
(A) buy
(B) choose
(C) pay
(D) work


統計:A(100),B(275),C(2365),D(65),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:中華郵政股份有限公司 101 年從業人員甄試試題


【用戶】Taickbin Chi


【評論內容】16.There are two reasons I don’t have a credit card. The first reason is that using a piece of plastic instead of _____41_____ makes it too easy for me to buy things I can’t afford._____42_____ , last week I saw a $75.00 pair of pink shoes in my favorite shoe store. Of course, I don’t need pink shoes,_____43_____ can I afford them. With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to _____44_____ for them. The second reason I don’t have a credit card is that I would end up in _____45_____ like my friend Sara, the Shopaholic, who got a credit card last year ...



【評論內容】With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to _____44_____ for them.



【評論內容】With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to __44__ for them. (然而,有了信用卡,現在我可能擁有那雙鞋但卻要擔心該如何支付。)44. (A) buy 買 (B) choose 選擇 (C) pay 支付 (D) work 運用

【用戶】Taickbin Chi


【評論內容】16.There are two reasons I don’t have a credit card. The first reason is that using a piece of plastic instead of _____41_____ makes it too easy for me to buy things I can’t afford._____42_____ , last week I saw a $75.00 pair of pink shoes in my favorite shoe store. Of course, I don’t need pink shoes,_____43_____ can I afford them. With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to _____44_____ for them. The second reason I don’t have a credit card is that I would end up in _____45_____ like my friend Sara, the Shopaholic, who got a credit card last year ...



【評論內容】With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to _____44_____ for them.

【用戶】Taickbin Chi


【評論內容】16.There are two reasons I don’t have a credit card. The first reason is that using a piece of plastic instead of _____41_____ makes it too easy for me to buy things I can’t afford._____42_____ , last week I saw a $75.00 pair of pink shoes in my favorite shoe store. Of course, I don’t need pink shoes,_____43_____ can I afford them. With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to _____44_____ for them. The second reason I don’t have a credit card is that I would end up in _____45_____ like my friend Sara, the Shopaholic, who got a credit card last year ...



【評論內容】With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to _____44_____ for them.



【評論內容】With a credit card, ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆, ☆ ...



【評論內容】With a credit card, ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆, ☆ ...

【用戶】Taickbin Chi


【評論內容】16.There are two reasons I don’t have a credit card. The first reason is that using a piece of plastic instead of _____41_____ makes it too easy for me to buy things I can’t afford._____42_____ , last week I saw a $75.00 pair of pink shoes in my favorite shoe store. Of course, I don’t need pink shoes,_____43_____ can I afford them. With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to _____44_____ for them. The second reason I don’t have a credit card is that I would end up in _____45_____ like my friend Sara, the Shopaholic, who got a credit card last year ...



【評論內容】With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to _____44_____ for them.