
IV. 閱讀測驗
      A good resume can make a good first impression. It is like a photo in that it can introduce you to your potential boss. The following is a list of tips on how to write resumes. First, keep your resume simple and easy to read.
      Second, make sure the resume is error-free. Third, do not be humble. Your boss would like to know how great you are. Fourth, be honest. Do not lie in your resume since it will become part of your personal record. The following is a list of mistakes to avoid. First, do not include information that is not related to* the job. A resume is an advertisement of your skills and experience. It should make people think, “This is the person I am looking for.” Second, do not use a confusing format*. Employers may only have twenty seconds to read your resume. Third, avoid typos* and other errors in your writing. People may think, “A person who expresses himself this poorly on paper will likely be a poor worker.”

*be related to… 與……相關 *format n. [C] 格式 *typo n. [C] 打字錯誤
【題組】1.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) Examples of Good Resumes
(B) Tips for Writing Resumes
(C) Writing Resumes Online
(D) The Impression a Resume Leaves






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