
     Ben enjoyed meeting new people. He could always make good conversations (對話) with everyone, even a stranger. People thought his outgoing personality was one of his strengths (長處), even if he sometimes talked a little too much. Because of his nature, he was chosen as a guide for the freshmen (新生). A guide had to show the freshmen around the school during their first few days. Also, helping freshmen out and making them feel comfortable in the school were part of a guide’s job.
     On the first day of the new semester, Ben met a new student named Andrew. Andrew felt worried because he did not know anyone in the school. He wondered whether he would fit in. However, when Ben approached him with a warm smile and said hello to him, Andrew felt better. After a short talk with Andrew, Ben learned that Andrew played the violin and enjoyed watching baseball games. Thus, Ben introduced the school music club and showed Andrew the baseball field. At the end of the day, Andrew said, “I’m very thankful for your help, Ben. Because of you, I had a wonderful first day!”
【題組】36. An outgoing person is someone who ________.
(A) is in his or her first year of school
(B) uses his or her strengths to hurt others
(C) always feels worried about something
(D) is friendly and likes to meet new people

