
三、克漏字選擇:選出最適當的答案       Moore, Porter, and I were classmates __36.__. We were in the same class at elementary school. We playeddodgeball almost every day. We also played it on weekends. We all wanted to join the school dodgeball team.__37.__, I couldn’t join the team. __38.__ Only Porter and Moore were good enough to join it finally. I __39.__ onbadminton team then. But we still played dodgeball together when we were free. __40.__ I’m tall. And I’m abasketball player. Though Moore, Porter, and I are busy, we play basketball in our free time.
【題組】35. Choose the right one.
(A) Logan bought lots of juice tonight.
(B) Logan ate too many yogurt tonight.
(C) Logan talked a lot of today.
(D) Logan has little friends in the USA.






【評論內容】(A) Logan bought lots of juice tonight.(B) Logan ate too much yogurt tonight.(C) Logan talked a lot of today.(D) Logan has few friends in the USA.