
30.關於顎骨發炎性囊腫(inflammatory cyst)的敘述,下列何者錯誤?
(A)殘餘囊腫(residual cyst)屬於發炎性囊腫
(B)牙周囊腫(paradental cyst)屬於發炎性囊腫
(C)根尖囊腫(radicular cyst)屬於發炎性囊腫
(D)是由退化的牙釉質上皮(enamel epithelium)發育而來






【評論內容】(A)(B)(C) 齒源性囊腫可以分為發育性和發炎性兩大類(參考下表),其中B選項的paradental cyst等同發生在第一大臼齒的buccal bifurcation cyst。(D) Epithelium at the apex of a nonvital tooth presumably can be stimulated by inflammation to form a true epithelium-lined cyst, or periapical cyst. The inflammatory response appears to increase the production of keratinocyte growth factor by periodontal stroma cells, leading to increased proliferation of normally quiescent epithelium in the area.中文補充:發炎性囊腫是失活牙根尖的上皮組織受到發炎反應刺激而成的true epithelium-lined cyst或是periapical cyst.



【評論內容】(A)(B)(C) 齒源性囊腫可以分為發育性和發炎性兩大類(參考下表),其中B選項的paradental cyst等同發生在第一大臼齒的buccal bifurcation cyst。(D) Epithelium at the apex of a nonvital tooth presumably can be stimulated by inflammation to form a true epithelium-lined cyst, or periapical cyst. The inflammatory response appears to increase the production of keratinocyte growth factor by periodontal stroma cells, leading to increased proliferation of normally quiescent epithelium in the area.中文補充:發炎性囊腫是失活牙根尖的上皮組織受到發炎反應刺激而成的true epithelium-lined cyst或是periapical cyst.