
31 Do not open any message with an attachment entitled “POSTCARD,”______ whoever sent it to you. It is a viruswhich opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which “burns” the whole hard disc C of your computer.
(A) instead of
(B) in relation to
(C) regardless of
(D) in terms of









【評論內容】★補充選項用法:(A) instead of 而不是;並非☛ 介係詞,後面接名詞或動名詞!!注意,後面不可接原形動詞!遇到動詞要轉為動名詞Ving。例句:My sister advised me to walk instead of taking a taxi.(我的姐姐建議我走路取代搭計程車。)(B) in relation to 和…有關(C) regardless of 不論如何① regardless of + N 例句:Regardless of the weather, we are going on our hike.(不管天氣如何,我們都會去健行。)②regardless of + 6W子句 例句:He refused to listen to my advice, regardless of how much I tried to explain.(不管我怎麼解釋,他都拒絕聽我的建議。)☛本題用法在此「whoever sent it to you. 」(D) ...






【評論內容】★補充選項用法:(A) instead of 而不是;並非☛ 介係詞,後面接名詞或動名詞!!注意,後面不可接原形動詞!遇到動詞要轉為動名詞Ving。例句:My sister advised me to walk instead of taking a taxi.(我的姐姐建議我走路取代搭計程車。)(B) in relation to 和…有關(C) regardless of 不論如何① regardless of + N 例句:Regardless of the weather, we are going on our hike.(不管天氣如何,我們都會去健行。)②regardless of + 6W子句 例句:He refused to listen to my advice, regardless of how much I tried to explain.(不管我怎麼解釋,他都拒絕聽我的建議。)☛本題用法在此「whoever sent it to you. 」(D) ...






【評論內容】★補充選項用法:(A) instead of 而不是;並非☛ 介係詞,後面接名詞或動名詞!!注意,後面不可接原形動詞!遇到動詞要轉為動名詞Ving。例句:My sister advised me to walk instead of taking a taxi.(我的姐姐建議我走路取代搭計程車。)(B) in relation to 和…有關(C) regardless of 不論如何① regardless of + N 例句:Regardless of the weather, we are going on our hike.(不管天氣如何,我們都會去健行。)②regardless of + 6W子句 例句:He refused to listen to my advice, regardless of how much I tried to explain.(不管我怎麼解釋,他都拒絕聽我的建議。)☛本題用法在此「whoever sent it to you. 」(D) ...



【評論內容】不要打開任何帶有標題為“明信片”的附件的郵件,無論是誰發給您的。它是一種打開 A POSTCARD IMAGE 的病毒,它會“燒毀”您計算機的整個硬盤 C。(google翻譯) (A) instead .....看完整詳解



【評論內容】★補充選項用法:(A) instead of 而不是;並非☛ 介係詞,後面接名詞或動名詞!!注意,後面不可接原形動詞!遇到動詞要轉為動名詞Ving。例句:My sister advised me to walk instead of taking a taxi.(我的姐姐建議我走路取代搭計程車。)(B) in relation to 和…有關(C) regardless of 不論如何① regardless of + N 例句:Regardless of the weather, we are going on our hike.(不管天氣如何,我們都會去健行。)②regardless of + 6W子句 例句:He refused to listen to my advice, regardless of how much I tried to explain.(不管我怎麼解釋,他都拒絕聽我的建議。)☛本題用法在此「whoever sent it to you. 」(D) ...









【評論內容】★補充選項用法:(A) instead of 而不是;並非☛ 介係詞,後面接名詞或動名詞!!注意,後面不可接原形動詞!遇到動詞要轉為動名詞Ving。例句:My sister advised me to walk instead of taking a taxi.(我的姐姐建議我走路取代搭計程車。)(B) in relation to 和…有關(C) regardless of 不論如何① regardless of + N 例句:Regardless of the weather, we are going on our hike.(不管天氣如何,我們都會去健行。)②regardless of + 6W子句 例句:He refused to listen to my advice, regardless of how much I tried to explain.(不管我怎麼解釋,他都拒絕聽我的建議。)☛本題用法在此「whoever sent it to you. 」(D) ...