
Look at your street outside your window. Is it wide? Is it narrow? Read about other streets. Then 39 if youranswer is the same.One street is very wide. It is in Argentina. It is the main street of Buenos Aires. It is 40 9 de Julio Avenue.(Argentina’s birthday is on July 9, 1816.) How wide is this street? It has twelve lanes! It is over 360 feet wide!One street is very narrow. It is in Germany. It is in the city of Reutlingen. Its name is Spreuerhof Street. It41 in 1727. 42 a car nor a bike can go down it. Two people can’t walk 43 at the same time. Somepeople have to turn sideways. Its widest part is twenty inches. Its narrowest part is just twelve inches!






【評論內容】看看您的街道以外的窗口。它是寬?它是窄?閱讀其他街道。然後39,如果你的答案是一樣的。一個街道很寬。這是阿根廷。這是布宜諾斯艾利斯的主要街道。這是40月9日Julio大道。 (阿根廷的生日是7月9日,1816年)有多寬這條路?它有十二道!它是在360英尺寬!一個街道很窄。它是在德國。它是在羅伊特林根市的。它的名字是Spreuerhof街。這411727年42汽車也不是自行車可以下去了。兩個人不能走路43在同一時間。有些人不得不轉向橫盤整理。它的最寬的部分是20英寸。其最窄處正是12英寸!






【評論內容】看看你窗外的街道 是寬 是窄 ?閱覽其他的街道 然後看看你的答案是否一樣


