
五、克漏字選擇 (每題2分,共20分)(依據文意於第36-38題填入合適句子的代號A、B 、C或D) 
(A) However, almost all the people died or became zombies before the train got to Busan. 
(B) When the train started moving, a young woman with a bite wound (傷口) on her leg jumped on the train. 
(C) A lot of people turned into zombies after the woman attacked them. 
(D) Though Busan was far away from their home, they never gave up.                                         Train to Busan Su-an, a ten-year-old girl, wanted to go to Busan to see her mother, so her father, Seok-woo,took her to Busan by train.  (36)  Soon she became a zombie and began attacking people. (37)  Seok-woo, Su-an, Sang-hwa and his wife, Seong-kyeong, and many other peopleon the train tried hard to fight the zombies or hide from them.  (38)  Only two of them arrivedin Busan safely; they were Su-an and Seong-kyeong.

