
The gifts have been unwrapped. The champagne has been drained, and vacation season is over. It’s back to the grind of work, and there’s a whole year ahead of us. Instead of feeling uninspired and bummed about the long stretch before the next holiday season, take some time to refocus your energy at the office. The best way to do this is to set small, accomplishable work goals. For instance, someone who takes on too much responsibility might focus on delegating successfully in the coming year. An employee who is shy in meetings might try to speak out more. Someone who is opinionated might try to be a bit more subdued. Setting these goals is a way to stay engaged and active at work. From there take an annual career physical. Ask yourself: do I get paid enough? Does my work challenge me? Am I learning and contributing? If most of the answers aren’t yes, it might be time to look for a new job. If that’s the case, assess the job possibilities in your area and get to know key players locally in your profession. Looking for a new position might be just what you need. If you don’t need a major career overhaul, look around you. It might sound simple, but one thing that drains employees is a messy desk and office. A cluttered desk will keep your mind cluttered too.
【題組】When is this passage most likely written?
(A)After Thanksgiving
(B)After the New Year
(C)After Easter
(D)After Halloween


統計:A(9),B(32),C(7),D(0),E(0) #




【評論內容】champagne香檳 drained喝乾 grind磨, 研磨; 磨擦聲[U][C]【口】苦差使; 單調的事; 苦學[U][S1] uninspiredKK[͵ʌnɪnˋspaɪrd]DJ[ˋʌninˋspaiəd]Dr.eye 譯典通a.形容詞無靈感的; 不動人的; 平凡的 bumKK[bʌm]a.形容詞劣質的, 無價值的bum cooking 蹩腳的烹調瘸的; 殘疾的; 疼痛的a bum leg 一條瘸腿假的; 錯誤的a bum steer 靠不住的消息 delegateKK[ˋdɛlə͵get]vt.及物動詞委派...為代表委派(某人)做[O2]We have delegated Bill to attend the meeting. 我們已委派比爾參加會議。授(權); 把...委託給[(+to)]The director delegated all the routine work to his executive staff. 主任把日常工作全部交給手下的行政人員去做。 op...



【評論內容】champagne香檳 drained喝乾 grind磨, 研磨; 磨擦聲[U][C]【口】苦差使; 單調的事; 苦學[U][S1] uninspiredKK[͵ʌnɪnˋspaɪrd]DJ[ˋʌninˋspaiəd]Dr.eye 譯典通a.形容詞無靈感的; 不動人的; 平凡的 bumKK[bʌm]a.形容詞劣質的, 無價值的bum cooking 蹩腳的烹調瘸的; 殘疾的; 疼痛的a bum leg 一條瘸腿假的; 錯誤的a bum steer 靠不住的消息 delegateKK[ˋdɛlə͵get]vt.及物動詞委派...為代表委派(某人)做[O2]We have delegated Bill to attend the meeting. 我們已委派比爾參加會議。授(權); 把...委託給[(+to)]The director delegated all the routine work to his executive staff. 主任把日常工作全部交給手下的行政人員去做。 op...

【用戶】骨頭(警 上榜)


【評論內容】復活節(拉丁語:Pascha)又稱主復活日,是基督宗教的重要節日之一,最初定在猶太人逾越節之後 ... 现在公认的理论认为,Easter 一词与德语Oster, 荷兰语ooster 等词同源,来自于古英国女神Ēostre。

【用戶】骨頭(警 上榜)


【評論內容】The gifts have been unwrapped打開;拆開. The champagne has been drained放乾(液體), 喝光,喝完, and vacation season is over. It’s back to the grind令人厭倦的苦事,苦差事 of work, and there’s a whole year ahead of前面 us.Instead of feeling uninspired不精彩的;乏善可陳的 and bummed不高興的;煩惱 about the long stretch伸展, 伸出 before the next holiday season, take some time to refocus your energy at the office. The best way to do this is to set small, accomplishable可達成 work goals. For instance, someone who takes on too much responsibility might focus on delegating(尤指會議的)代表 ...



【評論內容】champagne香檳 drained喝乾 grind磨, 研磨; 磨擦聲[U][C]【口】苦差使; 單調的事; 苦學[U][S1] uninspiredKK[͵ʌnɪnˋspaɪrd]DJ[ˋʌninˋspaiəd]Dr.eye 譯典通a.形容詞無靈感的; 不動人的; 平凡的 bumKK[bʌm]a.形容詞劣質的, 無價值的bum cooking 蹩腳的烹調瘸的; 殘疾的; 疼痛的a bum leg 一條瘸腿假的; 錯誤的a bum steer 靠不住的消息 delegateKK[ˋdɛlə͵get]vt.及物動詞委派...為代表委派(某人)做[O2]We have delegated Bill to attend the meeting. 我們已委派比爾參加會議。授(權); 把...委託給[(+to)]The director delegated all the routine work to his executive staff. 主任把日常工作全部交給手下的行政人員去做。 op...



【評論內容】復活節(拉丁語:Pascha)又稱主復活日,是基督宗教的重要節日之一,最初定在猶太人逾越節之後 ... 现在公认的理论认为,Easter 一词与德语Oster, 荷兰语ooster 等词同源,来自于古英国女神Ēostre。



【評論內容】The gifts have been unwrapped打開;拆開. The champagne has been drained放乾(液體), 喝光,喝完, and vacation season is over. It’s back to the grind令人厭倦的苦事,苦差事 of work, and there’s a whole year ahead of前面 us.Instead of feeling uninspired不精彩的;乏善可陳的 and bummed不高興的;煩惱 about the long stretch伸展, 伸出 before the next holiday season, take some time to refocus your energy at the office. The best way to do this is to set small, accomplishable可達成 work goals. For instance, someone who takes on too much responsibility might focus on delegating(尤指會議的)代表 ...