
【題組】47 What do “phishing” and “fishing” have in common?
(A) They both use bait to lure prey.
(B) They both have 5 percent chance of success.
(C) They both need extreme patience.
(D) They both make money from the Internet.




【用戶】Jill Chen


【評論內容】bait (n.) 餌He lured her with the bait of a good job. 他以給一份好差使引誘她。prey(n.)1.被捕食的動物2.犧牲者

【用戶】Jill Chen


【評論內容】bait (n.) 餌He lured her with the bait of a good job. 他以給一份好差使引誘她。prey(n.)1.被捕食的動物2.犧牲者



【評論內容】There is a new kind of scam欺詐 called “phishing網路釣魚,” which has plagued不斷困擾;折磨 the Internet. Phishing sounds the same as the word “fishing,” and it implies暗指,暗示 a thief is trying to lure誘惑, 魚餌 people into giving away valuable information. Like real fishermen, phishers use bait餌 in the form of形式 fake emails and false websites to con騙 people into revealing透露內情 credit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate模仿,仿效 well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may convince說服 as many as 5 percent...



【評論內容】What do “phishing” and “fishing” have in common? (A) They both use bait to lure餌 prey獵物. (B) They both have 5 percent chance of success. (C) They both need extreme patience. (D) They both make money from the Internet.