)提供溝通輔具,行動上必須倚賴助行器(C)無障礙的環境靜香的個別化教育計畫最不需要考量的項目是 (D)課程教材的簡化,因靜香在智力方面沒有顯著困難,因此學科方面無需進行調整

【評論主題】13.李生是智力正常、就讀普通班的肌肉萎縮症學生,平常移行須坐輪椅,手部精細動作不佳,書寫速度緩慢且字跡歪斜扭曲。下列哪些是個別化教育計畫應優先考量的項目? 甲、校園的無障礙空間 乙、相關專業團隊評估

【評論內容】李生是智力正常、就讀普通班的肌肉萎縮症學生,平常移行須坐輪椅(甲-校園的無障礙空間),手部精細動作不佳(乙-相關專業團隊評估與介入) ,書寫速度緩慢且字跡歪斜扭曲(丙-提供相關的考試調整服務 )。下列哪些是個別化教育計畫應優先考量的項目?

【評論主題】12.在國小融合教育情境,普通班教師輔導低視能的視障學生,下列哪些措施較為合適? 甲、申請點字教科書 乙、提供延長考試時間 丙、減少戶外活動或課程 丁、安排學伴協助課業學習(A)甲丙 (B)甲丁(C)


【評論主題】126.The most important goal of a marketing campaign is to increase brand _____ of aproduct or servic

【評論內容】The most important goal of a marketing campaign is to increase brand _____ of a product or service.行銷活動最重要的目標是提高產品品牌的_____或服務。 (A) awareness 認知度

【評論主題】122.When shopping online, it is important to provide _____ information during the checkoutprocess, s

【評論內容】When shopping online, it is important to provide _____ information during the checkout process, such as your name, shipping address, and payment details.線上購物時,在結帳過程中提供 _____ 資訊是非常重要的,例如您的姓名、送貨地址還有付款詳細資訊。 (A) relevant 相關的

【評論主題】121.The company offers its employees a _____ benefits package, which includes healthinsurance, paid

【評論內容】The company offers its employees a _____ benefits package, which includes health insurance, paid vacation, and retirement savings plans. 這間公司為他們的員工提供 _____ 福利,其中包括健康保險、留職停薪和退休金計劃。 (A) considerable 相當多的 (B) desirable 令人滿意的 (C) tractable  易處理的 (D) remarkable 卓越的、顯著的

【評論主題】Part 6 Text CompletionQuestions 131~134 refer to the following instant messaging conversation.Terry:

【評論內容】【單字題】Good morning Paula, I would like to request a personal day off tomorrow. Would that be __131__ ?(Paula早安,我明天想要請假一天,請問是否可行?)(A) feasible 可行的

【評論主題】128.Many fast food companies are starting to take steps to reduce their _____ , such asusing more su

【評論內容】【單字題】Many fast food companies are starting to take steps to reduce their _____ , such as using more sustainable packaging and sourcing ingredients locally.(很多速食公司正常是採取減少環境影響的措施,像是使用可持續發展的包裝和購買當地原料)

【評論主題】125.Offering transportation allowances not only helps employees save money but also_____ sustainabil

【評論內容】【文法題- Not only A but also B】Offering transportation allowances not only helps(單數) employees save money but also _____(單數) sustainability by reducing the number of cars on the road.

【評論主題】115.The market _____ wildly throughout the day, causing investors to panic.(A)merged(B)intensified(C

【評論內容】The market _____ wildly throughout the day, causing investors to panic.股票市場一整天瘋狂的波動,導致投資者非常恐慌。【此題為單字題】(A) merged 合併

【評論主題】106. Because of the recent complaints and the negative comments, we are _____ newcustomer service tr

【評論內容】此題為單字題(A) compromi☆☆☆☆ ★★ ...

【評論主題】101. Entering a new market _____ a comprehensive market analysis and understandingcustomer needs.(A)

【評論內容】Entering a new market (主詞,單數) _____(動詞) a comprehensive market analysis and understanding customer needs.【判斷詞性】(A) require 動詞


【評論內容】Shirley: How was your date with Sam yesterday?  你昨天和Sam約會的怎麼樣呀? Stella: It can't be________ . I won't go out with him again. 不能再更_______ 了!我不想再跟他出去了!

【評論主題】【題組】3. My dad is a farmer.(A)O(B)X


My dad is a farmer. (我爸爸是農夫)


【評論主題】【題組】2. A: Who’s he?B: He’s my brother.(A)O(B)X


A: Who’s he? (他是誰?)

