
Back in the 15th century, just a short distance away from the city of Frankfurt, Germany, Johannes Gutenberg changed the literary world forever. He invented the printing press, thus opening the door to a world in which books could finally be mass produced. Not long after the invention of the printing press, local booksellers organized the first book fair in Frankfurt, and it remained the most important book fair in the world until the end of the 17th century. It was then that the Leipzig Book Fair overtook its Frankfurt counterpart in popularity, but Frankfurt would take center stage once again following WWII,and it has kept its top position ever since. Today, the Frankfurt Book Fair draws hundreds of thousands of people from over 100 countries to its grounds each year. For publishing companies launching new books, those looking to negotiate the international sale of rights and licenses, and anyone wishing to find out more about the publishing market, the Frankfurt Book Fair is a can,t-miss event. Featuring approximately 7,500 exhibitors from every part of the publishing and media industries, it’s a one-stop source for all things related to the written word. Besides, the Frankfurt Book Fair is about much more than books; it also draws people working in the media and entertainment fields with its digital initiative, Frankfort SPARKS. This is where technology innovators discuss new ways of doing business in the Information Age, and where exciting new business partnerships in music, video games, and social media are bom. Every year, the Frankfurt Book Fair chooses a guest of honor^a different country to be flie focus of the festival. In 2011, under the banner of “Fabulous Iceland,” visitors learned more about the country through book reading, film, music, and other art. Bookworms the world over shouldn’t miss the year’s fair, which takes place from October 12th to 16th.
【題組】46. Which of the following statements about the Frankfurt Book Fair is NOT true?
(A)It brings people from over 100 nations together in one place.
(B)It is one of the oldest book fairs in the world.
(C)It has always been the most important book feir on the planet.
(D)It is one of the biggest gatherings of the year for the publishing industry.

