
Sean was nine years old. He got the pocket money from his mother every week, but he wasted most of the money on computer games, toys, or something he didn’t really need. One day, his mother gave him a notebook and asked him to write down the things he bought and also the price of it. “Then, you can look at it again when your money’s all gone, and you won’t waste so much money next time.”  After a week, Sean said to his mother, “Mommy, now I really stop and think before I spend any money. Do you know why?” His mother was very happy. She thought Sean really learned something from taking notes. But she wasn’t so happy when she heard Sean said, “Before I buy anything, I always ask myself. Am I going to be able to spell that in my notebook?”  pocket口袋 waste浪費 gone不見 able能夠的
【題組】53. Which is true?
(A)Sean really hated the notebook his mom gave him.
(B)Sean’s mom gave him pocket money once a week.
(C)Sean was really good at spelling and taking notes.
(D)Sean began to think carefully before he spent money.

