
29.關於含齒囊腫(dentigerous cyst)的敘述,下列何者正確?






【評論內容】(A) The prognosis for most histopathologically diagnosed dentigerous cysts is excellent, with recurrence being a rare finding. 中文補充:經過組織學診斷的含齒囊腫一般預後極佳,甚少復發。(B) Radiographically, the dentigerous cyst presents as a well-defined unilocular radiolucency, often with a sclerotic border. 中文補充:正確,X光片中含齒囊腫呈現單房性之放射線透過性病灶。(C) Large dentigerous cysts may be treated with marsupialization particularly when enucleation and curettage might otherwise result in neurosensory dysfunction or predispose the patient to an increased chance of postoperative pathologic fracture of the mandible. 中文補充:一般含齒囊腫會用enucleation剜出術 + curettage,但若囊腫大小較大,導致術後發生病理性骨折或神經感覺功能異常的機會增加,則會建議使用造袋術 marsupialization。(D) Many dentigerous cysts are small asymptomatic lesions that are discovered ser- endipitously on routine radiographs, although some may grow to considerable size causing bony expansion that is usually painless until secondary infection occurs. 中文補充:很多含齒囊腫並沒有症狀,一般是在例行檢查才會發現到。 額外補充:會合併有其他全身症狀的是odontogenic keratocyst OKC, 通常會伴隨nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (basal cell nevus syndrome, Gorlin’s syndrome),症狀包括併指、眼距過寬、myloma、肋骨分岔、額骨過突、鈣化腦廉等。



【評論內容】(A) The prognosis for most histopathologically diagnosed dentigerous cysts is excellent, with recurrence being a rare finding. 中文補充:經過組織學診斷的含齒囊腫一般預後極佳,甚少復發。(B) Radiographically, the dentigerous cyst presents as a well-defined unilocular radiolucency, often with a sclerotic border. 中文補充:正確,X光片中含齒囊腫呈現單房性之放射線透過性病灶。(C) Large dentigerous cysts may be treated with marsupialization particularly when enucleation and curettage might otherwise result in neurosensory dysfunction or predispose the patient to an increased chance of postoperative pathologic fracture of the mandible. 中文補充:一般含齒囊腫會用enucleation剜出術 + curettage,但若囊腫大小較大,導致術後發生病理性骨折或神經感覺功能異常的機會增加,則會建議使用造袋術 marsupialization。(D) Many dentigerous cysts are small asymptomatic lesions that are discovered ser- endipitously on routine radiographs, although some may grow to considerable size causing bony expansion that is usually painless until secondary infection occurs. 中文補充:很多含齒囊腫並沒有症狀,一般是在例行檢查才會發現到。 額外補充:會合併有其他全身症狀的是odontogenic keratocyst OKC, 通常會伴隨nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (basal cell nevus syndrome, Gorlin’s syndrome),症狀包括併指、眼距過寬、myloma、肋骨分岔、額骨過突、鈣化腦廉等。