
20. My application was holding ____ by the postal strike.
(A) on
(B) up
(C) off
(D) in




【用戶】Martin Chau


【評論內容】holding up 耽誤。



【評論內容】My application was holding up by the postal strike.由於郵局罷工,我的申請被延誤了"hold up":表示阻礙、延誤或使某物停滯不前。例如:"The traffic accident held up the flow of cars on the highway.""hold on":表示等待或保持現狀。可以用於請求別人等待一下,或表示堅持不放手。例如:"Hold on, I'll be right back."(等一下,我馬上回來。)"hold off":表示延遲或推遲某事物的發生。通常用於表示拖延行動、推遲行程或暫時不進行某事。例如:"We decided to hold off on making a decision until we have more information.""hold in":表示抑制、克制或控制某物。可以用於抑制情感、忍住笑或抑制行為。例如:"He managed to hold in his anger and remained calm."

【用戶】Martin Chau


【評論內容】holding up 耽誤。



【評論內容】My application was holding up by the postal strike.由於郵局罷工,我的申請被延誤了"hold up":表示阻礙、延誤或使某物停滯不前。例如:"The traffic accident held up the flow of cars on the highway.""hold on":表示等待或保持現狀。可以用於請求別人等待一下,或表示堅持不放手。例如:"Hold on, I'll be right back."(等一下,我馬上回來。)"hold off":表示延遲或推遲某事物的發生。通常用於表示拖延行動、推遲行程或暫時不進行某事。例如:"We decided to hold off on making a decision until we have more information.""hold in":表示抑制、克制或控制某物。可以用於抑制情感、忍住笑或抑制行為。例如:"He managed to hold in his anger and remained calm."