B: He’s my brother. (他是我哥哥)


【評論主題】三 讀一讀,句子與圖片相符合選O,不符合選X:【題組】1. A: Who’s she?B: She’s my grandma.(A)O(B)X


A: Who’s she?(她是誰?)

B: She’s my grandma.(她是我的祖母)


【評論主題】5.A:_______ B: He’s my grandpa.(A) Is he your grandpa?(B) Who’s he?


A: _______

B: He’s my grandpa.(他是我的祖父)(A) Is he your grandpa?(他是你的祖父嗎?)(B) Who’s he? (他是誰?)

【評論主題】4.A: Is he a farmer?B: No, he isn’t._______(A) He’s a farmer.(B) He’s a teacher.


A: Is he a farmer? (他是農夫嗎)

B: No, he isn’t._______ (不是,他不是。_______ )(A) He’s a farmer.(他是農夫)(B) He’s a teacher.(他是老師)

【評論主題】3.A:_______ B: Yes, she is.(A) Is your sister a doctor?(B) Who’s she?


A: _______

B: Yes, she is. (沒錯,她是)(A) Is your sister a doctor?(你姊姊是醫生嗎?)(B) Who’s she? (她是誰?)

【評論主題】2.A: Who’s she?B:_______ (A) She’s Una.(B) No, she isn’t.


A: Who’s she? (她是誰?)

B: _______(A) She’s Una. (她是Una)

(B) No, she isn’t. (她不是)

【評論主題】四 讀一讀,選出正確的答案: 1.A: Is your brother a student?B:_______ (A) Yes, she is.(B) No, he isn’t.


A: Is your brother a student?

B: _______


(B) No, he isn’t.

【評論主題】12.下圖為中國某個季節的風向圖,下列關於下圖的敘述,何者正確? (A)此時臺灣可能正逢颱風過境(B)此圖的季節為冬季,為主要降雨的季節(C)若要從長江口至東南亞,最好趁此季節出發(D)此時影響中國南






【評論主題】11.下列是中國各地常見的建築形式,請問:何者較不可能出現在乾燥氣候區?(A) (B) (C) (D)



【評論主題】8.下列文句,何者是「有無句」? (A)沒有人喜歡他 (B)交友是一件有益的事 (C)寧可信其有 (D)人與人偶有摩擦。



【評論主題】13. 下列文句「 」中的詞語,何者為偏義複詞的用法?(A) 事有「輕重」緩急,不可本末倒置(B) 有些人就是「黑白」不分,有理說不清(C) 一句真心關懷的話語,往往能夠拉近「彼此」的距離(D) 天有



(A) 事有「輕重」緩急,不可本末倒置→「輕重」皆有其含意(B) 有些人就是「黑白」不分,有理說不清→「黑白」皆有其含意

(C) 一句真心關懷的話語,往往能夠拉近「彼此」的距離(D) 天有不測風雲,人有旦夕「禍福」→偏義複詞,偏向「禍」

【評論主題】【題組】(4)( ) (A) There are two zebras.(B) There are some kangaroos.(C) I see a tiger.(D) I see some el


【評論主題】【題組】5. (A)tree (B) teeth


(A)tree 樹

(☆)☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】4. What time is it?(A) It’s two o’clock.(B) It’s sunny.(C) It’s red.

【評論內容】4. What time is it?(★★★★?)(☆) ...

【評論主題】【題組】5. (A) bedroom(B) living room(C) bathroom(D) study

【評論內容】(A)bedroom 房間(B)livi☆☆ ☆☆☆☆........

















【評論主題】27. 根據科學家的研究,全球暖化將使冰河與兩極冰層融化,並因增溫使海水體積膨脹,海水面將上升並淹沒地勢低窪的海岸地帶,部分國家更有國土被淹沒、領土縮小的危機。請問:下列哪一個國家受此威脅的程度最小?



【評論主題】9. 世界盃足球賽在南非共和國舉辦,當巴西國家代表隊前往當地參賽時,其搭乘的飛機以穿越哪一個海洋的距離最短? (A)大西洋 (B)太平洋 (C)印度洋 (D)北極海。



【評論主題】【題組】18.下列哪一個組織是貿易額最大的區域性經濟體,擁有27個會員國,建立單一市場,也發行共同貨幣?(A)甲 (B)乙 (C)丁 (D)戊


(A)甲 歐盟 發行同一貨幣(歐元)

(B)乙 東南亞國家協會(C)丁 北美自由貿易協議

(D)戊 亞太經濟合作會議