
47.下列有關Fisher subsieve sizer之敘述,何者錯誤?






【評論內容】Fisher subsieve sizer 氣體穿透法Air permeability  測粒子的表面積B. E. T. equation         氣體吸附法Air adsorption     測容積表面平均粒徑



【評論內容】A fisher sub sieve sizer uses air permeability method to measure the surface area of powders. But it does not stop at surface area. Calculated by equation, we got average particle size of such powder. A) is right, B) is wrong, cause it uses air permeability mehtod, C) is right  casue by such principle a constant air pressure is a must, i.e. 50 cm water pressure, D) is also right cause before passing through the compact sample zone, the air must be dried by drier. Such machine is first made by Fisher Scientific in USA and now the most popular fisher sub sieve sizer is HMK-22 Fisher Sub Sieve S...



【評論內容】粒子測量:過篩法(Sieving):平均粒徑顯微鏡法:投影粒徑沉降法(Sedimentation):史克當量粒徑(stokes diameter)柯特計數(Coulter Counters):體積、容積直徑(volume diameter)氣體穿透(Air permeability;Fisher subsieve sizer):比表面積氣體吸附(Air absorption;BET equation):容積表面平均粒徑






【評論內容】Fisher subsieve sizer 氣體穿透法Air permeability  測粒子的表面積B. .....看完整詳解









【評論內容】康特計數器(Coulter Counter)→利用質粒表面帶電荷,測得數量體積、容積直徑