
二、克漏字 (共15分,每題1分) A.We can’t live without friends. However, friends won’t just come if you don’t make any __11__. When it comes to __12__ old friendships and starting new ones, remember that making friends can be a lot like making soup. It __13__ time and patience to develop a delicious friendship. There are many things that you need in this special recipe for friendship soup. If you want to enjoy a __14__ friendship with another person, just follow the recipe. Prepare all the things __15__, and cook them with care and patience. You’ll __16__ friendship soup tasty.  In this recipe, first, you need to wear a smile on your face to make friends with another person. A warm smile can make people close. It also helps to make a good first __17__ on others. Next, __18__ similar interests and trust is important. You will have a good time doing all the things that you and your friends are fond __19___ together. In addition, when you __20__ problems, you could always turn to your friends for help. You will never get bored with your friends. The friendship between you and your friends will become closer when you make efforts to keep it instead of leaving it unattended.
(A) effort
(B) mix
(C) stove
(D) poem






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...