
四、好氧、缺氧及厭氧生物分解在電子接受者、能量產生方式、最終產物及ATP 產生數目等方面有何不同,請說明之。(20 分)


統計:A(421),B(97),C(200),D(164),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:grin 、經濟部辦理台電公司及中油公司95 年度新進職員甄試試題、101年公務人員特種考試司法人員三等




【評論內容】Of all the different topics of controversy, from religion to the environment, nothing appears to get people so inflamed as the topic of politics. 所有不同主題的爭論,從宗教內容到環境周遭,會出現什麼政治話題讓人們如此重視的。









【評論內容】Of all the different topics of controversy, from religion to the environment, nothing appears to get people so inflamed as the topic of politics. 所有不同主題的爭論,從宗教內容到環境周遭,會出現什麼政治話題讓人們如此重視的。









【評論內容】Of all the different topics of controversy, from religion to the environment, nothing appears to get people so inflamed as the topic of politics. 所有不同主題的爭論,從宗教內容到環境周遭,會出現什麼政治話題讓人們如此重視的。









【評論內容】Of all the different topics of controversy, from religion to the environment, nothing appears to get people so inflamed as the topic of politics. 所有不同主題的爭論,從宗教內容到環境周遭,會出現什麼政治話題讓人們如此重視的。









【評論內容】Of all the different topics of controversy, from religion to the environment, nothing appears to get people so inflamed as the topic of politics. 所有不同主題的爭論,從宗教內容到環境周遭,會出現什麼政治話題讓人們如此重視的。









【評論內容】Of all the different topics of controversy, from religion to the environment, nothing appears to get people so inflamed as the topic of politics. 所有不同主題的爭論,從宗教內容到環境周遭,會出現什麼政治話題讓人們如此重視的。





