
【題組】55. Based on the information in this passage, it can be inferred that
(A) in switching, both speakers are on the same level of the shared languages.
(B) every Singaporean can speak three languages or even more.
(C) the misuse of the plural in Asian Englishes is considered not standard at present.
(D) unstable forms of switching are fully accepted variants in Outer Circle communities.






【評論內容】(C)不正確吧??The misuse of the plural in Asian English is not standard at present?現在比較能接受亞洲英文多元的講法吧??(D)較為正確才對。



【評論內容】答案應該是C沒錯喔 雖然我做題目的時候想法跟你一樣(C) 文章第二段倒數1-2句: As things stand at present, however, this use (or not) of the plural is not standard, and constitutes switching or cross-code interference.(D) 文章第一段倒數3-4句: Such inter-languagenswitching is endemic, creative and popular in many of the Outer Circle communities like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. 比較(C)選項是unstable forms