
C. 克漏字選擇 6%         If you sail between Hawaii and California, you’ll find a big part of the ocean, as big as Africa, covered with garbage. Most of the trash comes from the land, by wind or by water, and some is thrown straight into the sea. Most of the trash is plastic: plastic bags, plastic cans, plastic cups, and a lot more.      1   ? Some just stays in the sea, some is washed onto the beaches, and, worst of all, some   2  . Many seabirds and sea animals die in the sea because they eat the trash. Those lucky ones can live until someday show out on our dinner plate. Everything we throw away will   3   .  Keep in mind what happens to trash, and you may think twice before you throw anything away. *sail 航行 plate 盤子 another 另一 arrive 到達 bottom 底部 sigh 嘆息
(A)Where does the trash go
(B)How do we deal with the trash
(C)Where does the trash come from
(D)How does the trash arrive in the sea

