
(A) army
(B) debt
(C) fashion
(D) success


統計:A(62),B(2289),C(119),D(100),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:Building Guanxi、中華郵政股份有限公司 101 年從業人員甄試試題


【用戶】Alice Yeh


【評論內容】shopaholic (n.) 購物狂



【評論內容】原文:The second reason I don't have a credit card is that I would end up in debt like my friend Sara, the Shopaholic, who got a credit card last year and already owes $4,000.翻譯:我沒有信用卡的第二個原因是,我最終會像我的朋友薩拉一樣欠債,他去年拿到了一張信用卡,現在欠款4000美元。



【評論內容】The second reason I don’t have a credit card is that I would end up in __45__ like my friend Sara, the Shopaholic, who got a credit card last year and already owes $4,000. (第二個我沒有信用卡的原因是我可能最後會像我的購物狂朋友莎拉一樣落得一身債,她在去年辦了一張信用卡,目前已經欠下4000元的債務。)45. (A) army 軍隊(B) debt  負債 (C) fashion 流行 (D) success 成功* end up in ⋯ 最終⋯



【評論內容】army 軍隊 debt債務 fas.....看完整詳解

【用戶】Alice Yeh


【評論內容】shopaholic (n.) 購物狂



【評論內容】原文:The second reason I don't have a credit card is that I would end up in debt like my friend Sara, the Shopaholic, who got a credit card last year and already owes $4,000.翻譯:我沒有信用卡的第二個原因是,我最終會像我的朋友薩拉一樣欠債,他去年拿到了一張信用卡,現在欠款4000美元。

【用戶】Alice Yeh


【評論內容】shopaholic (n.) 購物狂



【評論內容】原文:The second reason I don't have a credit card is that I would end up in debt like my friend Sara, the Shopaholic, who got a credit card last year and already owes $4,000.翻譯:我沒有信用卡的第二個原因是,我最終會像我的朋友薩拉一樣欠債,他去年拿到了一張信用卡,現在欠款4000美元。



【評論內容】The second reason ☆ ☆☆☆’☆ ☆☆☆☆...